Kyle Rittenhouse Speaks Out About Deadly Kenosha Shooting

  • oeb11
  • 09-02-2020, 08:57 AM
I am very afraid that the racist marxist DPST's plan to foment and promote riots and looting all across America on Nov 3 - regardless of the outcome of eh election.

it serves their purpose to destabilize America - for their Marxist revolution.

Time to prepare for what the racist marxist DPST's will inflict on America. Those who promote and foment terrorism must be removed - by force - it will be needed . And violence fomented by these 'leaders' must be put down - finally - by Force, The racist marxist DPST's leave no other option available.

Prepare for open warfare against America by the racist marxist DPST's seeking their marxist violent revolution.
sportfisherman's Avatar
"Needed Killing"

"Got what they Deserved"

Who determines that ? You and others of your ilk ?

Is that Law and Order ?

I notice Trump is up to his Blame Game again.His entire presidency has been Nothing but Blaming away all the problems encountered on His watch.

He is the POTUS. Has been for 4 years. This is America under Trump.

This is Trump's America.
Budman's Avatar
This is a perfect example of "What's good for the goose is good for the gander". These fucking rioters murder, assault, vandalize, set fires and ruin lives of many innocent people and then are surprised and want to scream racist when something happens to them. Fuck them.

This is the same shit as when Travon Martin got shot. The left all cried out that he was just an innocent kid that was murdered because he was black. He was shot because he was beating the shit out of G.Z.

Michael Brown. Same thing. The left cried out that he was holding his hands up saying don't shoot and the racist cop just killed him because he was black. Bullshit. The "hands up don't shoot" never happened. He was a fucking thug that was trying to take the gun from the cop. That POS got what he deserved as well.
  • oeb11
  • 09-02-2020, 09:47 AM
"Needed Killing"

"Got what they Deserved"

Who determines that ? You and others of your ilk ?

Is that Law and Order ?

I notice Trump is up to his Blame Game again.His entire presidency has been Nothing but Blaming away all the problems encountered on His watch.

He is the POTUS. Has been for 4 years. This is America under Trump.

This is Trump's America. Originally Posted by sportfisherman

You are attributing words to me i never said or wrote - and do not support - SF
typical Lying racist marxist DPST tactics of distortion!

Your quotes apply to the racist marxist DPST terrorists who tried to kill Kyle Rittenhouse - and not only admitted it - but reveled in it. Quote is published on this forum by one of the three assailant thugs who assaulted Kyle rittenhouse.

Trump has offered support and national Guard presence to Gov Evers - a raical marxist who refused and encourages the his racist marxist terrorists to attack the populace - to enable the marxist revolution he wants. To blame Trump is an ultimate hypocrisy of teh racist marxist DPST party - who foments, enables, and supports the violence and riots - and then hypocritically blames Trump in an effort to skew the nov 3 election.

The usual DPST hypocrisy and misleading Propaganda - You learn your propaganda lessons from Goebbels well.

You should be ashamed of your Lies!
Jacuzzme's Avatar
It’s amazing that he managed to be controlled enough to take out only his attackers, this kid is disciplined beyond his years. I’ve seen soldiers with 20 years experience handle such a situation far worse, and wound/kill bystanders. Kyle Rittenhouse has a great future ahead of him. He’ll also be swimming in pussy, the beautiful, conservative kind who don’t have a penis, multi-colored hair and a bunch of shit hanging from their face.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
The kid didn't even live in the same state. I know he worked in that town, but his actions were stupid. He should have not played so many video games. The real world doesn't work like that. He'll pay the price for that. He is old enough to know better. He deserves to pay the price for being an idiot.

I obviously like Westerns, but I have absolutely no right to walk around on the streets with my rifle playing lawman because I am not authorized to do so. And I sure the fuck did not have that right when I was a dumb kid.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Yeah, he should’ve let the mob beat him to death.

He is the POTUS. Has been for 4 years. This is America under Trump.

This is Trump's America. Originally Posted by sportfisherman
yeah the marxist antifa and blm wont need to burn, pillage, loot and kill with biden in charge (so to speak)

even though they have announced a revolution

when biden wins they plan on being the power behind the throne

of all the dim spins the one you have chosen to copy and repeat has to be one of the least intelligent ones:

the dims are revolting against America, and this is trump's America? soon as the revolters get what they demand and burn and pillage for it will all be ok...just please, don't hit me anymore and you can take idiotic is that?

what goes first...the constitution or is it private property? oh incorrect of me..its the guns...and we do want the children in camps
I'm reading that Jacob Blake had a restraining order against him filed by the woman he took her car keys from and wouldn't give them back.

"Hey babe, I gotta stop by my side pieces house and straighten some shit out. You and the kids wait in the car."
Jacuzzme's Avatar
they plan on being being the power behind the throne Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Somebody has gotta do it, Biden barely has the capacity to eat his pudding.
Somebody has gotta do it, Biden barely has the capacity to eat his pudding. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
he's ok when the bib is on
  • oeb11
  • 09-02-2020, 10:38 AM
Harris will command the OBLM and antifa brownshirts - who will terrorize america as did hitler's brownshirts in 1930's Germany.

it is the plan of those intent on violent Marxist Revolution.

They will come for all Americans - in their search for 'equality' - which means confiscation of all property. homes, businesses, and bank accounts of non-millennial Caucasians.

OBLM is already patrolling residential neighborhoods demanding Caucasians give up their houses as reparations. It is marxist racist terrorism supported by the DPSAT party.

Whose leader is too senile to understand he issupporting the destruction of the Constitution - but the rest of the DPST ilk know exactly what they do - a push for absolute power in America.

Be prepared for teh DPST's - if Bidenis elected- to murder millions of those who have diffeent opinion than marxist revolution.

clean your weapons and cache ammo - The marxist bastards are coming for You - they are armed and intent on violence arson, rape, and murder.

When assaulted as was Kyle Rittenhouser- prepared to defend yourself against those to whom assault and murder are part of their political narrative and mandate. The radical marxist racist DPST political narrative and mandate.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
I don't worry about any anarchy. If someone can get past the off duty cops who work the gate where I live and they can get past my dog, good for them. They'll have a Henry rifle or a pistol pointed at their head. And I don't ask a lot of questions when it is not necessary to do so.
sportfisherman's Avatar
oeb I was not attributing any of those words to you.Your post slipped in ahead while I was writing mine in response to bman.

There is an aspect of "Stand your Ground" self-defense that stipulates that you can't start the shit and then claim you were defending yourself.

This Trump poster boy started the shit by pointing his gun at people.Threatening to take a bad scene to a higher level.He goaded the protesters into an altercation.

Nazi thug vigilantes. Law and Order my ass !
its inappropriate to make shit up