Don't make the REAL AMERICANS angry

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I've mentioned before that Americans cannot ever take their glare away from how insidious the Demonicrats are and what levels of subterfuge they will go to. There may well be another COVID bill and they are stacking up proposals (bills) to either attach to it or to run stand-alone, like ticks on a hound, plus they are actively trying to modify the ones that have passed already. Any embedded links below source back to Pro Tip: Very easy to get stuck in that web site for hours perusing the many links.

Watch for House Bill H.R. 6666 - To authorize the Secretary of Health and Human Services to award grants to eligible entities to conduct diagnostic testing for COVID-19, and related activities such as contact tracing, through mobile health units and, as necessary, at individuals' residences, and for other purposes.

No text in the bill yet, but do those underlined pieces make ya go hmmmm? It's still being cobbled together by 44 Demonicrats, from the typical chite-hole states, plus one Republican from New Frick'n Jersey. The main author is Bobby L Bush (D-IL) BTW: He has a raft of bills on that page. Feel free to glance them over. Several of the newer ones are blank as well.

Let's peak in on H.R. 6643 - Supporting State and Local Leaders Act In particular, item:
(a) In general.—Sections 7001(e) and 7003(e) of the Families First Coronavirus Response Act are each amended by striking paragraph (4).

H.R. 6201 - Families First Coronavirus Response Basically, one of the stimulus bills. The 2 paragraphs mentioned above are identical
(4) Certain governmental employers.--This credit shall not apply to the Government of the United States, the government of any State or political subdivision thereof, or any agency or instrumentality of any of the foregoing.

Is it just me or does it look like a weaselly way of redirecting our tax dollars to partially bail out State governments?

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Typical sanctuary city dictator, follow the bloodline...
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Don't make the REAL AMERICANS angry.

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Don't make the REAL AMERICANS angry.

Originally Posted by JCM800
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Tennessee Police Arrest Citizen Who Escaped Forced COVID-19 Detention Camp…
Posted on May 9, 2020 by sundance

Comrades, some readers might not be aware the Ministry of COVID compliance has set up quarantine camps, detention facilities in various areas. Formerly free citizens who test positive for COVID-19 are forcibly taken to the quarantine camps and held under guard.

Last week one of the non-compliant captives demanded his freedom; he climbed the fence and escaped detention. After a manhunt in Tennessee the subversive citizen was recaptured, arrested and brought back to the detention facility…. Alarmed yet?

As you can see from this example, the Tennessee Ministry of COVID Compliance cares about the health of its compliant citizens. Authorities empowered by the Ministry will actively hunt down subversive citizens and forcibly detain them in the ongoing effort to build a new society where compliance will always provide the security you seek.

If wrong-thoughts or requests for arbitrary freedom continue to be expressed, it may become necessary for the Ministry to take enhanced enforcement action. Please do not put the Ministry in the position of having to make such decisions. Compliance is in your best interest and re-education facilities are costly to maintain.

Relax comrades, the Ministry is sensitive to your previous rights as we initiate our new, safer, society. The COVID Compliance Ministry appreciates good citizens who voluntarily participate in the rules of our new society. We will continue to reward good citizenship status with enhanced tax credits and social benefits allowing greater access to a safe COVID Compliant Society. A safer society; where the odds will always be in our favor.

A rogue citizen could put a compliant society at risk of infection. They may not just carry biologics they could carry a more alarming virus of wrong-thought against the interests of the state. Rogue citizens would be subversive to our new society.

Social Distancing or House Arrest…. Details, comrades,… details.
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Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...Social Distancing or House Arrest…. Details, comrades,… details. Originally Posted by Redhot1960

We gots us a runner boyz. Release the hounds.
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