Inquiries and Impeachment of Trump

lustylad's Avatar
What is foreign aid - but a reward to a country to adjust their behavior towards their people consonant with American values of freedom and democracy????
Every POTUS who has presided over foreign aid awards, and every Congress approving a budget including foreign aid, had done the same "quid pro quo" to foreign countries to change their behavior (with often poor success) that the DPST's are accusing Trump of doing - and they hypocritically support foreign aid to some of the worst actors on the planet in the name of "Diversity".
It is just a ploy of the DPST House - which has been planning impeachment since the day after the election of Nov 2016. Originally Posted by oeb11

Oh, dear! Was it "bribery" and "extortion" when we told Pakistan they had to go after al Queda in their northwest provinces or else we would stop sending them $1.2 billion a year in military assistance?

Was it "bribery" and "extortion" when we told Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras they had to stop sending caravans of illegals to our southern border or else we would terminate our foreign aid programs?

It happens ALL THE TIME in our conduct of foreign policy, under Republican and Democratic administrations alike.

not the same thing.. Trump acted for the express purpose of obtaining dirt on his political opponent.. you know that. why try to spin this? Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Then your issue isn't with the alleged quid pro quo in this case, is it? Your issue is with the alleged purpose. So stop being disingenuous and trying to spin it as "bribery" or "extortion", ok?
lustylad's Avatar
You are going to make yourself look stupid.

They had already adjusted their behavior according to our military. Trump wanted them to investigate the Biden's for his own political gain.

You might want to read up on the facts. Originally Posted by WTF

You might want to take your own advice.

Show me a link that says "our military" determined Ukraine has suddenly become corruption-free lol.

Every government in Kiev has taken office promising to end corruption, and every one of them has been voted or forced out of office under a stinking heap of their own corruption.
lustylad's Avatar
I'm irritated that the Republicans didn't care about Biden's possible corruption, until Trump called for a tit-for-tat when the heat was directed his way. like this Horowitz report.. a tit-for-tat that was only drummed up in response to the Impeachment Hearings. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Once again you're full of shit. The Republicans have always cared about the Biden corruption, why wouldn't they? The details didn't dribble out and become public until early this year. Republicans were frustrated because the mainstream media has been trying to sweep the story under the rug. Now that that's no longer possible, the MSM is in overdrive ludicrously claiming the Bidens did nothing wrong lol.

Oh, and the Horowitz report has been in the works for over a year now. You have everything backwards. This impeachment sham is a tit-for-tat that the dim-retards have hastily drummed up in response to the impending Horowitz report and the likely Durham indictments.
It is just a ploy of the the DPST House - which has been planning impeachment since the day after the election of Nov 2016.

. Originally Posted by oeb11
the dimocrats have offered up articles of impeachment against every single republican president elected since eisenhower
Jaxson66's Avatar
the dimocrats have offered up articles of impeachment against every single republican president elected since eisenhower Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Bullshit, name them!
Bullshit, name them! Originally Posted by Jaxson66
cant you name them?
lustylad's Avatar
I be (sic) been angry since the day I was born. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
We're sorry to hear that, jax. It must suck to be you!
Chung Tran's Avatar
Once again you're full of shit. The Republicans have always cared about the Biden corruption, why wouldn't they? The details didn't dribble out and become public until early this year. Republicans were frustrated because the mainstream media has been trying to sweep the story under the rug.

they let the mainstream media decide what is an important issue for them? got it

Oh, and the Horowitz report has been in the works for over a year now. You have everything backwards. This impeachment sham is a tit-for-tat that the dim-retards have hastily drummed up in response to the impending Horowitz report and the likely Durham indictments. Originally Posted by lustylad
over a year?? what is taking so long? I guess I didn't hear until recently, since the mainstream media didn't report anything, LOL
Republicans were frustrated because the mainstream media has been trying to sweep the story under the rug. Now that that's no longer possible, the MSM is in overdrive ludicrously claiming the Bidens did nothing wrong lol.

. Originally Posted by lustylad
what is the mantra all the dim praetorian guard main stream media repeats?

oh yeah


only problem is not one of them has ever looked into it
Chung Tran's Avatar
what is the mantra all the dim praetorian guard main stream media repeats?

oh yeah


only problem is not one of them has ever looked into it Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
you guys keep spinning.. you keep saying that the Deep State is after Trump, and the Bidens did quid pro quo.. maybe both are true, but that does not acquit Trump. why don't you defend him on merit (and saying he was calling for "justice" for Biden's deal is Horseshit.. you know it)?

you thought that shit up after the phone call was shown to be not perfect.. you guys got in a room to figure out talking points that you leaked to Democrats.. Hannity, Ingram, and the rest read from the script y'all handed out, LOL
you guys keep spinning.. you keep saying that the Deep State is after Trump, and the Bidens did quid pro quo.. maybe both are true, but that does not acquit Trump. why don't you defend him on merit (and saying he was calling for "justice" for Biden's deal is Horseshit.. you know it)?

you thought that shit up after the phone call was shown to be not perfect.. you guys got in a room to figure out talking points that you leaked to Democrats.. Hannity, Ingram, and the rest read from the script y'all handed out, LOL Originally Posted by Chung Tran
hey I cant help it if the dim media quotes each other as their proof text

its like how the fbi planted a story so they could use it to backup their fisa warrant
lustylad's Avatar
And then there's this....

As we all know, the rule to keep in mind here is:


Except it's only a crime when the other guy does it!

Bribery! Extortion! Shakedown!

It's our solemn duty to impeach the POTUS over behavior we engage in every day and twice on Sundays!

Chung Tran's Avatar

As we all know, the rule to keep in mind here is:


Except it's only a crime when the other guy does it!
Originally Posted by lustylad
go after them, then. don't use it as your basis to absolve your Boy.. that is kid's stuff, to blame shit on other people.
  • oeb11
  • 11-12-2019, 11:59 AM
CT- That is Ignoring the hypocrisy of the DPST's.
Chung Tran's Avatar
CT- That is Ignoring the hypocrisy of the DPST's. Originally Posted by oeb11
it's not though.. of course the left-leaning media is hypocritical, they wanted Trump out on day one. but they are not President, Trump is the guy who fucked the Constitution, looking for dirt on Biden, getting "America's Mayor" () to wage a shadow foreign policy.

but just because the Media is slanted and nasty, doesn't mean Trump is not a Constitution-fucking Rouge.