Damn business must just be fantastic for all you ladies.

WTH? You mean you can find some screwy unreliable people in this line of work? I assume the NCNS are close to the same seen in the fast food industry. The difference is, McD’s will not shut down because the fry cook took the day off. They first find the best candidates available to them within their pay range. They also have backup plans for NCNS employees.

If you cannot get this line of logic, you deserve to be crying on here. If you are too incompetent to manage a fast food place, what makes you think you could maneuver through these waters?
You can find ladies here that you can count on, and others....
rachet3375's Avatar
Have had a couple of NCNSs all with BP girls (youngsters) and I know I should know better so I don't do BP anymore. Here's the thing tho... NCNS is a complete deal breaker but what gives me the redass more is the providers that push your appointment back and back and back. I can accept a 30 min push but to keep on doing it every 20 mins or so is to me a total lack of respect for me and my time. Granted I should have said thanks but no thanks and moved on but with no plan b and limited to the days I can get away I just took it. She has done this to me twice now. I really like seeing her but this last time it was 2 1/2 hrs from our schld time until we got together. This affected my mental state and while I tried to put on a happy face I was unable to control my frustration and it showed in my performance. I don't normally have issues but this night I did and she asked what was wrong, bad move. I told her how I felt, she got defensive and I didn't care. Probably burned that bridge but I'm thinking "so what?" I was pissed off and I don't like being pissed off, got enough drama in my life without my freakin hobby addin to it. This is supposed to be fun damnit, right? Ok, I'm Ok, thanks for letting me vent. There are way to many sweet ladies on this board that will be where they say and be on time when they say they will be. Life does happen but not over and over. Ommmmmm, Ommmmmmm
there are at least 10 guys here whining about NCNS but only 2 threads on NCNS in the review section????? why are you guys afraid to post names?? if you are not going to post names, quit bitching!!!