Inquiries and Impeachment of Trump

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Is that right? Sounds like deep state Fox opinion network bull shit to me. Originally Posted by Jaxson66

"Yes, Vindman testified repeatedly that he "thought it was wrong" for Trump, speaking with Zelensky, to bring up the 2016 election and allegations of Ukraine-related corruption on the part of former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden. But the Vindman transcript also showed a witness whose testimony was filled with opinion, with impressions, who had little new to offer, who withheld important information from the committee, who was steeped in a bureaucracy that has often been hostile to the president, and whose lawyer, presumably with Vindman's approval, expressed unmistakable disdain, verging on contempt, for members of Congress who asked inconvenient questions. In short, Vindman's testimony was not the slam-dunk hit Democrats portrayed it to be. And that raises questions about how it will play when Vindman goes before the world in a public impeachment hearing."

But but but .. the testimony!

LexusLover's Avatar
Joe Biden was following instructions to combat corruption, .... Originally Posted by Jaxson66
... then that must explain why his unemployed kid got paid off!

The Biden Kid was accepting bribe money to follow the money trail.

Got it!!!!

Daddy Joe was showing junior how to spend the bribery money.
Jaxson66's Avatar
Executive Privilege and Impeachment

The Supreme Court has never held that executive privilege applies in the impeachment context. Instead, it created the privilege in the context of a dispute about discovery of communications between President Nixon and White House advisors in a criminal case not aimed at Nixon himself, but at his advisors and campaign staff. Nixon was only an unindicated co-conspirator in that case. Because of the case’s context, the Court focused on balancing the President’s confidentiality interests against the judicial system’s need to reach a just verdict in a criminal case.

In the context of a criminal case, it held that the privilege cannot trump the need to disclose information essential to reaching a just verdict. If executive privilege applied in the impeachment context it could not block disclosure of information essential to the impeachment inquiry. The Supreme Court rejected the notion that executive privilege is an absolute privilege in United States v. Nixon. The case for allowing the executive branch to withhold essential information is even weaker in the impeachment context than in the criminal trial context. Executive privilege cannot prevent disclosure of information essential to resolving the inquiry into whether the House should impeach the President and the Senate should remove him from office. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Didn’t work for Nixon, won’t work for the fat lying bastard.
LexusLover's Avatar
Didn’t work for Nixon, won’t work for the fat lying bastard. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Were you still in the petri dish back then, ...

... or were you even swimming?

A majority of the voters today don't want Trump tossed out of office.

If you and your ILK think you have the election sewn up in 2020, ....

then why bother with a failed scheme to do so AFTER the election?

Do you and your ILK believe that once he wins the 2020 election he can be booted out for something he allegedly did BEFORE the election that the voters essentially weren't concerned about?

If you actually believe that bullshit .... go breathe some more smoke!!!!!! You do have cognitive issues.

Here's YOUR MAN!!!!!!!

lustylad's Avatar
I can’t count the times I’ve informed your dumb ass I don’t cloud my mind with deep state conspiracy bullshit.

You’re obviously stupid or something Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Except when a former CIA chief blurts out "Thank God for the DEEP STATE!" while another trump-hating ex-CIA chief sits next to him grinning from ear to ear, it's not "conspiracy bullshit" is it?

Who's stupid now, jaxboy?
LexusLover's Avatar
Except when a former CIA chief blurts out "Thank God for the DEEP STATE!" while another trump-hating ex-CIA chief sits next to him grinning from ear to ear, it's not "conspiracy bullshit" is it?

Who's stupid now, jaxboy? Originally Posted by lustylad
He doesn't know shit from charcoal.
Jaxson66's Avatar
Except when a former CIA chief blurts out "Thank God for the DEEP STATE!" while another trump-hating ex-CIA chief sits next to him grinning from ear to ear, it's not "conspiracy bullshit" is it?

Who's stupid now, jaxboy? Originally Posted by lustylad
You are numb nuts, I thought I was crystal clear, now take your dumb ass back to the cartoon thread. This threads for facts not horse shit.
Jaxson66's Avatar
Executive Privilege and Impeachment

The Supreme Court has never held that executive privilege applies in the impeachment context. Instead, it created the privilege in the context of a dispute about discovery of communications between President Nixon and White House advisors in a criminal case not aimed at Nixon himself, but at his advisors and campaign staff. Nixon was only an unindicated co-conspirator in that case. Because of the case’s context, the Court focused on balancing the President’s confidentiality interests against the judicial system’s need to reach a just verdict in a criminal case.

In the context of a criminal case, it held that the privilege cannot trump the need to disclose information essential to reaching a just verdict. If executive privilege applied in the impeachment context it could not block disclosure of information essential to the impeachment inquiry. The Supreme Court rejected the notion that executive privilege is an absolute privilege in United States v. Nixon. The case for allowing the executive branch to withhold essential information is even weaker in the impeachment context than in the criminal trial context. Executive privilege cannot prevent disclosure of information essential to resolving the inquiry into whether the House should impeach the President and the Senate should remove him from office. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
It didn’t work for Nixon and it will not work for the fat lying bastard.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
You are numb nuts, I thought I was crystal clear, now take your dumb ass back to the cartoon thread. This threads for facts not horse shit. Originally Posted by Jaxson66

But but but .. the testimony!

lustylad's Avatar
You are numb nuts, I thought I was crystal clear, now take your dumb ass back to the cartoon thread. This threads (sic) for facts not horse shit. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
The FACTS are both John McLaughlin and John Brennan used to run the CIA and they both acknowledge and appreciate the DEEP STATE. Have they been duped by some crazy "conspiracy theory" jaxboy?

Here's the video again. So do you refuse to believe your lying eyes? I'm spreading facts. You spread horse shit.
Jaxson66's Avatar
The FACTS are both John McLaughlin and John Brennan used to run the CIA and they both acknowledge and appreciate the DEEP STATE. Have they been duped by some crazy "conspiracy theory" jaxboy?

Here's the video again. So do you refuse to believe your lying eyes? I'm spreading facts. You spread horse shit.] Originally Posted by lustylad
So what, you got 5 seconds of a man making a joke and the audience having a laugh followed by 4 minutes of Fox opinion network propaganda.

Get a fucking grip on reality!
Except when a former CIA chief blurts out "Thank God for the DEEP STATE!" while another trump-hating ex-CIA chief sits next to him grinning from ear to ear, it's not "conspiracy bullshit" is it?

Who's stupid now, jaxboy? Originally Posted by lustylad
Brennan is a major player in the Barr, Durham criminal investigation he'll crash and burn eventually along with many other Democrats. It will be quite entertaining to watch how the tables turn.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Were you still in the petri dish back then, ...

... or were you even swimming?

A majority of the voters today don't want Trump tossed out of office.
Originally Posted by LexusLover
Stop lying to yourself. Your going to suffocate going so deep throat on the POTUS. Come up for air.

Jaxson66's Avatar
Brennan is a major player in the Barr, Durham criminal investigation he'll crash and burn eventually along with many other Democrats. It will be quite entertaining to watch how the tables turn. Originally Posted by Levianon17
But first you’ll be watching the fat lying bastards impeachment hearings and Senate trial.
Get that Vagisil ready the first witness is testifying in the morning, and eleven more witnesses coming soon.
lustylad's Avatar
So what, you got 5 seconds of a man making a joke.... Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Just a joke? If you say so.

You know what else was a joke, jaxboy? When trumpy said "Russia, if you're listening...."

You and your deep-state jackasses have a highly selective sense of humor. Will they be laughing when Barr comes knocking at their doors?