Calling all Ex-Wildflowers

MajTom's Avatar
Hi Bill,
I found, to my pleasant surprise, your post from a month ago and glad to know that you're doing alright. You used to have one of the best places in Houston, around 10 years ago. There were the good times (for me, too - my stamina was better, too :-(
I remember that I met one of the most amazing girls at our place - Capri. I believe she was from St. Louis. Do you know how's she'd doing these days? I've been in the 'hobby' for many years, back from the Dick O'Stone, Papa Rotzi, Horny Devil lists, and then aspd. Now I'm slowing down, alas, the age takes its toll. But Capri was one of the few girls that I still vividly remember. The others are Kelly from Sunny Girls and Priscilla. I particularly miss Kelly; we used to be good friends, but she had to leave Houston about 4 years ago in a hurry because she was owning money to some people. I did not see her since then.
Let's meet for coffee to reminiscent on the past, in about a couple of weeks, when my schedule won't be so hectic, OK?

Best regards,
Major Tom, also used to be known as Kind Stranger and Chocolate Guy (in some Asian places, because I used to bring chocolates to ladies that I liked.)
MajTom, don't feel bad, we're all slowing down!!! Capri was not with us for very long, sorry I can't help you on her whereabouts. Kelly I believe has retired and is in civilian life. Priscilla from TWG has gotten married and is a civilian. Priscilla from La Femme has closed that location, and some rumors are she is working at another location, but I can't verify that. Coffee is great. Shoot me a pm, and it's on me. Thanks for the biz, I very much appreciate it.
The Wildflower Group
strongbad's Avatar
Billy, I know she wasn't a Wildflower but I know that Sassanne knew you guys, I even had a session with her once, we went to your Restaurant and had lunch, then another go before I went home. Any idea of her whereabouts or how she's doing?
Yes, she would come in quite often and got to be a good friend of ours. Her son is very good friends with one of Beth's sons. She has married and is settled into civilian life. A very nice lady, would come in to visit a lot. Thanks for coming in.
This is a great thread. Some of my ATF experiences were with Beth before B&B got started. And, had some great times after that with their gals.
bgood's Avatar
  • bgood
  • 11-08-2011, 03:33 PM
Hey Billy,

Finally found this thread. Glad you are doing well. I remember Lexi, but can't recall who else I saw. One lady had a large bird tatoo on her leg. I'll PM you to meet.