Inquiries and Impeachment of Trump

HedonistForever's Avatar
I think we should hold Pelosi to her original statement that she would not move forward with an impeachment vote if it didn't have bi-partisan support. That would seem like the best decision to make but we are talking about Pelosi and Democrats here and while I think they know they will never get a conviction in the Senate ( my guess ) they think they can reduce his chances of re-election. Problem for Democrats is, it could just have the opposite effect. I do believe the outcome of the Horowitz and Durham reports will have a major impact on all this.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Problem for Democrats is, it could just have the opposite effect. I do believe the outcome of the Horowitz and Durham reports will have a major impact on all this. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
after all that has happened, what makes you think the Horowitz Report will be truthful and well-received? I think it will be chewed up and spit out, if it indicts certain individuals.

why didn't Trump launch an investigation into Hilary's email shit, in early 2017? doing a report now just looks like retribution for the impeachment inquiry.
LexusLover's Avatar

why didn't Trump launch an investigation into Hilary's email shit, in early 2017? doing a report now just looks like retribution for the impeachment inquiry. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
#1: Sessions.
#2: Need to ID the "rats in the woodpile."
#3: She was done.
#4: Those emails were available through "other resources"!
#5: I suspect Trump figured the constant barrage on him would end.
Chung Tran's Avatar
#1: Sessions.
#2: Need to ID the "rats in the woodpile."
#3: She was done.
#4: Those emails were available through "other resources"!
#5: I suspect Trump figured the constant barrage on him would end. Originally Posted by LexusLover
#5 makes sense.. and he probably thought it smart to let bygones be that. and there was no help coming from Comey. I thought the barrage would diminish significantly.. wrong.
LexusLover's Avatar
Sometimes .... simply ignoring works. Sometimes. But that's not his nature.
Jaxson66's Avatar
As is customary you display your ignorance of the process.

The current circus starring the loons won't vote on "impeachment."

Not one of those fools (including Pelosi) would dare vote for the "impeachment" of Trump before the Fall elections ... especially those who ran on the platform of .... "No Impeachment" and "No Pelosi" ... and doing something substantively while in office!!!

Your loudmouth diatribe on here is typical of want-a-be high schoolers trying to pretend to be heroic "firefighters"!!!!

You're way over your head in here. Getting it out of your ass would be a step in the right direction. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Somebody share their Vagisil with this pussy he’s verging on a severe case of crotch rot

Listen up Snowflake, if you can’t take the heat from today’s little house fire you need to take your candy ass to the truck and start your resignation. Because the warehouse fire coming up will be three times as hot and three times as dangerous. Get that fat lying bastard to start the water supply to the freedom caucus house fire with testimony from Bolton and Mulvaney.

A good day for democracy and more good days are on the way
Jaxson66's Avatar
Bill Taylor dropped a bombshell in his impeachment hearing opening statement

This call took place on July 26, the day after Trump’s now-infamous phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. Taylor’s staff member told him that Ambassador to the EU Gordon Sondland had called Trump on the phone from a restaurant; the staffer was present for that call. During the call, the staffer heard Trump ask Sondland about “the investigations,” and Sondland replied that the Ukrainians were ready to move forward.

“ for someone who claims they’re a genius with the best memory, that fat lying bastard sure forgets a lot of phone calls. He denies receiving calls from Stone regarding Assange and Russian interference and now denies the phone call made by Sonland to him in the middle of the night. trump’s a god damn liar.”
Hotrod511's Avatar
Bill Taylor dropped a bombshell in his impeachment hearing opening statement

This call took place on July 26, the day after Trump’s now-infamous phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. Taylor’s staff member told him that Ambassador to the EU Gordon Sondland had called Trump on the phone from a restaurant; the staffer was present for that call. During the call, the staffer heard Trump ask Sondland about “the investigations,” and Sondland replied that the Ukrainians were ready to move forward.

