Still Looking for an actual ALERT pt 1 of 12

How secure are PMs on ECCIE? Do the mods have access to my PMs? I have felt that for my safety I want to send emails direct to the provider not through ECCIE PMs.
boobs mcgee's Avatar
i have been watching the discussion of this and have seen this evolve to what it is now. just a few observations:

1. no reviews of M!NT/Risque BB girls have been posted on this board since 10/2/11. while not every client will list a review, nor every client is part of ECCIE, it is certainly representative of the impact of business that the "agency/no-agency" as Whispers put it, is receiving. Still Looking started his posts around 10/18/11. As of that time frame, which is 8 days now, no reviews of M!INT/Risque BB girls have appeared on ECCIE. is this due to all this discussion, that it has impacted the business of these girls? if so, people are voting with their wallets. and without money coming in, these girls are not going to be able to pay their bills and maintain their lifestyle.

2. K Lovve and Zoey both registered on ECCIE 2 days ago on 10/24/11, the same day that this thread was started by M!NT. one has 2 posts, one has 3 posts. all of their posts are on this thread. most people are generally suspect about people who log on this site solely to chime in on one particular provider, etc - they are called "quack" reviews, etc. neither K Lovve or Zoey are supposedly in the business anymore. if that is the case then there is more than likely no reason to be reading ECCIE on their own since it no longer pertains to their income or lifestyle. i do find it extremely interesting that they, two former providers by their own admission, on the same day this thread began, to register solely to post on this thread. not that their opinion is any more or less than any other on the board, but i do have to question how it is they actually just happened to come across this entire discussion.

3. M!NT has not replied to a few things that i find interesting, such as (A) are you impersonating the providers on text message, (B) are you collecting personal information about clients, (C) are you falsely advertising for girls that you have no way of booking, and (D) are you registering under multiple handles, like M!NT, sirduke, and runaway?

M!NT says in February 2012 some big changes will happen. i have to wonder the way this thread is turning out, if there will be any girls interested in hanging around until then. that is about 4 months away, and if clients are too afraid to book, i don't see them hanging around until then.

4. there are a few outspoken people on this thread. while i am not part of Whispers' group, i will be the first to say he has quite a following on here as he too can hook up members with young, hot, willing girls, but for less money paid out than M!NT's rates. as such, the same guys that want what M!NT is offering are probably MORE willing to support Whispers. i hate to say it, but Whispers' opinion about M!NT will surely influence more people than any other person on this board. arguing with him isn't making the situation any better.

5. as of this post, this thread has 2,098 views and 53 replies. the last one in Alerts had 4,788 views and 70 replies. Pearis' welcome wagon post had 34,951 views and 104 replies. that is a grand total of 41,837 views and 227 replies. that is alot of views compared to replies. the ratio is about 1 reply for every 184 views. which means we are seeing about 1/2 percent of the opinions of everyone who is reading this. of those 1/2 percent, a large majority appear to be against M!NT's business practices. this simply doesn't look good for any business.

i discovered via a girl listed on Risque BB that there is a profile of me on there, and i too would like it removed. i would like to see some of the girls on that site but i would not wish to give out my personal information to anyone affiliated with that site if they are known to be affiliated with a business that collects and stores personal data about clients. i would think my reviews and other provider references would suffice for a truly independent girl, versus a girl who ONLY uses provider references from other Risque BB girls. after all, if y'all are truly independent, why do you only accept references from other Risque BB girls and not others? you really all don't know each other, remember?

ultimately, i believe everyone on here would like to see M!NT/Risque BB or whatever they are called, an agency/non-agency, stay around, provide good service, young hot girls, and NOT collect personal data about everyone, unlike other agencies around here.

nobody wants to do business with someone whom they cannot trust. without trust, the phone will not ring.

i hope this matter can be resolved to everyone's satisfaction, but if certain people who have the power to address and correct the matters do not do anything, i simply do not see this situation being resolved so everyone can move on.
@ Boobs

Problem is whether or not he removes the info on the site his lack of professionalism and trustworthiness has already been self exposed.
So what if he removes the info today. He will only repost it in the future. As I stated he has shown himself to be the sort to give up stored client info if it will benefit him legally, financially or otherwise.
Threads like this make me grateful I no longer hobby. I would be very nervous as one of those on his client list. I don't envy you.
I also disagree that folks here would like to see his agency stick around. The girls currently in it yes but the agency itself? Hell no! Danger Will Robinson Danger!
  • Vyt
  • 10-26-2011, 02:55 AM
How secure are PMs on ECCIE? Do the mods have access to my PMs? I have felt that for my safety I want to send emails direct to the provider not through ECCIE PMs. Originally Posted by tucson
Mods do not have access to PMs unless they are reported.

