YummyMarie: a place for her random ideas, thoughts, and musings

1. A weekend with Fancy at the Charles Dickens Festival in Galveston
A close second will be The Horseshoe with Emerald7 for our birthday in May.
2. Yesterday in church when they presented the American Flag. Originally Posted by tucson
You, sir are awesome! Wish I could give something as a reward for participation...hmm
jbravo_123's Avatar
1) When I flew up to Chicago to visit this chick I had met online as a surprise present for her birthday - our first face to face meeting!

2) I'm pretty wussy. I tear up all the time at sad parts of movies and tv shows, heh.
Dorian Gray's Avatar

Random Pony Post

Random Pony Post Originally Posted by Dorian Gray
Giggle giggle...LOVE IT!!!
Stay tuned for the story of my "Aiding in the corruption of a perfectly grown-ass woman..."


The random HOT DREAM I had last night about Olivia Howard...mmm


BONUS FEATURE: Web-camming with theCFE. Note to self..."Invest in flood Insurance."
pyramider's Avatar
Anytime I am with the woman mentioned below.

The last time I teared up was when a woman I am fond of admitted looking thru some photos albums in my house and she was talking of the family love the photos showed.
cooler62's Avatar
About time to go to another concert with you, eh? Rush was great! I wonder if. Olivia remembers Sade concert? :-)
1) When I flew up to Chicago to visit this chick I had met online as a surprise present for her birthday - our first face to face meeting! Originally Posted by jbravo_123

Awww..... ... you are the best #1!

Anytime I am with the woman mentioned below.

The last time I teared up was when a woman I am fond of admitted looking thru some photos albums in my house and she was talking of the family love the photos showed. Originally Posted by pyramider
That's very sweet, Pyramider.
Ohhhh I want to hear about your dream! Looking forward to seeing you next week! Xoxo
About time to go to another concert with you, eh? Rush was great! I wonder if. Olivia remembers Sade concert? :-) Originally Posted by cooler62
I remember her telling me about it if that counts. Ha!
Stay tuned for the story of my "Aiding in the corruption of a perfectly grown-ass woman..."


The random HOT DREAM I had last night about Olivia Howard...mmm


BONUS FEATURE: Web-camming with theCFE. Note to self..."Invest in flood Insurance." Originally Posted by YummyMarie

pyramider's Avatar
Where is the taint I was promised?
You guys are the best !
To answer my own questions...

1. Most unbelievable date ever: Was with a guy in a LTR and had a freaking blast. The guy stayed the night, and the whole next the day, he was being stand-offish and giving me strange looks...all the while I'm being all lovey-dovey. That night I asked him to take me out again for a more relaxed night of drinks at a pub. We get to the second or third drink and the conversation is easy. He asks me..."so, do you remember breaking up with me last night?" WTF?!?!?...the whole rest of the night I had to convince him that I didn't mean it. I admit it: on the way home the night before, I blacked out and had a serious conversation with him that I didn't remember having. During that conversation with him, I had admitted to my insecurities and not being sure that I was a good enough person to be with him, and that it was hard to look at him and live up to his (in reality my) expectations, so I took the easy way out and broke up with him. We spent a great deal of time over the next week, joking about how he should have taken the free 24 hour pass and gotten him some rebound pussy. Hehe...no more black-outs for me...or a least scaled-down quite a bit

About my behavior above, I am not proud, but I think on this thread, my peeps have come to understand me through my candidness. Take it and process it as you like, but remember that I am human, and hopefully the rest of you reading this are too.

2. Last time I cried: daily...okay, not daily, but yesterday. I read something on a SHMB and thought WTF is this world coming to?!?! I'm a weakling, what can I say?

Hint: sarcasm is the spice of life...smh
For Glynette...after these messages, a real-life YummyStory...