Sunshine is the best disinfectant for Benghazi

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Spare everybody the need to scroll past your cut and pastes, Slobbrin.

A couple of paragraphs and a link, why don't ya!

You don't need to act out, dipshit.
lustylad's Avatar
What are you more offended by ....4500 plus hundred American soldiers in Iraq or 5 Americans in Libya? Originally Posted by WTF
God damn you have trouble with math.... Which is larger 4 or 4800? Which is larger 100 million or 4 Trillion? Originally Posted by WTF
Are you so morally obtuse that you call everything by the numbers?

WWII - 405,399 US deaths
Korea - 36,516
Vietnam - 58,209
Iraq - 4,486

Were you 13 times more offended by Vietnam than by Iraq? Were you 8 times more offended by Korea? And were you 90 times more offended by World War II? Is that the way it works in fagboy's feeble mind?

You're a fair-weather patriot when it comes to wars, aintcha? Sit back, see how it goes, and be ready to scream "cut and run" as soon as something goes wrong. What's your threshold for cutting and running - 4,000 US war deaths? If we played by your numbers, we would have dropped out of WWII in 1942.

You completely miss the larger point of why so many people are focused on and appalled by Benghazi. It's not just the number of Americans who died that night. It's how the POTUS fucked up the "3am phone call" and what this portends for his handling of future crises like ISIS or Ukraine. If he continues to fuck up like he did then (and he shows every sign of doing so), we will soon find ourselves in an increasingly hostile and dangerous world that requires a lot more than 4500 US casualties to fix.

lustylad's Avatar
You are more offended by 2 journalists who went to a foreign country on their own getting their heads cut off than by a war started on faulty intelligence? Originally Posted by WTF

You prove yourself to be a bigger and bigger POS with every post you make. Oh well, those American journalists Jim Foley and Steve Sotloff went to Syria "on their own" so why should it bother anyone if they got their heads chopped off? Since they knew the risks going in, it's their own fault. Why be offended?

I guess you weren't upset back in 1979 either when the Iranians took our diplomats hostage for 444 days. Hey, those guys volunteered for the foreign service and went to Iran on their own, so what's the fuss about?

You're a true patriot, fagboy.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
55,000 men died in Vietnam....a war enlarged with faulty intelligence from an advisory force to a full blown invasion...on purpose.
lustylad's Avatar
Why don't you answer one? Were you born dumb or do you practice? Who thinks I am sceered of you pissants? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
I already answered, no balls. Read my posts. Now it's your turn. Can you answer? If not, are you too skeered or too stupid? Take your pick, no balls.
lustylad's Avatar
Spare everybody the need to scroll past your cut and pastes, Slobbrin.

A couple of paragraphs and a link, why don't ya! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Hey assup, it's not iffy's fault! Hillary keeps spewing out lies so fast it's hard to keep track of them all. 50 lies on Benghazi alone!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-17-2014, 01:04 PM
You prove yourself to be a bigger and bigger POS with every post you make. Oh well, those American journalists Jim Foley and Steve Sotloff went to Syria "on their own" so why should it bother anyone if they got their heads chopped off? Since they knew the risks going in, it's their own fault. Why be offended?

. Originally Posted by lustylad
They didn't cut my head off because I wasn't stupid enough to go over and report on a bunch of religious fanatics fighting over who controls the oil/power in that region.

If you do want to go report on that shit ...try not to lose your head while doing so.

I guess you weren't upset back in 1979 either when the Iranians took our diplomats hostage for 444 days. Hey, those guys volunteered for the foreign service and went to Iran on their own, so what's the fuss about?

You're a true patriot, fagboy. Originally Posted by lustylad
If you understood the history of the region, you might understand the other sides concerns. You don't so I expect you to act like a feely little girl with all your emotions.

The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That's easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.
Herman Goering
I already answered, no balls. Read my posts. Now it's your turn. Can you answer? If not, are you too skeered or too stupid? Take your pick, no balls. Originally Posted by lustylad
I looked over your last three posts, none of them stated if you were born dumb or just practiced it. guess I can add liar to it also.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-17-2014, 01:26 PM

