Who is Oldbutstillgoing?: You decide

I posted a pic.
I'm totally serious. NYr makes the rules up as he goes. This is just another public example of his incompetence. Originally Posted by THN
I do not think that is the case as far as NYr making up a rule, although his reasoning he gave me the points was ludicrous at best, but you are not far off. I agree with your incompetence as a mod theory. IMO, I think he was told what to do or at least encouraged by his buddies he hangs with at the strip club as well as OBSG himself.
Ugh...before you ad a fucking novel to it, this is your original, unedited post that I'm responding to:

I do not think that is the case as far as NYr making up a rule, although his reasoning he gave me the points was ludicrous at best, but you are not far off. I agree with your incompetence as a mod theory. IMO, I think he was told what to do or at least encouraged by his buddies he hangs with at the strip club as well as OBSG himself. Originally Posted by davidfree986

We aren't buddies, dumfuk. Go grovel and cry to someone else. Just because you shouldn't have gotten banned *for lincking the two handles* doesn't mean your creepy ass is clear of all the other shit you've pulled under all your other handles. Go kick rocks, asshole.

If anything NYr's fuck up is made even more worse because he did it to the one person on this board who will ride the whole thing out to the ends of the earth and back again if he thinks it will give him even a sliver of credibility.

Way to go NYr! Thancks a fucking lot!
Ugh...before you ad a fucking novel to it, this is your original, unedited post that I'm responding to:

We aren't buddies, dumfuk. Go grovel and cry to someone else. Just because you shouldn't have gotten banned *for lincking the two handles* doesn't mean your creepy ass is clear of all the other shit you've pulled under all your other handles. Go kick rocks, asshole.

If anything NYr's fuck up is made even more worse because he did it to the one person on this board who will ride the whole thing out to the ends of the earth and back again if he thinks it will give him even a sliver of credibility.

Way to go NYr! Thancks a fucking lot! Originally Posted by THN
I was not referring to you as his buddy, but once again, you read what you want to read when you look at posts, kinda sad in a way. And although there are lots of similarities, this thread is not about your agenda, it was about his. Stay current and quit trying to make the past current, no one cares as it is relevant in your head only.
I was not referring to you as his buddy, but once again, you read what you want to read when you look at posts, kinda sad in a way. And although there are lots of similarities, this thread is not about your agenda, it was about his. Stay current and quit making the past current, no one cares. Originally Posted by davidfree986

Lmfao. What's really pathetic (and funny) is that the person who you started this thread about recently guested their account and yet you're still on here crying about them.
Lmfao. What's really pathetic (and funny) is that the person who you started this thread about recently guested their account and yet you're still on here crying about them. Originally Posted by THN

Wrong again, I was talking about the mod who gave me the points. I know it is difficult, but keep your eye on the ball and read and think before you type. However, since you are close to 10K posts, I am a little too late with that suggestion.
At least mine are all under the same handle.

Bye, dumfuk.
Chainsaw Anthropologist's Avatar
Drops mike, walks off
THN scores big....
Poor David stuck at zero
Drops mike, walks off
THN scores big....
Poor David stuck at zero
Originally Posted by Chainsaw Anthropologist
Well its a small victory.....david obviously has serious mental challenges....and physical ones as well........he may be beyond help.............
Are you saying that I'm picking on the mentally handi-capable among us? *wink*
Are you saying that I'm picking on the mentally handi-capable among us? *wink* Originally Posted by THN
lets just call him special........