Your thoughts on Pimps/Managers/BF

wellendowed1911's Avatar
A lot of good response- I know it would be very difficult for me to be in a relationship with someone that is a provider but that's just me- keep in mind a lot of porn stars both male/female are married and/or in relationships so it can happen.
Also think about couples who frequent swinger establishments - so I am not trying to knock guys who have wives and or GF's who are providers or vice-versa- if they can make it work so be it- but SD not to make this a moral issue- a Provider who has a boyfriend or Husband that approves of what his significant other is doing is that any worse than a married man or man with a girlfriend who frequents providers?
A lot of good response- I know it would be very difficult for me to be in a relationship with someone that is a provider but that's just me- keep in mind a lot of porn stars both male/female are married and/or in relationships so it can happen.
Also think about couples who frequent swinger establishments - so I am not trying to knock guys who have wives and or GF's who are providers or vice-versa- if they can make it work so be it- but SD not to make this a moral issue- a Provider who has a boyfriend or Husband that approves of what his significant other is doing is that any worse than a married man or man with a girlfriend who frequents providers? Originally Posted by wellendowed1911

Yes! Aside from obvious differences men and women ARE otherwise different. They have different predispositions for survival so its innate: men are hunter-gatherers, conquerors, etc; women are nurturers, cultivators, etc. Imho, infidelity can occur more easily in men than in women because women aren't as predisposed to the concept as men are. That being said there are exceptions to every rule. Natural selection decides what behavior wins out and how quickly. Men having girlfriends or seeing ladies outside his marriage has been acceptable forever in Europe and Asia. And in Switzerland they even have straight up carports where you can order up a lady and negotiate her rate right there in the drive-thru. All legal. (sometimes europe and asia just understands shit that america doesn't).
As a matter of fact in many parts of the world how many women you can pull is a direct sign of your power and worth. It wasn't so long ago it was respected here too: Kennedy and Clinton.

Now if a woman has a great man her best strategy would be to drain him regularly.... Literally fuck him.senseless frequently. I could totally love a woman willing and not stray.

It's primitive, even primeval, but its just how it works. If a man is completely sated, he can't stray. So for me that would be once a day minimum and sometimes twice. My SO is a twice a week girl. That means 5 days a week I have to do myself or..... and I've decided I'm really tired of self service.

Can we give SD2011 a big amen and hallelujah?!!
Originally Posted by brownsugarbaby
Amen and Hallelujah! Lol.

I'm sorry that happened to you guys though bsb. we all make mistakes that make sense at the time. but it sounds like you learned from it so that is what matters most.
TinMan's Avatar
Good luck in making that transition BSB. It's a tough one, but more likely to end well than trying to maintain an active hobby life and a relationship. If I were a single man outside the hobby, I could see myself in a relationship with a former hooker, but not an active one.
Some of you are missing my point. It's not about what I want my SO to's about what SHE WANTS to do for HER LIFE. My encouragement and support of it is NOT financially driven. OK, I'll draw the line on selling drugs; don't want any part of that. Why even compare the two?! Really?

And I can't believe a few of you ladies (well, one of you, anyway) are degrading your own profession by saying its not a good idea...even suggesting I should have my "retarded indecent" head examined.

We all have different opinions here... agree to disagree so to speak. You don't think it's a good idea, fine. Saying I'm SICK and need help because my beliefs don't line up with yours is beyond a difference of's out of line, period.
If a man is okay letting his SO put herself in that kind of risk then yes it is a problem. Contrary to what some like to think this is NOT some sexual joyride for ladies to gorge themselves on without any risk. The risks are on par with other black market professions - that is the nature of my comparison. Go research the alerts section from the past year for legitimate threats and dangers if you think I'm over-exaggerating. Even the most hailed of hobbyists has turned out to be a serial abuser of women and no one knew for MONTHS and MONTHS!

Sure, some ladies treat it like there is no risk involved but they end up crashing or wising up pretty quickly just like other black market professionals. If you think its not dangerous you are fooling yourself. There are dangers everywhere not just wayward hobbyists - believe that!! Personally, I would never want to put an SO under that kind of worry from a provider's standpoint.

