What are your two biggest provider problems?

Texas_rider's Avatar
1. personal hygiene
2. lack of passion
SAL78's Avatar
  • SAL78
  • 01-10-2015, 09:40 PM
1. Lack of communication. It didn't take me long once I started seeing providers to learn trying to set something up at least a week in advance is the best way for me. I've come to find that some providers when you PM them or request an appointment will not respond, at all. It may be my taste in women, it may be because I don't see but one or two providers a year, I can't say for sure. But for whatever reason a provider won't respond, not even to say she declines an appointment or that she may already have something setup for the time i'm requesting. This can probably also go under "Lack of Professionalism" too.

2. Lying about your pimp. I've seen 3 different providers who lied to me about being independent when I found out later they each had a pimp. For instance I found one provider I liked and I saw her 3 times before I swore her off. The 3rd time her showcase and P411 had changed, she added new services and a slight rate hike. When I saw her that last time I commented about her new profiles and her pics, I liked them. She responded by telling me she didn't even know what the pics were, nor did she know what her profiles said. All claiming her Boyfriend had set them up for her. I'm sorry but IMO the term Boyfriend in this business is code for Pimp to me.
  • EZ.
  • 01-11-2015, 10:38 AM
Same with Lancehernot. I find a gal I like and stick with her and I make it an effort to see her as much as possible.

Personal hygiene, like others stated. Originally Posted by fine dimes21
I have at least as much loyalty as the average alley cat.

1. personal hygiene
2. lack of passion Originally Posted by Texas_rider
Passion? Some are better at multi-tasking than others. It is difficult when they are thinking about their next appointment, the hair dresser, kids in daycare and so on.

Hygiene. Anytime I see a comment on bad hygiene either on a review or in the ML, I note it on P411. On that, I don't give the benefit of doubt.
MD_4_HotFun's Avatar
Better skills like knowing how to make her mouth feel like a tight pussy

Need a lot more passionate display when being pounded very hard. The bed is soaked with pussy juice and she is still quiet.
whitechocolate's Avatar
Communication problems far over shadow all other issues. All rules of business communication are out the window and the guys can be just as bad. No wonder all the NCNSs on both side.
Clint Reno's Avatar

1. Illusion of Passion. Ladies, if you do this one right, half the work is literally already done. This starts with how you look when we arrive. If you're looking all delicious, wearing negligees and teddies like we're about to get in the bed, or even a shirt and panties or that short skirt that your mom WOULD NOT let you wear (the "I KNOW you don't think you wearing THAT!" skirt...yeah, that one ). Shorts are OK, too. Whatever you look hot in, use it, even some of the stuff you take pictures in.

Hygiene is part of the illusion, too. That 'smell good' stuff you be wearing. Please put it on (not too much, though), AFTER you shower. Wipes don't always do the trick. Don't forget to wash your tits, too. I don't want to taste the previous guy's breath on your boobs. Yes, that has happened before.

You don't have to totally undress yourself. I LOOOOOVE to pull panties down over a phat, round ass. Let me see if my bra unclipping skills are still up to par. Let me feel you up a bit, too. This gets me warmed up and going, admiring the body that you're showing off in your showcase. A little bit of groping and kissing and caressing goes a long way.

The Subtleties of Girly-ness goes a long way, too. It doesn't hurt to have an excuse to walk away from me for a second so I can watch your physical form in that lil bitty skirt. It's OK to be a damsel or to be a little flirty. Intimate contact. I love that shit. Originally Posted by Rambro Creed
In my opinion absolutely the best post of the thread.

Second are the other comments from those who feel cheated (as I do) when after a pop at the 20 minute point she gets up and prepares to wrap-up the one hour session.
!!Sexy Erotic Morgan's Avatar
This is a really great thread. If only one girl reads it and rethinks her work routine, you guys will have made a difference!

I noticed that bad personal hygiene is a really common problem and that is crazy since we are all grown women, so we have had our pussies for at least 18 years now, which is plenty of time to learn that it has to be cleaned and how to clean it, whether it be a long shower or hoe bath situation.
words to live by.

Anyway, it is very common for a guy to call me and want to see me as soon as possible, like in 15, 20, 30 minutes. I tell them I need a little time to get ready and they totally shoot down that idea right away like, "no you don't baby! i know you are conscious because I am talking to you right now and that's all I require." I have had guys hang up on me because I said I might need 45 minutes to shower and put on a little makeup. It is actually really rare for a guy to be cool with it. Honestly guys, I have to lie to y'all and tell you that we will be face to face in 30 minutes, knowing I need 45. The 15 minutes I keep you waiting is never a deal breaker, but me letting you know in the beginning is often.

It is NEVER a bad idea for your provider to "take a quick shower," or "freshen up," or "put on a little makeup," before your session. You can (and do) wait that extra couple of minutes so be super cool and agree to it when it first proposed, maybe even be a little enthusiastic about the idea. These are things that benefit you and make your money go further. She will like you before she sees you, as appose to... not. Personally, I think I look WAY, WAY BETTER with makeup on and I feel sexier and more prepared for our meeting. Do not say "take as much time as you need" because she will take that all the way literally. Just agree to the time she says because that is the time it is happening anyway.

I am only speaking for myself and about my experiences, but I am pretty sure I am not alone in any of this.
There are actually more than just two big problems, but the two that stand out to me are:

2). Personal hygiene - I have encountered so many providers who I have set an appointment with in plenty of time, sometimes days in advance, so they can be freshly showered, clean and fresh smelling, but when I arrive to their incall, it would appear as if the last guy they saw left 5 minutes prior to me walking up or they have been out running errands all day and got back 15 minutes before our session with their clothes and hair wreaking of smoke, and the smell of body odor (under arms and especially between legs). Originally Posted by davidfree986
I agree 100 %! Bad odor is definitely a mood killer
texting out of the blue...will never repeat visit a girl who texts out of the blue

stinky twats that smell like lube or condom..I like DATY


poor communication
DiyosaBaby's Avatar
I am honestly kind of shocked at how many responses were about IOP, as there was another discussion about it on a different thread in another area... quite interesting...

I'm pretty shocked too - then again, I don't go through 3 providers a week! I have to think volume is going to increase your chances of bad things happening. Part of the risk I guess.

One thing I'm glad not to see on here (unless I missed it), is people experiencing issues that weren't exposed in a prior review. That would suck to see 50 reviews of the wildest time imaginable with a lady, then you show up and she couldn't care less!
Wow...I actually read through this thread and aside from some generic sniping about opinions, I have to agree with the gents who bring hygiene and IOP to the top of the list.

Nothing is a bigger piss off/turn off than a non responsive partner. Stanky pussy, you can walk that shit. But if the general package is acceptable to both parties (wimmin should walk us as well if they can't see themselves working us professionally) and there's no noise, no slammin' ass backwards, no direction towards something better if what's happening isn't happening as it should (like DATY), no hair pulling and screaming if it is happening. The ambivalent genetic data dump receptacle response, that sucks. Really. This is professional sex. Regardless of your preference in partner, she should be a professional provider of sex, which includes being responsive and an interactive co- participant. Or at least that's my take on it. You want someone who will lay there and check her nail polish while you eat her pussy, that's your business, but clean and responsive are the two main issues for me.

Well, not being two bag fugly or 400 pounds of cottage cheese in spandex helps some, too. BSC crazy is OK as long as the package is prime