Over/under on when Dorthy Monroe will be back sucking cock for money

That's me and my sugar mama...open relationship Originally Posted by YummyMarie
* licks lips *
Bigmack's Avatar
i just hope dorthy does not get upset and disappear's again because of this thread
rduke4923's Avatar

This thread isn't about you either so again why do you care your not going to see me so why care if I'm back or not ?

Why can't you leave me alone its been a whole year so why keep following me around when I've told your ass more than once to leave me alone?

Originally Posted by Dorthy_Monroe
Contrary to your askew view of the world I am not following you and the world does not revolve around you.
If you post a comment to me or about me and I reply that is not following you.
When I post a comment and you reply does that mean you are following me?
No, you must also think that I am following you.

Get over yourself DM I never asked to see you again.
I never will but if I post a comment you are usually right there to dredge up tha past.

The day you apologized ( sorry still breaks me up) I told you somthing along the lines of that it was water under the bridge for me. I have not brought it up or mentioned it since. Those words only come from you and your sad band of minions.

Fuck, now that i think about it am I being harrased????
Where the hell is Gloria AllRed!!!!!!!!
keep on French toast Originally Posted by Dorthy_Monroe
OK tony gambino, I will.

Thanks for the threats I don't give a shit about what you say you haven't been around as long as I have and do what you got to do to try and fuck me over because It won't work...

I know about the history of pictures. Originally Posted by Dorthy_Monroe
Fuck you over? That's a laugh, you do well enough on your own. I also stated twice that this wasn't either a threat nor a subtle threat.

Lastly, if I were really french toast do you actually think I would have an obvious avatar? I just do it to fuck with simpletons like you.

Then again, I could use one of your face pictures as my avatar.
Contrary to your askew view of the world I am not following you Originally Posted by rduke4923
You kinda are... and it's pretty pathetic. IJS
OK tony gambino, I will.

Fuck you over? That's a laugh, you do well enough on your own. I also stated twice that this wasn't either a threat nor a subtle threat.

Lastly, if I were really french toast do you actually think I would have an obvious avatar? I just to it to fuck with simpletons like you.

Then again, I could use one of your face pictures as my avatar. Originally Posted by NOBODY60
Do it & see how quick you get banned
rduke4923's Avatar
You kinda are... and it's pretty pathetic. IJS Originally Posted by Hottentot Venus
This from the woman with multiple signature lines bashing people?
Glass houses hon.
This from the woman with multiple signature lines bashing people?
Glass houses hon. Originally Posted by rduke4923
I, unlike you, don't try to refute the truth or my intentions. My house is very brick-made, thank you very much. And for the record, my sig line is not bashing people, it's a collection of factual posts made by one person. If it makes them look a certain way, who's fault is that???? Take your time with that one.....

The constant hounding of this one person who left you out on a corner looking like a fool, though you say you don't care, shows you do and is pretty pathetic, as I said before. The fact that you don't (or can't) understand it is irrelevant to me. If you can't even take DM, you shouldn't even try to look this way sweetie. Just a heads up.
Do it & see how quick you get banned Originally Posted by Dorthy_Monroe
Most likely I would receive points and instructions to change the avatar. Any picture I could have of you, I would've gotten from this site. It wouldn't be considered 'outing' as everything that would happen would be received from this site, and not any place else.

The criteria for avatars is pretty vague, and looking at the rules, it would be a slippery slope as to what rules are broken, and if said rules are actually adhered to.

However I did change my avatar just for you. Actually dorthy was supposed to give Scarecrow a blow job at the Scarecrows field, but she was partying with the munchkins at Munchkinland and didn't tell him she was out of town.

rduke4923's Avatar
I, unlike you, don't try to refute the truth or my intentions. My house is very brick-made, thank you very much. And for the record, my sig line is not bashing people, it's a collection of factual posts made by one person. If it makes them look a certain way, who's fault is that???? Take your time with that one.....

The fact that you don't (or can't) understand it is irrelevant to me. If you can't even take DM, you should'nt even try to look this way sweetie. Just a heads up. Originally Posted by Hottentot Venus
So your intention was to compliment this person?
Paint them in a good light and make people think better of him?
No, you wanted it to be obvious what you were trying to say and I point it and out
you are shocked and indignant?

So now you make a disparaging remark about DM not being a force to be reckoned with? That is uncalled for and just plain rude.

I got some dirt on my shoulder can you brush it off for me?
Dorfy, Taint at post 1k .... Right? Has that happened yet?
So your intention was to compliment this person?
Paint them in a good light and make people think better of him?
No, you wanted it to be obvious what you were trying to say and I point it and out
you are shocked and indignant?

So now you make a disparaging remark about DM not being a force to be reckoned with? That is uncalled for and just plain rude.

I got some dirt on my shoulder can you brush it off for me? Originally Posted by rduke4923
Compliment? (What the fuck is that? ) Paint in a good light? Shocked and indignant? Trying to say? (I don't try to say a damn thing, I point out or state the obvious and let others come to their own conclusions, it seems even you understand the obvious, sometimes).

Do you live in reality man? I don't think you do, on more than one level. Either that, or you can't read worth a damn. And that makes this even more pathetic. I would've left your ass on the corner, too.
rduke4923's Avatar
Compliment? (What the fuck is that? ) Paint in a good light? Shocked and indignant? Trying to say? (I don't try to say a damn thing, I point out or state the obvious and let others come to their own conclusions, it seems even you understand the obvious, sometimes).

Do you live in reality man? I don't think you do, on more than one level. Either that, or you can't read worth a damn. And that makes this even more pathetic. I would've left your ass on the corner, too. Originally Posted by Hottentot Venus
I would it explain it to you luv but i would be bored and you would be confused
Yet again. Easy on the drink it is not even seven.
I wouldn't see you if I was on my last package of ramen noodles.. Originally Posted by Dorthy_Monroe

I'll take "Hooker-speak for $1,000 Alex"

I would it explain it to you luv but i would be bored and you would be confused
Yet again. Easy on the drink it is not even seven. Originally Posted by rduke4923
Yes, I knew you wouldn't be able to respond with anything relevant or substantial. You are dismissed.

I wouldn't see you if I was on my last package of ramen noodles.. Originally Posted by Dorthy_Monroe

I'll take "Hooker-speak for $1,000 Alex"

Originally Posted by FoxyNC