The Mueller report

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Mueller will be there and his testimony will increase the public’s call for impeachment. The American people are to fucking lazy to read the report, they would rather be playing x-box or indulging in their hobbies. They want to hear from Mueller because they have heard from trump and his piss boy Barr. Nixon and Mitchell didn’t get away with their coverup and neither will trump and his piss boy. Originally Posted by Jaxson66

Mueller said his report was his testimony. So what is he going to say that was not in his report, the report that is falling apart under scrutiny for his selective editing of "evidence" that alludes to obstruction?

Mueller has said the DOJ memorandum that a sitting President can't be indicted did not factor in his report that DID NOT RECOMMEND CHARGES.

Arya ... gonna say Barr lied about that too? Any DA NILES from camp Mueller??

lustylad's Avatar
Nixon and Mitchell didn’t get away with their attempt to spy on the opposing party's campaign and neither will comey and his piss boys. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
FTFY, jaxboy.
adav8s28's Avatar

for which you haven't a Originally Posted by I B Hankering
It has been reported that McGhan told a colleague that Trump asked him to do stupid sh*t.(his words not mine). Did that stupid sh*t involve obstruction of justice? We'll find out soon.

In the link below Judge Napolitano of your favorite cable news channel gives five examples where Trump committed obstruction of justice. All five of these could hold up in court.

When the president asks Cory Lewandowski, his former campaign manager, to get Mueller fired, that’s obstruction of justice. When the president asks his then White House counsel to get Mueller fired and then lie about it, that’s obstruction of justice. When he asked Don McGahn to go back to the special counsel and then change his testimony, that’s obstruction of justice. When he dangled the pardon in front of Michael Cohen in order to keep Cohen from testifying against him, that’s obstruction of justice.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
It has been reported that McGhan told a colleague that Trump asked him to do stupid sh*t.(his words not mine). Did that stupid sh*t involve obstruction of justice? We'll find out soon.

In the link below Judge Napolitano of your favorite cable news channel gives five examples where Trump committed obstruction of justice. All five of these could hold up in court.

When the president asks Cory Lewandowski, his former campaign manager, to get Mueller fired, that’s obstruction of justice. When the president asks his then White House counsel to get Mueller fired and then lie about it, that’s obstruction of justice. When he asked Don McGahn to go back to the special counsel and then change his testimony, that’s obstruction of justice. When he dangled the pardon in front of Michael Cohen in order to keep Cohen from testifying against him, that’s obstruction of justice. Originally Posted by adav8s28

well you must be so disappointed!! Judge Napolitano isn't Bob Mueller. so it doesn't mean shit what he says or thinks. it doesn't matter what you think. it doesn't matter what i think.

Bob Mueller declined to indict. nothing he says now will change that.
adav8s28's Avatar
well you must be so disappointed!! Judge Napolitano isn't Bob Mueller. so it doesn't mean shit what he says or thinks. it doesn't matter what you think. it doesn't matter what i think.

Bob Mueller declined to indict. nothing he says now will change that. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Those examples that Napolitano gave are in Mueller's report. Mueller did not indict. However, The house of reps (the lower house of Congress) can still start articles of impeachment. Nadler wants to have the hearings first.

The point of the post is that Trump could have committed obstruction of justice even though "Team Trump" is not being charged for participating in a conspiracy to manipulate our elections. As I wrote before, the word collusion is not a legal term.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Those examples that Napolitano gave are in Mueller's report. Mueller did not indict. However, The house of reps (the lower house of Congress) can still start articles of impeachment. Nadler wants to have the hearings first.

The point of the post is that Trump could have committed obstruction of justice even though "Team Trump" is not being charged for participating in a conspiracy to manipulate our elections. As I wrote before, the word collusion is not a legal term. Originally Posted by adav8s28

Nadler. his own rigging of the process after Clinton's impeachment is what in large part is holding his ass down. He's trying to ignore his own legislation. He can't. and neither can you.

Mueller's report is full of holes. it's bullshit and he's being called out on it. He'll cover his establishment ass. and F you and the rest of you snowflakes over in the process.

Jaxson66's Avatar
Those examples that Napolitano gave are in Mueller's report. Mueller did not indict. However, The house of reps (the lower house of Congress) can still start articles of impeachment. Nadler wants to have the hearings first.

The point of the post is that Trump could have committed obstruction of justice even though "Team Trump" is not being charged for participating in a conspiracy to manipulate our elections. As I wrote before, the word collusion is not a legal term. Originally Posted by adav8s28
No doubt in my mind trump obstructed justice, he began his campaign of obstruction the day he fired Comey. I don’t think Mueller will need to discuss anything other than the report to make a impression on the American voters.

On the other hand you have the Freedumb Caucus, who will be spewing the conspiracy theories of the Trump party. The party being led by a fat lying racist who appears to be blowing the old race war whistle. I’m looking forward to Mueller making fools of trump’s party.
  • oeb11
  • 07-16-2019, 09:36 AM
J666- as opposed to the new race War whistle from the gang of four and DPST's - embracing alQaeda, , anti-Semitic Racists - including anti White racism!!

It is called "White nationalism - just a racist anti-white Racism.

I am white, and I support my country.

Nationalism is not a racist word or idea - but the DPST's are trying their best to plant that idea as policy in their dream Socialist totalitarian New Green Deal US.

