Happy Birthday Governor Palin!

JCM800's Avatar
Happy Birthday Governor Palin!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UwgNl5MEMrY Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I wished Sarah Palin a happy birthday. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Once again, I'll wish Sarah a happy birthday Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Still the OP here is I wished Sarah Palin a happy birthday Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
The good part of this week is that Sarah Palin turned 50 and is healthy and happy. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

....this is getting sad JD, I really doubt she'll see any of this.

...maybe you should try her on twitter.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
....this is getting sad JD, I really doubt she'll see any of this.

...maybe you should try her on twitter. Originally Posted by JCM800
I'm sure JD is one of her many ignorant stalkers. Chit he might get lucky... If he puts a bag over his head and an apple in her mouth.
Now let me get this straight... You think Katie Couric will make a good President? Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
You WOULD think that was getting it straight.

Have you been reading this thread at all, banjo boy?

I said that Sarah Palin was an idiot and pointed out - as evidence - how Katie Couric tripped her up with a simple question. That evidence is something that JDB pretends doesn't exist.

At no time did I say Katie Couric would make a good President.

Now go brush your tooth and work on your reading comprehension, hillbilly.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I don't tweet and this just irritates the hell out you idiots. You keep responding. Now which is more sad? Me leaving a final message to end thie thread or you that just has to make one more comment about it. LMAO
I don't tweet and this just irritates the hell out you idiots. You keep responding. Now which is more sad? Me leaving a final message to end thie thread or you that just has to make one more comment about it. LMAO Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
You got your ass handed to you and now you are leaving.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I have tried to leave several times as her birthday is over but you just can't take the hint. As Ronald Reagan was fond of saying, "there you go again." gotcha!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Can't stand it can you dipshit?
You're worse than Corpy with the last word.
and yes, your hands are full of your own ass!
I have tried to leave several times as her birthday is over but you just can't take the hint. As Ronald Reagan was fond of saying, "there you go again." gotcha! Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
You got your ass handed to you and now you are leaving.

It's pretty amusing, isn't it?

Professor Barleycorn gets his ass handed to him quite regularly, yet never seems to be the slightest bit embarrassed by that. He typically follows up by doubling down on ignorance while calling everyone he disagrees with "idiots."

When he was in the third grade, little JD thought he could deflect attention from the fact that he was the class dunce by insulting all the other kids' intelligence in a sufficiently noisy fashion. Since that technique seemed to work so well for him, he thought he'd stick with it for life!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Actually when I was in the third grade I was selected mid term to be advanced to fourth grade. I was already scoring at 11th and 12th grade levels in the old "achievement" tests.
Actually when I was in the third grade I was selected mid term to be advanced to fourth grade. I was already scoring at 11th and 12th grade levels in the old "achievement" tests. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Talk is cheap when the individual has zero credibility and offers no proof!
Actually when I was in the third grade I was selected mid term to be advanced to fourth grade. I was already scoring at 11th and 12th grade levels in the old "achievement" tests. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Someone at 13 years of age should be advanced from the third grade. Congratulations.
Actually when I was in the third grade I was selected mid term to be advanced to fourth grade. I was already scoring at 11th and 12th grade levels in the old "achievement" tests. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
You still haven't said what you wanted "proof" of.

And you still haven't answered the questions I asked above about Sarah Palin's "walking" interview with Katie Couric.

You just keep hanging around in a thread you said you were leaving. And continue to get your ass kicked.
Actually when I was in the third grade I was selected mid term to be advanced to fourth grade. I was already scoring at 11th and 12th grade levels in the old "achievement" tests. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Sure thing, professor! I'm confident that no one doubts your veracity.

Remember when you advised us that, roughly speaking, only about one in every randomly selected group of 500 people is as bright as you are? Put another way, you claimed that you are brighter than about 90% of those who meet Mensa's qualification standards:


So that's why you feel that you have the intellectual standing by which to simply refer to everyone who disagrees with you as "idiots?"

Your insightful depth of understanding rarely fails to impress, and your mastery of grammar, syntax, and spelling is quite a sight to behold. No wonder you regard everyone else as a bunch of ignorant rubes!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Actually I regard you as a bunch of ignorant rubes because other than being bellicose, insulting, and obtuse you have no way of expressing yourselves. That is a generality, some of you are okay but normally mistaken which I chalk up to lazy thinking. Others...I wish we could get the air back that you've obviously wasted.