Over/under on when Dorthy Monroe will be back sucking cock for money

But here is the link of the thread that was more than a year ago and in which many people made you look like a fucktard that you truly are...

Originally Posted by Dorthy_Monroe
dorthy, you've got to be the single dumbest provider on this board.

From what I understand you asked for a picture of your face to be removed on a prior post, yet this thread shows facial pictures of you.


Also in this thread a member named wakeup slammed your ass in a post a lot of guys would agree with.


Since the OP is a fucking moron...I'm going to give the rest of you my take on this...

Dorthy Monroe is one of the worst providers on this board. She dumb as a bag of hammers. She makes ludicrous decisions and then tries to pass them off as logical. She has absolutely no sense of responsibility for her actions. She defends her obvious lack of professionalism with her fucked up logic and somehow believes she's right. I would never pay to see her. I would never see her for free. I wouldn't see her if she paid me.

Now, the important question is, "how did I arrive at my conclusions?"

Simple, I read the board. However, even if I didn't read the board, a simple search, either by using the search button at the top of the page, or by clicking on her handle and clicking on the find more posts link, would quickly give credence to all of these conclusions.

The OP thought that by posting this NC/NS on Dorthy, he would be making his thoughts public on the board, and letting other hobbyists read about her shortcomings, so they could avoid making the same mistake he did. The ironic part is that if he would have followed the advice he's trying to impart to others, that they should read the alerts on her, he would have avoided Dorthy, and never would have had to post this NC/NS.

Dorthy is a horrible provider, in every way that matters to me. Every hobbyist who goes to see her, is offended by her actions, and then posts a new alert here, is just as ignorant as she is.

Regardless of the top secret point the OP thinks he's making, here's the point the OP is actually making...he's saying that Dorthy is an idiot, and that anyone who posts an alert on her is just as big an idiot...

Have fun kids...
Even though I feel that member wakeup was too hard on RDuke, as far as what a lot of us guys think, he hit the nail squarely on the head.

Lastly you bring up this instance of 'no address, no session', which you bragged about in another thread which a lot of us take issues with.

What you don't understand is this, guys write ns/nc to prevent other guys from making the same mistake. At this time, you are the worst of the worst, and why guys want to see you is still beyond me. You're highly immature, dumb (linking a thread that shows face shots), confrontational, and you obviously can't be counted on to make an appointment. You are a classic example of why hobby boards exist, to prevent guys from making appointments with 'ladies' like yourself.
dorthy, you've got to be the single dumbest provider on this board.

From what I understand you asked for a picture of your face to be removed on a prior post, yet this thread shows facial pictures of you.


Also in this thread a member named wakeup slammed your ass in a post a lot of guys would agree with.


Even though I feel that member wakeup was too hard on RDuke, as far as what a lot of us guys think, he hit the nail squarely on the head.

Lastly you bring up this instance of 'no address, no session', which you bragged about in another thread which a lot of us take issues with.

What you don't understand is this, guys write ns/nc to prevent other guys from making the same mistake. At this time, you are the worst of the worst, and why guys want to see you is still beyond me. You're highly immature, dumb (linking a thread that shows face shots), confrontational, and you obviously can't be counted on to make an appointment. You are a classic example of why hobby boards exist, to prevent guys from making appointments with 'ladies' like yourself. Originally Posted by NOBODY60
I can get those removed no problem I posted that because It has been a year and guess who is still following me around like a lost puppy? Rduke...

He has not gotten over me and this is not an accurate NCNS because it clearly states in my showcase no address no appointment... He never got a physical address so we never had an appointment..

I'm still going strong so that post did nothing to hurt me and until you understand why I do certain things you will keep thinking I'm stupid...

But thanks for the lesson Mr. French toast we all know how you feel about me

Come on post 1000


rduke4923's Avatar
I wouldn't see you if I was on my last package of ramen noodles..

Dude your not as smart as you claim and I'm going to leave it there...

But here is the link of the thread that was more than a year ago and in which you still can't get over it...


Your on a thread about me I can almost guarantee you follow me and I don't follow you ... want to make a bet ?

But again why do you care you aren't answering the question Originally Posted by Dorthy_Monroe
DM don't make the Hippo come in here and close this because you can not stay on topic cough! (face the truth).
Just give the official date you came back, that is all this thread is about.

It is not about "you" DM rather about when you would come back with your
tail between your legs. Or somerthing like that
toasty posty, wimp whistle, a2b2c all BANNED and gone for stalking the throat punching winky whisperer.
duke keeps following her around like he thinks he's immune. Didn't he close his account a few months ago? Only to come back for more stalker games. Why would someone do that?
I can get those removed no problem I posted that because It has been a year and guess who is still following me around like a lost puppy? Rduke.. Originally Posted by Dorthy_Monroe
Are you really that stupid? Right click on picture, save to whatever folder and one of your 'buddies' now has your picture on his computer. The picture is 'out there' for ever and ever. They never go away! You piss off the wrong guy and there's no telling where these pictures will end up (not a threat nor a subtle threat, just some unwarranted guidance)

Just like this one. Out on the web for eternity. And you, your butt boys, nor the moderators can make it disappear from the history of the web. Think about this the next time you're hanging out in Beaumont while some poor sap is waiting for a session, then you talk shit to him. Again, this isn't a threat nor a subtle threat, just internet 101 lessons.

