EBONY or EBONY MIXED LOVERS is it just me. . .

Exotic Yazmin DDD's Avatar
Or as an outlet to get a hold of those unbelievable tits!!!! Sigh... Originally Posted by albundy
Well thank you!
albundy's Avatar
Well thank you! Originally Posted by yazminDDD69
The pleasure's all mine......or I wish it was anyway. Take care, Beautiful!
Indirah.Raven's Avatar
I am Black-Latina, Italian and Native American. I've had men that didn't want to see me because I was "too dark skinned" or "I'm not into Black girls". I'm open to all races.
^^^^^Yes, it's great that there are many people out there who can appreciate and see the beauty in all races.
I believe there is a certain stereotype associated with ebony or mixed race providers. I myself haven't been discriminated against to my knowledge because of this. With that being saI'd I understand why in some cities this might play a part in gentleman seeing ebony or mixed race ladies due to the negative stereotype that is associated with ebony or mixed race providers. When for the most part the negative stereotype is so far from true!
I'd like to believe Gentleman would like to spend time with a Classy Lady. I believe most Ebony and Mixed Epscale providers carry themselves with the upmost Class.
Hopefully Race doesn't play a part.
Personally, I love seeing providers of all colors. I have to admit I do find curvy, women of color particularly appealing especially when they have the BCD skills to match their sexy looks.

I do a lot of research and look for beautiful providers with consistently great performance. I like to know what I'm getting into. I keep a particular eye out for beautiful full bodied ebony providers. Something about that dark skin with great curves is just extremely erotic. Those with great IOP as well just knock my socks off!

Please keep Austin in mind for touring for those beautiful ladies not based there. Fortunately, Austin is blessed with outstanding providers of all colors.
^^^^^I agree. So many of the curvy Black providers and women of color providers who are based in Texas make me swoon! I can only imagine...
I personally love a woman with curves and a ample booty. If they happen to be tall even better. I am attracted to women of all races, although I'm more particular with Asian and ebony women. Can't figure out why, I just find fewer women of those ethnicities attractive. I wish we had more options for ebony providers in Iowa. We get very few travelling ladies and the majority that we do get are either out of my price range or I'm doubtful of. We have one who is local to Iowa and she is great!( which reminds me I need to see Andrea Davis again soon.). Probably the only reason why I saw Andrea and the reason why she is the only Ebony/Carribean provider I have seen is the fact that we bantered back and forth in a thread on here. My biggest concern with seeing a Ebony provider is that once we meet she will primarily be speaking in ebonics/slang and I just find it completely unattractive hearing a beautiful woman talk like a thug. I wish there were more ebony providers like some of you ladies in this thread who would visit Iowa, and get involved in local threads. IDK maybe I'm crazy and I've let stereotypes build up from living in small town Iowa. In retrospect this sounds like a lot of rambling slim gonna stop now before I'm buried too deep. Lo!
Danielle Reid's Avatar
I personally love a woman with curves and a ample booty. If they happen to be tall even better. I am attracted to women of all races, although I'm more particular with Asian and ebony women. Can't figure out why, I just find fewer women of those ethnicities attractive. I wish we had more options for ebony providers in Iowa. We get very few travelling ladies and the majority that we do get are either out of my price range or I'm doubtful of. We have one who is local to Iowa and she is great!( which reminds me I need to see Andrea Davis again soon.). Probably the only reason why I saw Andrea and the reason why she is the only Ebony/Carribean provider I have seen is the fact that we bantered back and forth in a thread on here. My biggest concern with seeing a Ebony provider is that once we meet she will primarily be speaking in ebonics/slang and I just find it completely unattractive hearing a beautiful woman talk like a thug. I wish there were more ebony providers like some of you ladies in this thread who would visit Iowa, and get involved in local threads. IDK maybe I'm crazy and I've let stereotypes build up from living in small town Iowa. In retrospect this sounds like a lot of rambling slim gonna stop now before I'm buried too deep. Lo! Originally Posted by Cubsfan81
At one point in time I wanted to visit Iowa but thought there would be no financial gain from visiting. Also I do not speak slang or Ebonics (whatever the fuck that is). Have fun with those stereotypes, maybe you should get out more.
I don't know how to respond to that other than to say I never claimed you spoke that way Danielle. I believe I said I enjoyed the way the women in this thread spoke. Maybe I didn't come across the way I wanted to, I don't know. I find being able to have a intelligent conversation and how a lady speaks to be attractive. We all have things that push our buttons and turn us on. Sometimes we don't know why, they just do it for us. We also have those things that immediately turn us off. One of the things that can make a woman unattractive is how she speaks. Does she speak intelligently and thoughtfully? I don't know else to explain it other than by using the stereotype of how a inner city young adult speaks. I know its a stereotype and that it doesnt apply to everyone, but I've had too many experiences in my life where that is the case. I don't just immediately rule out a provider because of her skin color, but I will want to have some sort of dialogue with her before booking appointment. If you feel I am wrong for concerning myself with how a women speaks and presents herself because that affects my experience, so be it.
SisterTwister's Avatar
This is not for the tender hearted, but i have to ask. Is it just me or do i often see men skip over the most thickest or beautiful ethnic women, to be comfortable with someone of their race that doesn't compare? Its obvious who is the majority on the website. Ladies, do you feel comfortable playing outside of your comfort zone? And Gents, is variety intriguing, or you rather play it safe? Any bad experiences that convinced you to stick to your guns? Please give insight but also clean and honest. Originally Posted by SunniD
I didn't need to read any further than this post. I'm white, middle class and middle aged, and I date black women EXCLUSIVELY because IMO they are the most beautiful women in the world. There's nothing finer on this earth than a beautiful sister. I get all kinds of stupid looks in public...nothing I like better than treating a dark skinned beauty like royalty in front of some nosey bigot. I was in a restaurant one time with a beautiful chocolate skinned woman about 15 years younger than me when a couple old bitties couldn't contain their disgust. So I just seated her and then leaned down and planted a nice lingering passionate kiss on her lips...when I stood up these old hags looked like they'd both eaten a dog shit sandwhich so I gave em a big wink.
Rock on, indeed!

...nothing I like better than treating a dark skinned beauty like royalty in front of some nosey bigot.. Originally Posted by SisterTwister
OP, I think it is just you.
myren1900's Avatar
The most sexy, beautiful, intelligent and classy providers I have seen are ebony providers, including my ATF. I do see women with other ethnic backgrounds as well.
It is all about having a great personality in addition to having a sexy, athletic body.
SisterTwister's Avatar
Black women are the queens of the earth, strong...real...vibrant...fier cely independent ...fascinating and challenging...and sexy beyond words.