None so blind as will not see their own Racism!!!
Thank U- J666
Jaxson66's Avatar
J666- as opposed to the new race War whistle from the gang of four and DPST's - embracing alQaeda, , anti-Semitic Racists - including anti White racism!!

It is called "White nationalism - just a racist anti-white Racism.

I am white, and I support my country.

Nationalism is not a racist word or idea - but the DPST's are trying their best to plant that idea as policy in their dream Socialist totalitarian New Green Deal US.


None so blind as will not see their own Racism!!!
Thank U- J666 Originally Posted by oeb11
Dude really, you need to work something in your rant about the Mueller report. White Nationalism isn’t the topic.

BTW...I’m Bi -Racial, Caucasian/ Hispanic, who likes the company of a black lady every now and then. I don’t want to learn your ideology.
lustylad's Avatar
On the other hand you have the Freedumb Caucus, who will be spewing the conspiracy theories of the Trump party. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Mueller concluded the conspiracy theories of the Schiffty/Raging Madcow party were tinfoil hat delusions. Why are you so afraid to dig deeper and find out the true genesis of your party's crackpot collusion theories - who perpetrated this two-year fraud on the American public and why?
I B Hankering's Avatar
It has been reported that McGhan told a colleague that Trump asked him to do stupid sh*t.(his words not mine). Did that stupid sh*t involve obstruction of justice? We'll find out soon.

In the link below Judge Napolitano of your favorite cable news channel gives five examples where Trump committed obstruction of justice. All five of these could hold up in court.

When the president asks Cory Lewandowski, his former campaign manager, to get Mueller fired, that’s obstruction of justice. When the president asks his then White House counsel to get Mueller fired and then lie about it, that’s obstruction of justice. When he asked Don McGahn to go back to the special counsel and then change his testimony, that’s obstruction of justice. When he dangled the pardon in front of Michael Cohen in order to keep Cohen from testifying against him, that’s obstruction of justice.
Originally Posted by adav8s28

The Justice Department falls under the president. It's prima facie obvious that it is within the purview of the president to fire people working in the Justice Department: Comey, Mueller, etc. It's not "obstruction" when an action is in the job description of the president and there is no underlying crime being hidden by the president's action. Educate yourself and read Barr's memo on the subject already cited in this thread.
lustylad's Avatar
It has been reported that McGhan told a colleague that Trump asked him to do stupid sh*t.(his words not mine). Did that stupid sh*t involve obstruction of justice? We'll find out soon.

In the link below Judge Napolitano of your favorite cable news channel gives five examples where Trump committed obstruction of justice. All five of these could hold up in court.

When the president asks Cory Lewandowski, his former campaign manager, to get Mueller fired, that’s obstruction of justice. When the president asks his then White House counsel to get Mueller fired and then lie about it, that’s obstruction of justice. When he asked Don McGahn to go back to the special counsel and then change his testimony, that’s obstruction of justice. When he dangled the pardon in front of Michael Cohen in order to keep Cohen from testifying against him, that’s obstruction of justice. Originally Posted by adav8s28
You still don't get it. There was no underlying crime. Trumpy was falsely accused. Fighting back against false accusations isn't obstructing justice - especially when the Constitution gives the POTUS an explicit right to fire executive branch employees in his DOJ.

Plus he never even did it. He let Mueller finish. And yet the stubborn fools in your party keep grasping at straws. Americans have common sense. They've figured this out. Your push for impeachment has no traction. It will backfire on you. You lost. Again. Time to suck it up. Admit it and get over it.

P.S. And learn how to spell McGahn. Are you dyslexic?
lustylad's Avatar
BTW...I’m Bi-Racial, Caucasian/ Hispanic, who likes the company of a black lady every now and then. I don’t want to learn your ideology. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
TMI. Did anyone ask? No. Does anyone care? No. We only care about fixing your rotten political views.

Your identity doesn't confer substance to lame arguments. There are plenty of right-thinking Americans of Hispanic descent. You're just not one of them.

And Hispanics are not a race so you're not "bi-racial".
  • oeb11
  • 07-16-2019, 01:36 PM
LL-And Hispanics are not a race so you're not "bi-racial".

Acccording to DPST Plantation Politics - Hispanics are a "Minority" who owe allegiance to the DPST party - and just part of the Racial Politics of the Leftists Marxists.

One of the "Owned" Racial groups.

Not that anyone with common sense must agree with their garbage.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
No doubt in my mind trump obstructed justice, he began his campaign of obstruction the day he fired Comey. I don’t think Mueller will need to discuss anything other than the report to make a impression on the American voters.

On the other hand you have the Freedumb Caucus, who will be spewing the conspiracy theories of the Trump party. The party being led by a fat lying racist who appears to be blowing the old race war whistle. I’m looking forward to Mueller making fools of trump’s party. Originally Posted by Jaxson66

ah the "Trump is a racist" meme. name one racist thing he's done. name it.

you do recall that the DEMOCRATS wanted Comey's head on a plate because he reopened the Clinton email investigation. well he had to to cover the FBI's ass. or rather their half-ass "investigation" into the matter. Comey whitewashed the matter on direct orders from Obama through Lynch. that sparky ... is obstruction of justice!

are you also aware that Obama lied about when he "found out" about Clinton's private email server? He claimed he found out on the news like the rest of America. The TRUTH is .. he knew all along and was emailing Clinton on that server using an alias.

this was a coverup to protect a President. Obama. not Trump.

so sparky .. any DA NILES??