McCabe Fired.

LexusLover's Avatar
You and you're group of hate mongers turned this forum into what it is, a Shithole. Originally Posted by themystic
Just making it more attractive for you and your ILK.

Do you feel "at home" yet? If not, I'll keep "decorating" for you!
comey's latest posing as reinhold niebuhr:

"little roundtop, gettysburg. good place to think about leadership and values."

first the condescending addition of Gettysburg, as if he had to be sure we got it

then the continued hair shirt of him patiently awaiting vindication

such continued false humble sacrifice all for the sake of america, I cant take it any more. he wants to be cut into mount rushmore

he also has said beware, mccabe has memos too

reminds me of my post which I will humbly copy for reference sake:
mccabe, just like his ex-boss comey, already hated trump

trump's flaw was his naivety

he was not up on washington's intrigues and booby traps, nor realized how these people distained him so

all trump knew was he didn't do what he was being accused of, the Russian collusion thing,

comey and mccabe knew that too

so trump became the perfect patsy for these two, an honest non stop talker

they knew if they couldn't get trump on collusion they'd get him with some sort of process crime, either a lie or obstruction

so they set trump up as much as they could and "kept" journals as much as they could to "memorialize" any naïve, innocently spoken thing trump might have said, to cast them as dark as possible and then to be able to testify as to their shock at trump

then comey leaked government documents,his "memos", to get a special prosecutor

so yeah mccabe's an enemy but of his own making, and he planned all along to go along with comey

so nothing much has changed except the inspector general's report
LexusLover's Avatar

trump's flaw was his naivety

he was not up on washington's intrigues and booby traps, nor realized how these people distained him so ... Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
You've misjudged Trump.

But don't feel bad ... so did the Clintons and the DNC. You all still are!
bamscram's Avatar
Trump's big flaw is his ego.
Trump's big flaw is his ego. Originally Posted by bamscram
he is egotistical yes, but in a way that's a strong point

he cant allow himself to fail which means he works all the more for American success

but in the context of him being where he finds himself now with the special prosecutor and threats by comey and mccabe, he was naïve with these sharks, he thought he could talk to them as he would some new york contractor and win them over

and the more he ran on in the mouth, the more they "memorialized" in their plans to screw him

or so it appears to me
bamscram's Avatar
If t is a strong point to fire everyone with a different opinion then he fits this forum perfectly.
Unless you can kiss his ass your job is short term.
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  • WTF
  • 03-18-2018, 07:51 AM
You've misjudged Trump.

But don't feel bad ... so did the Clintons and the DNC. You all still are! Originally Posted by LexusLover

and the more he ran on in the mouth, the more they "memorialized" in their plans to screw him

or so it appears to me Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
According yo LexyLiar, you've misjudged Trump.

He is setting up this investigation for failure.

Trump is like God didn't you know? Every good thing that happens is because of Trump and every bad thing that happens is just to get to a good thing!
According yo LexyLiar, you've misjudged Trump.

He is setting up this investigation for failure.

Trump is like God didn't you know? Every good thing that happens is because of Trump and every bad thing that happens is just to get to a good thing! Originally Posted by WTF
he's the best thing to happen to America in the last 30 years
LexusLover's Avatar
he's the best thing to happen to America in the last 30 years Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
First, because he stopped US from having to look at this shit ...

... and if it weren't for dupes like WTF et al, we wouldn't have to see it at all.

They empower her to continue her fantasies.
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  • WTF
  • 03-18-2018, 08:40 AM
he's the best thing to happen to America in the last 30 years Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Yea....if you're rooting for the spread of Gonorrhea!

Yea....if you're rooting for the spread of Gonorrhea!
Originally Posted by WTF
first they came for idiots, but I didn't speak up, because I wasn't an idiot

but i have to admit, it was a great relief
LexusLover's Avatar
First, because he stopped US from having to look at this shit ...

... and if it weren't for dupes like WTF et al, we wouldn't have to see it at all.

They empower her to continue her fantasies. Originally Posted by LexusLover
See his most recent post "on the subject" of McCabe being fired?
If t is a strong point to fire everyone with a different opinion then he fits this forum perfectly.
Unless you can kiss his ass your job is short term. Originally Posted by bamscram
Maybe you all need to quite listening to the drive by media, McCabe wasn't fired for you think/want/pilitical reasins in order to blame Trump.
LexusLover's Avatar
Maybe you all need to quite listening to the drive by media, McCabe wasn't fired for you think/want/pilitical reasins in order to blame Trump. Originally Posted by Cherie
Just remember! Parrots will be parrots.

The anti-LE crowd converted to Pro-LE parrots conveniently ignore THE FACT that FBI AGENTS/EMPLOYEES recommended McCabe be FIRED!


These numbnuts trashing Trump are judging the POTUS by the last sorry 8 years!

In which the POTUS constantly stuck his nose in local LE business and was batting ZERO by the time he moved out of the White House!!!! Here's were it started!!!

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-18-2018, 09:25 AM
Maybe you all need to quite listening to the drive by media, McCabe wasn't fired for you think/want/pilitical reasins in order to blame Trump.

/ Originally Posted by Cherie
He wasn't fired for political reasons?