at the time team Obama had the naïve plan of re-integrating the Taliban into the political fabric of Afghanistan; they may still very well cling to that idiocy
seems Obama is a believer in everyone but America's allies and in America itself.
he seemingly either doesn't understand the nature of the worldviews of the people we face or he has the same views
so he had the brilliant idea of releasing the Taliban commanders as a sop to them, to curry favor. sort of an across the seas bowing to them as he was very much given to do in his first term
it also didn't hurt that he got to reduce the gitmo population
in furtherance of his scheme, he didn't care about the truth of bergdahls situation, or the danger these commanders present to America
so he trotted out the sycophant susan rice once more to lie to America
and the arrogant state dept spokes woman who snarkily dismissed the members of bergdahls platoon
he had to also sell it, so he held that disgusting rose garden event with the parents of the deserter that went off into moonbeam land, giving a rose garden event to a deserter when men and women who have died in honor get no such thing
and yeah, they knew the truth all along
then who knows the extent to which he tried to influence the army in not bringing charges
isn't this Benghazi redux?
kayla muller's family thinks Obama's trading with the enemy got their daughter killed, his releasing the commanders gave isis the idea they could bargain for her