Do a google on this site. It's a way to go back in time and get data from websites that aren't active anymore. https://archive.org/web/ So, for example, even if eccie were to fold, this information can still be floating around the web.

You probably think I'm a prick, but that's OK, however one day you may see where I'm trying to help you with this post.
That's my hand...doing it's queer-love thing
dorthy, you've got to be the single dumbest provider on this board.

From what I understand you asked for a picture of your face to be removed on a prior post, yet this thread shows facial pictures of you.


Also in this thread a member named wakeup slammed your ass in a post a lot of guys would agree with.


Even though I feel that member wakeup was too hard on RDuke, as far as what a lot of us guys think, he hit the nail squarely on the head.

Lastly you bring up this instance of 'no address, no session', which you bragged about in another thread which a lot of us take issues with.

What you don't understand is this, guys write ns/nc to prevent other guys from making the same mistake. At this time, you are the worst of the worst, and why guys want to see you is still beyond me. You're highly immature, dumb (linking a thread that shows face shots), confrontational, and you obviously can't be counted on to make an appointment. You are a classic example of why hobby boards exist, to prevent guys from making appointments with 'ladies' like yourself. Originally Posted by NOBODY60
LOL. You hit on the nail there, darling. You are pissed off because I hijacked your pathetic thread. That really wasn't my intention at all. It happened, I guess. It's not my fault that you lost steam or something. But hey at least the topic changed within that thread because damn it you were sounding off like a porpoise with a bad case of hiccups. It wasn't pretty at all. Originally Posted by WolfWhistle
keep on French toast
dorthy, you've got to be the single dumbest provider on this board.

From what I understand you asked for a picture of your face to be removed on a prior post, yet this thread shows facial pictures of you.


Also in this thread a member named wakeup slammed your ass in a post a lot of guys would agree with.


Even though I feel that member wakeup was too hard on RDuke, as far as what a lot of us guys think, he hit the nail squarely on the head.

Lastly you bring up this instance of 'no address, no session', which you bragged about in another thread which a lot of us take issues with.

What you don't understand is this, guys write ns/nc to prevent other guys from making the same mistake. At this time, you are the worst of the worst, and why guys want to see you is still beyond me. You're highly immature, dumb (linking a thread that shows face shots), confrontational, and you obviously can't be counted on to make an appointment. You are a classic example of why hobby boards exist, to prevent guys from making appointments with 'ladies' like yourself. Originally Posted by NOBODY60
Are you really that stupid? Right click on picture, save to whatever folder and one of your 'buddies' now has your picture on his computer. The picture is 'out there' for ever and ever. They never go away! You piss off the wrong guy and there's no telling where these pictures will end up (not a threat nor a subtle threat, just some unwarranted guidance)

Just like this one. Out on the web for eternity. And you, your butt boys, nor the moderators can make it disappear from the history of the web. Think about this the next time you're hanging out in Beaumont while some poor sap is waiting for a session, then you talk shit to him. Again, this isn't a threat nor a subtle threat, just internet 101 lessons.

Do a google on this site. It's a way to go back in time and get data from websites that aren't active anymore. https://archive.org/web/ So, for example, even if eccie were to fold, this information can still be floating around the web.

You probably think I'm a prick, but that's OK, however one day you may see where I'm trying to help you with this post. Originally Posted by NOBODY60
Thanks for the threats I don't give a shit about what you say you haven't been around as long as I have and do what you got to do to try and fuck me over because It won't work...

I know about the history of pictures

If these morons would follow my instructions there wouldn't be any NCNS threads and there hasn't been any in over a year so fuck what you say
2intexas's Avatar
Okay, I'll put up #999. The rest of you can race to see who's #1000.
2intexas's Avatar
Shit, I miscalculated.
DM don't make the Hippo come in here and close this because you can not stay on topic cough! (face the truth).
Just give the official date you came back, that is all this thread is about.

It is not about "you" DM rather about when you would come back with your
tail between your legs. Or somerthing like that Originally Posted by rduke4923
This thread isn't about you either so again why do you care your not going to see me so why care if I'm back or not ?

Why can't you leave me alone its been a whole year so why keep following me around when I've told your ass more than once to leave me alone?

Okay, in all seriousness. Looking at the picture above even with clothes on is hot. Do you and whomever you are with a "couple" couple or two working gals on a night out? And if two working gals how much to be in the middle of that sandwich. Lastly, can the wife join or nah?
That's me and my sugar mama...open relationship
rduke4923's Avatar
toasty posty, wimp whistle, a2b2c all BANNED and gone for stalking the throat punching winky whisperer.
duke keeps following her around like he thinks he's immune. Didn't he close his account a few months ago? Only to come back for more stalker games. Why would someone do that?
Originally Posted by H.Hardhat

Account was never closed but thanks for playing.
Immnue from what ? You spreading somthing other than droppings?
Maybe you could give us the Wannabe Mod perspective like you tend to do all too often.