Over/under on when Dorthy Monroe will be back sucking cock for money

YummieMarie.... wow you sure made an ass out of me. What will I do next? Come out of the closet as a secret gay catcher?

Anyhow.. did you not catch the reverse part of the gangbang?

And sadly the logic doesn't work well. But nice try. Better luck next time.

Hey but anything to make Dorfy laugh, am I right? You're queer for Dorfy, we all know and it shows. Originally Posted by A2theb2thec
True story: the most recent request I received for a reverse gangbang involved a bunch of ladies with strap-ons and one very eager submissive/bottom male, so yes, that is exactly where my brain went.

Heh..."queer..." I think I'll go nurse my butt-hurt for a few moments before posting a troll-induced farewell threAd.

Dorfy is one of those people you either love or hate. You've clearly stated where you stand, don't get upset if her friends stick up for her when you come in blindly insulting her.
Blindly I mean, you attacked her from multiple directions not informed of any. Strategically, you've created you're own demise.
Good luck with that.
Dorfy needs no WKs, she fights her own battles. If you've noticed she more often than not comes out on top by days end. This saga should have an interesting if not predictable finish.
Like I said... Good Luck a2.
Originally Posted by H.Hardhat
And it's PINK KNIGHT; get it right

SweetDulce's Avatar
And it's PINK KNIGHT; get it right

Originally Posted by YummyMarie
At first glance thought it was a sex toy!
At first glance thought it was a sex toy! Originally Posted by SweetDulce
Who says it's not a sex toy...lol

Looks dishwasher and freezer safe to me!
  • cr76
  • 11-27-2015, 09:27 PM
I'm sure in in the Adfult world, there is a sex toy called the pink knight.
A2theb2thec's Avatar
True story: the most recent request I received for a reverse gangbang involved a bunch of ladies with strap-ons and one very eager submissive/bottom male, so yes, that is exactly where my brain went.

Heh..."queer..." I think I'll go nurse my butt-hurt for a few moments before posting a troll-induced farewell threAd.

Originally Posted by YummyMarie
Ha Ha.... Nah you'd never get butt hurt. You have a bouncy skin. Insults and hurtful words just bounce off of you.

And that would be a normal guy's worst nightmare or in other words hell... having hot women all around and then have THEM fucking you? HA not my cup of tea. Pure torture. Thanks for putting that into perspective.

Until the next zinger, milady.
SpiceItUp's Avatar
Ok I'm not sure exactly wtf is going on here but some people seem to have lost their damned minds.

In general we're pretty laissez-faire in Houston and let adults do their thing but this thing has become so derailed and insult laden that even I'm considering closing it.

Let's get it somewhat back on track please and leave the insults out of it.

Yea stay on track peeps. NC may show some taint AND boobs if and when it hits 1000 posts. Don't fuck it up.

Maybe we can get some more taint posting in here celebrating the 1000th post. Maybe Dorfys? Dorfy, please post yours - not from Dr Google.

Back on topic: Dorfy, what brought you back from beauty school to sucking dick?
  • cr76
  • 11-27-2015, 10:26 PM
Originally Posted by H.Hardhat

My guess would have been the guy with French toast on his avatar, but that's a little too on the nose.
2intexas's Avatar
^ That would sure make sense.

My guess would have been the guy with French toast on his avatar, but that's a little too on the nose. Originally Posted by cr76
^ That would sure make sense. Originally Posted by 2intexas
Yea, I'm french toast all the way. Check my avatar.
rduke4923's Avatar
what stings is your butthurt that a whore wouldn't see you no matter what you offered, lol but she'd see most anybody else......you obsess to the point you cant pass up a chance to try a rub her face in her decision to come back......so what if she came back? why is that your problem......oh yeah she still wont see you...... Originally Posted by Tony Gambino
I love this post so let's take it by the numbers.

1 "no matter what I offered?" Have you ever noticed she has never
Mentioned I tried to reconnect? She has blown out many a John for trying
Again. If she had that card to play she would have. You lose

2 " you can not pass up a chance to rub her face in her decision to come back"
This is my favorite first you confirm she is back when in another post you deny you said it. You lose again
2.5 what do you rub a person or a dogs face in??? C'mon you know, SHIT!
So you are saying her choice was shit? Wow that was a mistake you lose.

3 "oh yeah she still won't see you"
You already lost this one.. Never asked to see her again never will.

In the end she is placing ads, and100% back.
Do I give a shit one way or another no.
so why do i post?
Simple she is a liar and attacks anyone who does not believe her lies.
Nothing more nothing less.
I love this post so let's take it by the numbers.

1 "no matter what I offered?" Have you ever noticed she has never
Mentioned I tried to reconnect? She has blown out many a John for trying
Again. If she had that card to play she would have. You lose

2 " you can not pass up a chance to rub her face in her decision to come back"
This is my favorite first you confirm she is back when in another post you deny you said it. You lose again
2.5 what do you rub a person or a dogs face in??? C'mon you know, SHIT!
So you are saying her choice was shit? Wow that was a mistake you lose.

3 "oh yeah she still won't see you"
You already lost this one.. Never asked to see her again never will.

In the end she is placing ads, and100% back.
Do I give a shit one way or another no.
so why do i post?
Simple she is a liar and attacks anyone who does not believe her lies.
Nothing more nothing less. Originally Posted by rduke4923
Yea stay on track peeps. NC may show some taint AND boobs if and when it hits 1000 posts. Don't fuck it up.

Maybe we can get some more taint posting in here celebrating the 1000th post. Maybe Dorfys? Dorfy, please post yours - not from Dr Google.

Back on topic: Dorfy, what brought you back from beauty school to sucking dick? Originally Posted by Space Cowboy

Meh its not going to make it to 1000