In his penultimate chapter, Butler argues that three steps are necessary to disrupt the war racket:
  1. Making war unprofitable. Butler suggests that the owners of capital should be "conscripted" before other citizens are: "It can be smashed effectively only by taking the profit out of war. The only way to smash this racket is to conscript capital and industry and labour before the nation's manhood can be conscripted. … Let the officers and the directors and the high-powered executives of our armament factories and our steel companies and our munitions makers and our ship-builders and our airplane builders and the manufacturers of all other things that provide profit in war time as well as the bankers and the speculators, be conscripted — to get $30 a month, the same wage as the lads in the trenches get."
  2. Acts of war to be decided by those who fight it. He also suggests a limited referendum to determine if the war is to be fought. Eligible to vote would be those who risk death on the front lines.
  3. Limitation of militaries to self-defense. For the United States, Butler recommends that the navy be limited, by law, to within 200 miles of the coastline, and the army restricted to the territorial limits of the country, ensuring that war, if fought, can never be one of aggression.
lustylad's Avatar
I looked over your last three posts... Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Ok no balls, I'll put your nose right in front of it. Here is the question along with my answer:

And while we are on the topic, little eva, which video offended YOU - "Innocence of Muslims" or the recent ISIS beheadings? Originally Posted by lustylad
What I AM offended by is a POTUS who goes to the UN and apologizes for a stupid youtube video because he finds himself in the middle of a heated re-election campaign and needs to blow smoke about his foreign policy failures... And yes, I am extremely offended and angry at the ISIS beheadings of 2 American journalists. You, assup and little eva can't even find it within yourselves to say that... Originally Posted by lustylad

Now you have the question directly in front of you for the FOURTH time, no balls. Can you answer it? What's it gonna be, no balls? Are you too stoopid, too skeered, or both?

lustylad's Avatar
They didn't cut my head off because I wasn't stupid enough to go over and report on a bunch of religious fanatics fighting over who controls the oil/power in that region.

If you do want to go report on that shit ...try not to lose your head while doing so. Originally Posted by WTF

Again you show everyone what a POS you are. Why don't you give a pep talk to all the Americans who are going over to Africa to fight ebola? Tell them how stupid they are. And let them know if they catch the virus it's their own fault!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-17-2014, 01:45 PM
Again you show everyone what a POS you are. Why don't you give a pep talk to all the Americans who are going over to Africa to fight ebola? Tell them how stupid they are. And let them know if they catch the virus it's their own fault! Originally Posted by lustylad
I damn sure will if asked!

To all you ebola fighters, good fucking luck but do not expect me to come running to help if you catch that shit!

lustylad's Avatar
If you understood the history of the region, you might understand the other side's concerns. Originally Posted by WTF
Oh, so now WTFagboy is a scholar of radical Islam? Tell us, Professor Fagboy, what is it that we Americans fail to understand? Do we need to be better listeners? Is that why our diplomats were taken hostage in 1979? Is that why we were attacked on 9/11? Because we weren't listening and understanding enough? So flying airplanes into our buildings and murdering 3,000 Americans was the only way they could get our attention?

Here is a relevant piece of history for you, Professor Fagboy: After listening to "the other side's concerns" back in 1938, Neville Chamberlain handed Hitler the Sudetenland on a silver platter. A year later Hitler invaded Poland. I guess it just proves Chamberlain didn't listen well enough, right fagboy?

Here's an idea - since you are such a Middle East scholar, why don't you put your deep "understanding" to work for us by going over there and weaning the Sunni tribes in western Iraq away from fighting with ISIS to fighting against ISIS? It won't be easy, because Odumbo pulled all of our troops out prematurely and the Sunni tribes who supported us during the 2007 Awakening now feel betrayed. But I'm sure you can sort it out and impress them with your intimate knowledge and deep understanding of the region.

LexusLover's Avatar
Here's an idea - since you are such a Middle East scholar, why don't you put your deep "understanding" to work for us by going over there .... Originally Posted by lustylad
#1: You would have to tear his cold sweaty hands from around a Barnes and Noble tea cup ... TEA CUP ... and

#2: .... he comprehends "GEO-POLITICS" as a catchy phrase (or terminology) much better than "regional history" ... "geo politics" has a more scientifically appealing sound to it .... like 2+2!!!!!

What's hilariously SAD is the lowliest ISIS grunt knows more "geo-politics" than WTF will ever know his his lame-ass life time. But the Bimboes are impressed!
lustylad's Avatar
What's hilariously SAD is the lowliest ISIS grunt knows more "geo-politics" than WTF will ever know in his lame-ass life time. Originally Posted by LexusLover
I agree. WTF is arrogant, pretentious, a know-it-all phony. But that doesn't bother me as much as the instincts he displays in this thread. If you were in a foxhole with him and got wounded, he would say it's your own damn fault for sticking your head up, then jump out and let you bleed to death.