Accounting tricks suck.I agree with you on those points.
Welfare spending in the military is no different than welfare spending in the public sector. They are both spending OUR taxes. Draping one in the flag does not make it any more right than draping one in the name of charity. Originally Posted by WTF
I am a libertarian who believes that the military budget contains a lot of waste and pork. One of my best friends from high school spent 20 years in the Navy and Naval Reserves. He is a strong conservative (the old-fashioned kind) who believes in defending America as much as anyone I know. But he says that much of the stuff desired by the Pentagon was designed to fight the Soviet Union! He explained how pieces of many projects are spread across dozens and dozens of congressional districts, and representatives from just about everywhere (and armies of lobbyists!) all feed at the trough. He feels that if we did it the right way, we could reduce the defense budget by at least 25% without compromising capability and readiness.
But everything I've seen (both here and in the HPF) suggests that you have little objection to big spending in other areas. Do you believe that passing the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 was a wise decision? If not, is that because it was too small, too large, or just poorly designed?