However, everyone's security is at heart their own responsibility, and if you feel more secure in exchanging info with providers via email, that is certainly your right/privilege. Many feel the PM system is *more* secure in that it isn't linked to their email, that's a decision only you can make for yourself.

Despite the OP's request I'm going to leave this open for a while unless it gets too far outside the rails as it appears plenty still have some input on the topic.
Still Looking's Avatar
WOW Boobs, that post has more accurate information than a City Jaz review. And you know there are a lot of things you can do without consequences, but fucking with Whispers and the Mods isn’t one of them. That’s like pissing in the wind and wondering why you have a bad taste in your mouth.

Marco’s site has received a lot of attention. No doubt he probably thinks that’s a good thing. The site has 37 providers / models listed. So now what do we know? We know not all the models are actively working for the site. We know when you see an ad in the Welcome Wagon that when you call you will NOT get the provider on the phone. You will receive text messages from someone. We know you will be directed to an in call at the Domain. We know you will be watched. We know your data will be collected. We know if you post a review it will be scrutinized by the agency. We know if anything is not to the agencies liking, your information will be posted in a neighborhood watch part of the site for any Tom, Dick and Harry to see. Including your ECCIE avatar, handle, age and your description. WHY? Marco claims it’s for the “Providers” / “Models” safety. Ok that’s great. Good answer Marco! But guys, ask yourself this question…. Are you feeling lucky? The next time you call what you think is an Indy provider and you start getting the countless text messages directing you to a Domain in call and being told where to park. Then you get a call from a restricted number and it’s the provider directing you to the apartment. It won’t be long before you realize you are being watched. At that point I think you’re going to get, like I did, that tingling in your butt that comes from something just isn’t right here. Once again, are you feeling lucky? It won’t take long and I’m sure the Domain in call will move to a new location. And this will start all over again.

I have a friend who works at Verizon. I had lunch with him guess where? At the Domain. We chatted about this situation. We went back to the Verizon store and called 14 Risque listed “Independent” providers from 7 different numbers. Guess how many we got on the phone? You guessed it. NONE! Two of the phones started getting text messages. One of them was for the well know provider Maria Filt. While my friend was texting “Maria” I called “Maria’s” real number. And guess who I got on the phone? It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out what’s going on here. For the record, this is NOT uncommon. Providers sign with other agencies that take calls for them. But how many act like they are the provider and own a site that lists your personal information for public review?

So what should you do? Always go take a look at Marco’s site. Take note of his published “Models” / “Providers”. If you want to see one, the search button here at ECCIE and Google are your friend. Deal with them directly. Put up a post asking for Intel. It won’t take any time at all for board members to help you out.

I want to apologize for this train wreck. While I certainly would like my information off Marco’s site, the important thing is some one came forward and called him on his fraudulent deceptive business practices. As it turns out, its not just me.

For those of you that know me or have read some of my posts, I look for humor in most everything. Am I the only one who started laughing when Marco barked at the mods instructing them to close the thread.

Hey Marco, I told you more than once you were fucking with the wrong Hombre! You probably thought I was referring to myself. The Hombre I was referring to was "The Board" Great Job! If you don't know what I'm talking about, go back and read Boobs post again!
Whispers's Avatar
and don't forget the most important thing Marco said..... That "the members want to know"!

Well... I think the word is getting out... just not what he was wanting.....
Still Looking's Avatar
I remember when I was young, a wise old man told me, "Never get in the way of someone making a complete ass of them selves! Just let them finish!" Are you done Marco?
trynagetlaid's Avatar
I don't get down to Austin very much any more, but if I go back and am feeling frisky, I'll only deal with providers I can talk to directly on the telephone. Marco problem solved.
Boobs, you make some great points. Regarding a couple of them:

2. K Lovve and Zoey both registered on ECCIE 2 days ago on 10/24/11, the same day that this thread was started by M!NT. one has 2 posts, one has 3 posts. all of their posts are on this thread. most people are generally suspect about people who log on this site solely to chime in on one particular provider, etc - they are called "quack" reviews, etc. neither K Lovve or Zoey are supposedly in the business anymore. if that is the case then there is more than likely no reason to be reading ECCIE on their own since it no longer pertains to their income or lifestyle. i do find it extremely interesting that they, two former providers by their own admission, on the same day this thread began, to register solely to post on this thread. not that their opinion is any more or less than any other on the board, but i do have to question how it is they actually just happened to come across this entire discussion. Originally Posted by boobs mcgee
I can't comment on Zoey, but K Lovve is well known to many of us and has been a valued member of this community. I respect her opinion, even if I don't entirely agree.

