Ourhome2 Working?

anandaman's Avatar
I've found these steps work every time for logging in:

- Turn on your VPN to a domestic city (without it on, I get the "wait 15 minutes to try again notice". If the VPN is set to an Int'l city, you'll get the "banned IP address" notice)
- If you don't have a VPN, get one (NordVPN, VyprVPN, etc).
- If you enter your username/password and get the "incorrect password, you have 4 more tries notice", simply enter your username/password again and you'll get in.
- Others have told me they get the "bad certificate" notice. If you get that, just ignore it and click to go the site.

Once you're in the site is working 100% of normal.

Dakota123's Avatar
I have been using "Puffin web browser" and it's been ok. I can't load pictures tho... send messages and search works fine.
Ive tried firefox and got in for 5 minutes and it shut me down...i was able to post my new email and that was it. Tried other browsers puffin, etc, doesnt work. Im over it. Still on p and tryst so meh. its a waste of time and i dont want to keep downloading different browsers on my pc anyway.
dogtown's Avatar
It's funny how hard we are all trying to get on a site that the average hobbyist won't bother with after a second try. It's proof positive as to how in demand a robust site with ads is needed in this town. The adult search, list crawler etc have all been high-jacked by fake ads and scammers. Things have changed quickly since that new law went into effect and rates blew thru the roof (I'm not trying to get either side of the isle started, so please don't).