Clesed Thread Repository

some of those closed threads were pretty spicy..
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 11-13-2013, 08:22 AM
One of your mods is about to become an Ambassador...have fun kids... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
Are you taking bets?
dearhunter's Avatar
I am a sucker for a good bet........what is the over/under?
Wakeup's Avatar
Actually GP, yes...want me to put up a poll?
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 11-13-2013, 09:31 AM
Actually GP, yes...want me to put up a poll? Originally Posted by Wakeuр
That would make it official then. heh
dearhunter's Avatar
I just want the over/under date. So, I can determine whether I am getting suckered into another free lunch.
make sure you order a side of bacon dh..
Justin Heranus's Avatar
hmmm now this is looking interesting. there is a free lunch up for grabs? who will we be eating?
offshoredrilling's Avatar
As long as I do not get stuck as replacement.

But if I did get stuck, my first action would be ban OSD for 30 days.
Wakeup's Avatar
Over/under is 19 days...
rooster's Avatar
Wakeup's sub-thread is an interesting one. I don't know whether he is posting a "theory", a "joke", or "inside information." Wanna clue us in, big guy? We don't usually have to guess at your point when you make a post.

If it is "theory" - I'll take that bet that it doesn't happen.

"Joke?" - doesn't fit his character, from what little attention I have paid to him (other than the weird "food review" thing... which was maybe funny the first time).

"Inside Info?" - I would almost wish it was true just so I could sell him out for betraying it. I can't imagine he ever gets any, though. I wouldn't trust it.

Oh, wait... there is one more possibility! How about "coming into an area from way outside of his own and trying to cause shit?" BINGO! That fits his character! I get it now......
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 11-13-2013, 04:25 PM
/me thinks rooster is onto something!
Carlos Danger's Avatar
How abot a Texas chalupa?

Carlos Danger's Avatar
For the fellas along the border

JohnnyCap's Avatar
One of your mods is about to become an Ambassador...have fun kids... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
I understand this is just rabble-rousing...

But is an Ambassador a Modtard relieved of his/her duties?