“ for someone who claims they’re a genius with the best memory, that fat lying bastard sure forgets a lot of phone calls. He denies receiving calls from Stone regarding Assange and Russian interference and now denies the phone call made by Sonland to him in the middle of the night. trump’s a god damn liar.” Originally Posted by Jaxson66
nothing but hearsay moron
HedonistForever's Avatar
Bill Taylor dropped a bombshell in his impeachment hearing opening statement

This call took place on July 26, the day after Trump’s now-infamous phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. Taylor’s staff member told him that Ambassador to the EU Gordon Sondland had called Trump on the phone from a restaurant; the staffer was present for that call. During the call, the staffer heard Trump ask Sondland about “the investigations,” and Sondland replied that the Ukrainians were ready to move forward.

“ for someone who claims they’re a genius with the best memory, that fat lying bastard sure forgets a lot of phone calls. He denies receiving calls from Stone regarding Assange and Russian interference and now denies the phone call made by Sonland to him in the middle of the night. trump’s a god damn liar.” Originally Posted by Jaxson66

Add it to the impeachment list "he forgets phone calls".

I'm still waiting to hear hear the violation of the law that says a President can't ask a foreign leader to "investigate" possible corruption and that if a subject of that investigation happens to be a declared candidate for President in an upcoming election, he is exempt from investigation.

Did you also hear in the testimony from Kent that he was "concerned" ( as was the State Department and Obama apparently ) that there was at the very least the "appearance of impropriety" that Biden's son was sitting on the board of and a consultant for one of those corrupt companies that everybody was concerned about. There is an actual law that says Ukraine must aid in investigating corruption.

The other thing I found truly amazing in today's testimony is how our National Security was at risk because Trump put on hold for 55 days, lethal weapons as part of an aid package when the Obama administration didn't authorize lethal aid for 2 years when possibly 10,000 Ukrainian's were killed because Obama was afraid it would upset Putin and he might kill even more Ukrainian's. Ambassador Taylor told a heartbreaking story about one Ukrainian soldier that he knows was killed during those 55 days while thousands were killed under the Obama administration. I mean, you can't make this shit up but guess what, you apparently can.
Jaxson66's Avatar
I think we should hold Pelosi to her original statement that she would not move forward with an impeachment vote if it didn't have bi-partisan support. That would seem like the best decision to make but we are talking about Pelosi and Democrats here and while I think they know they will never get a conviction in the Senate ( my guess ) they think they can reduce his chances of re-election. Problem for Democrats is, it could just have the opposite effect. I do believe the outcome of the Horowitz and Durham reports will have a major impact on all this. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Not gonna happen. It will be the Dems who will write three articles and vote to pass the hot potato to the Senate. There will be no bi partisanship because the Freedom caucus and the fat lying bastard can’t be trusted to allow a free election. Forget about it.
Jaxson66's Avatar
nothing but hearsay moron MG] Originally Posted by Hotrod511
You need to turn that flag upside down on your avatar. Moron
Chung Tran's Avatar
oh damn!

the Kavanaugh Rescue Team better come through! those years of NOL's are fixing to be public knowledge!
Jaxson66's Avatar
Add it to the impeachment list "he forgets phone calls".

I'm still waiting to hear hear the violation of the law that says a President can't ask a foreign leader to "investigate" possible corruption and that if a subject of that investigation happens to be a declared candidate for President in an upcoming election, he is exempt from investigation... Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Well you’re still waiting for the Barr, Durham, FISA gotcha, everybody goes to jail report aren’t you? Just add that to your list.
bambino's Avatar
Well you’re still waiting for the Barr, Durham, FISA gotcha, everybody goes to jail report aren’t you? Just add that to your list. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Oh, it’s coming. And Horowitz will actually know what’s in his report. Unlike Mueller.
Jaxson66's Avatar
Oh, it’s coming. And Horowitz will actually know what’s in his report. Unlike Mueller. Originally Posted by bambino
Yeah, I heard the carnival barker at Fox opinion network claim it could be imminent. Sources say it might be anytime.

They didn’t sound very confident