If you are not concerned with your SO's well-being and safety then I would suggest you examine whether you truly love them or if its just a matter of convenience and a misguided feminist sensibility, however well intentioned.
None of these ladies have pimps..what are y'all talking about.. those guys are jus friends
Amen! I can't imagine any decent guy being ok with his SO being a provider. Its a lady's decision if that is the kind of risk she is willing to take but if I were her man I'd be goddamned if I'm okay with accepting a risk she chooses to partake in. NO SIR. That's where the line would be strong and long. If she chose to be a d**g dealer would that be ok too?? Both can make u a lot of money fast but you can also land your a$$ in the pokey or worse with one bad move. Its a very risky lifestyle and any man that is okay with his SO doing it needs to go see a doctor and get his balls reattached right after he retains a lawyer to sue the sh*t out of the retard who conditioned him to think that way! Good grief!

Maybe it really is just a money thing then because it sure as hell lacks any aspect of concern or well-being for the person you love.

And as we all know: Benefits enjoyed off someone else's p***y are pimp benefits. Originally Posted by thathottnurse
You know, while I agree with this, as a single woman, I would not want the man that I love to judge me for this part of my life. I would not be in this industry if I were not single. I'm an intelligent woman with multiple skill sets, and there are other ways to make money for me. While I'm enjoying the variety this life brings me, it will never have to be my primary source of income.

So what do we call it when the woman is NOT in this industry, and she works/makes more money than him, and he either doesn't make very much money and/or isn't aspiring to anything in his own life? Is he a pimp, a moocher, low life good-for-nothing? To delve into this would be to delve into the psychology of co-dependent people, self esteem, and the essence of what real love is. Who are we really to say what's wrong or right about someone else's situation?

When we consider the relationship between a woman who happens to be a Companion and a man who has a vested interest in her success and safety, a plethora of questions (mostly negative) pop up to those on the outside looking in.

I'll agree that a lot of women are not good with business. And I don't think I can say what I want to without sounding judgmental, and relay that I REALLY am okay with the differences between certain personalities, so bear with me and I apologize in advance if this hits home/offends anyone. But for some women, relying on their feminine wiles is something they would do if they weren't in the industry. That would include moving a boyfriend in to help pay the bills, or having sugar daddies, or even having babies and getting married. You don't know how many times I've heard civilian women say 'girl, times are hard, I'm lonely. I just need to find me a man with a good job and just submit.' We're not going to even talk about that aspect of things. A friend of mine was telling me about how women in her country would say, 'I just want to find a wealthy man and make him happy' in the accent of her nationality. While I understand this is the basis for "The Femme", in these modern times, it is a lazy, passive, unambitious way to look at success or having a comfortable life.

But when we think of pimps, we think of him coercing some lazy, young girl with no direction into selling her body for money. It's Friday. She ain't got no job. She doesn't have anything else to do. If she had her way, she wouldn't educate herself or work, and would be high half the time. She's going to have sex with random dudes for 420 or a place to crash for the night anyway so sure, why not.

I've met a woman who had pimps before going independent and the amount of organization and business sense she came away with after leaving that situation was uncanny. Though she was smart, and had the ability to take care of her own business, she has sought pimps after her independence as well. It puts me in the mind of that scene in The Mack where Goldie was in bed with his first girl, and she was like, 'it's hard out here, you know? I need a man to help me, to guide me..." and she breaks down on his shoulder. You would think after all the dramatic things that have happened to her (including abuse) during her life with/under the tutelage of pimps that she wouldn't want any part of that. Regardless of the money she bragged about making him, I failed to see any positive reason to have a man involved in this business.