i discovered via a girl listed on Risque BB that there is a profile of me on there, and i too would like it removed. Originally Posted by boobs mcgee
Where do you see your profile? I looked in the neighborhood watch section of the site and didn't see it, unless its under a different name/handle. I was assuming that is the only place on the site that men's profiles are listed, is there somewhere else?

i hope this matter can be resolved to everyone's satisfaction, but if certain people who have the power to address and correct the matters do not do anything, i simply do not see this situation being resolved so everyone can move on. Originally Posted by boobs mcgee
I don't think it gets resolved, but we'll all move on. Marco doesn't seem to be about to admit that he is in the wrong in any way, so the rest of us are going to have to make informed decisions and act accordingly. There are a number of providers who advertise on RisqueBB but have no other affiliation with Marco, yet may find that the perceived connection to Marco dissuades security-conscious clients from seeing them.
Trip's Avatar
  • Trip
  • 10-26-2011, 08:05 AM
boobs mcgee's Avatar
Boobs, you make some great points. Regarding a couple of them:

I can't comment on Zoey, but K Lovve is well known to many of us and has been a valued member of this community. I respect her opinion, even if I don't entirely agree. Originally Posted by Fratelli
yes both of those ladies used to be on this site, so they re-registered. the point i was trying to make was they coincidentally re-registered and chimed in on the same day M!NT put up this thread and both have admitted to being "out" of the business. so it appears that they have no reason to look at this website on a regular basis. yet they somehow found this thread? very coincidental. i am not saying either one of them contains less of an opinion as anyone else, but i do have to wonder how they just happened to stumble upon this.

Where do you see your profile? I looked in the neighborhood watch section of the site and didn't see it, unless its under a different name/handle. I was assuming that is the only place on the site that men's profiles are listed, is there somewhere else? Originally Posted by Fratelli
the link was emailed to me by a girl of the Risque BB site. i have no idea how to access it, but i would think that you have to be logged on to their site as a verified provider or user and then you can utilize a search feature to look for people on there. what is interesting is that she told me that EVERYONE on ECCIE has a Risque BB profile, unbeknownst to most of us. i have no way of verifying the validity of that but it is quite interesting if that is certainly true.

I don't think it gets resolved, but we'll all move on. Marco doesn't seem to be about to admit that he is in the wrong in any way, so the rest of us are going to have to make informed decisions and act accordingly. There are a number of providers who advertise on RisqueBB but have no other affiliation with Marco, yet may find that the perceived connection to Marco dissuades security-conscious clients from seeing them. Originally Posted by Fratelli
i believe many guys will vote with their wallets, given the fact that there are other options out there. i would have to see this end in some sort of longstanding conflict. i thought we were all here to be engaged in the same interest of client/provider meetings, but when there is a 3rd person engaged in the mix with possibly ill intentions, everyone suffers.

and @ Codybeast, you make an excellent point. there is no way to verify that M!NT hasn't taken your information already and warehoused it. even if they agree to delete everything, since it is on the net, it is archived somewhere. even outside of M!NT's knowledge.
harkontume's Avatar
I can't comment on Zoey, but K Lovve is well known to many of us and has been a valued member of this community. I respect her opinion, even if I don't entirely agree.

Mr. Fratelli
I do not think Mr. Boobs was doubting Ms Klovve veracity or disrespecting her right to opinion.
I think what is "wondered" about is "Is the New Klovve the same as the old Klovve?
And if she is how and why did she "happen across this thread"?

you guys may begin again.
baruch_meir's Avatar
All people bring happines to my life. Some people when they come, some people when they GO!!!!

Marco will bring a lot of happines to me and others when he fades into the horizon.
i have been watching the discussion of this and have seen this evolve to what it is now. just a few observations:

1. no reviews of M!NT/Risque BB girls have been posted on this board since 10/2/11. while not every client will list a review, nor every client is part of ECCIE, it is certainly representative of the impact of business that the "agency/no-agency" as Whispers put it, is receiving. Originally Posted by boobs mcgee
just to do a little fact-checking/nitpicking on that first date, there were plenty of reviews of Violet 10/13-10/15.
Whispers's Avatar
All people bring happines to my life. Some people when they come, some people when they GO!!!!

Marco will bring a lot of happines to me and others when he fades into the horizon. Originally Posted by baruch_meir

Interesting First Post for a 13 month Lurker....

Welcome to the Board Sir...