Now the real question behind the OP's question (for me at least) is to the men: can you stand to be more thoughtful? I think that most men would not like to ponder the reasons why the women they meet are available to them. Too much emotion. I know some of you guys are daredevils, and the riskier the exchange the better. But that doesn't mean you can't put thought into your selection process beyond the physical. Unless you've got nothing to lose (this is the reason a guy would shoot a woman over $150) and if that's the case, I don't want to meet you anyway. Convenience should take a back seat to lowering your risk of negative encounters. The level of risks a woman is willing to take to meet you is an indication of so much: naivety, bad management and lack of industry education, all things that can spell bad news for you and her. Please don't find yourself ignoring the signs that a woman is in trouble just to satiate a hard-on.

But taking the time to consider the impact that you personally have on her as a client is a great way to start.

I love it when Tiffani posts!
I love it when Tiffani posts! Originally Posted by brownsugarbaby
+1 gonna have to go research more of these gems of wisdom. Smart, smart lady.
daty/o's Avatar
Some of you are missing my point. It's not about what I want my SO to's about what SHE WANTS to do for HER LIFE. My encouragement and support of it is NOT financially driven. And I can't believe a few of you ladies (well, one of you, anyway) are degrading your own profession by saying its not a good idea...even suggesting I should have my "retarded indecent" head examined.
We all have different opinions here... agree to disagree so to speak. You don't think it's a good idea, fine. Saying I'm SICK and need help because my beliefs don't line up with yours is beyond a difference of's out of line, period. Originally Posted by Prolongus
Prolongus, I agree with you completely. It's like the old Woody Allen line; "I would never go out with a girl who would be interested in someone like me".

THN, I understand your position, but the choice to become a provider is a lady's own. And as her SO, while I might not like it, to insist that she stop would be as controlling as making her do it. Also, I have to take issue with comparing prostitution (which is truly the world's oldest profession) with other illegal or black market activities. Selling alcohol was once illegal. Selling marijuana was once illegal. Once America grows the fuck up, selling sex will not be illegal either.

Nice post, Tiff.
Prolongus, I agree with you completely. It's like the old Woody Allen line; "I would never go out with a girl who would be interested in someone like me".

THN, I understand your position, but the choice to become a provider is a lady's own. And as her SO, while I might not like it, to insist that she stop would be as controlling as making her do it. Also, I have to take issue with comparing prostitution (which is truly the world's oldest profession) with other illegal or black market activities. Selling alcohol was once illegal. Selling marijuana was once illegal. Once America grows the fuck up, selling sex will not be illegal either.

Nice post, Tiff. Originally Posted by daty/o
You don't have to " insist she stop " but you DO have to decide whether or not that's a deal breaker for YOU in a relationship. I personally would never ask my SO to make that decision out of respect to him which is why I don't have a relationship as a provider. And if i were a man i hope my SO would respect me enough not to ask that i be ok with it. We cannot control others, we can only control ourselves and what we are willing to accept from the people we choose to have in our lives.

I agree with TJ that there are many different levels of prostitution, but with that argument aren't we all whores to something or someone - even at the highest levels of the food chain??? Wives, husbands, etc. We all whore ourselves out for a certain level of comfort and assurances.
Personally, I do not understand how someone would agree to take a pay cut, especially when it comes to your body?
Is there happy situations where the girl is genuinely happy with that...I just can't grasp that concept? I, myself cannot and will not allow anyone to tell me what to do with MY body.
Maybe I am just uneducated when it comes to this matter? I talked to one pimp when I started, him and his girlfriend told me what the requirements were. (I had no idea this world existed) I said "no" and they were fine with it. "No problem"
I guess what I got from this that not all managers/boyfriends, etc. are bad?

If a male figure is in or around the premises, it ruins the fantasy or makes the guy feel uneasy?

To each their own.

.....Pardon my English grammar.
Emary I think I can speak for some if not most of the guys. Our concern is that no woman is a slave to some guy. When I see a woman with bruises on her arms or body I cringe in horror. I read of or hear of women who use the excuse they were in a car wreck to cover up for mistreatment. As long as the woman is happy with her conditions I have no concern. I don't want to see a bunch of guys hanging around the in call or sitting in cars looking like low priced secret service.