Barak Hussein Obama - A Predictable Failure

Banned 35 times's Avatar
You honestly believe blacks and hispanics would put political party before voting for someone of their own race?
You must not come into contact with a lot of blacks or hispanics. Get a job working somewhere where you do. You'll be singing a different tune. Don't feel bad, I was once like you before I was exposed to blacks and hispanics in real life. Before that, I only knew what I knew of them from TV, movies, and white guilt(i mean history) classes.

I know what ghetto and hood mean, son. I am asking when did they become racial SLURS. You know, insults.
sixxbach's Avatar
You honestly believe blacks and hispanics would put political party before voting for someone of their own race?
You must not come into contact with a lot of blacks or hispanics. Get a job working somewhere where you do. You'll be singing a different tune. Don't feel bad, I was once like you before I was exposed to blacks and hispanics in real life. Before that, I only knew what I knew of them from TV, movies, and white guilt(i mean history) classes.

I know what ghetto and hood mean, son. I am asking when did they become racial SLURS. You know, insults. Originally Posted by Banned 35 times
Whoa, don't assume you speak for all minorities. I am never afraid to go against what the majority of any group believe in.............

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Self edit
Mel Gibson's Avatar
Chit, man. You don't know me at all. But we ALL know you! You may be old enough to call me son, Leslie, Humpty, White Lightning, or whatever you are today. If so, it might explain a lot about the tone and attitude of your posts.

I've been working with, for and around African Americans, Hispanics and other people of color for nearly 40 years. In fact, I've been somewhat "involved" in the class struggle you so glibly discuss in the threads where you're not talking about having unprotected sex with streetwalkers. Both professionally and as a matter of personal choice.

I'm guessing you're not from around here because if you were, you might have a little better understanding of African American and Latino/Tejano culture. I didn't learn about Texans by watching TV or reading history books. I learned about Texans by being one! Urban, rural, wealthy, disadvantaged, clean AND (so you won't think I discriminate) diseased!

Using "ghetto" or "hood" as modifiers would most definitely qualify as racial slurs in my book. Check with your klavern to see if there's a double entendre worthy of posting.

There's a difference between shock value and straight out bigotry. I'm not shocked. I am disgusted, though. And as long as you insist on spewing the hate talk, I'm gonna get my dollar's worth of your hide while you're still walking among us...

Just sayin! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Okay, this makes sense now. Youre not white; you're undermensch, huh? Well this goyim here is gonna throw a wrench in your ZOG machine. We know who you voted for president, I bet you voted Kinky Friedman for governor.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Self edit
Mel Gibson's Avatar
Have you ever done this at your synagogue?

sixxbach, i dont think "minorities" would be the right word. Makes me wonder about the future. What are the leeches gonna go when there's no longer enough blood to suck?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Self edit
Mel Gibson's Avatar
Damn right. Im a hard working man who pays taxes, doesnt commit violent crime or property crime, leech the system, trash my neighborhood, try to get everything for free, or be a public nuisance.

Well, actually Im at work right now, but theres nothing to do. Heheheheheheheehe.
Mel Gibson's Avatar
What happened to my posts exposing Yssup Rider as a Zionist?
KosherCowboy's Avatar

Fact 1 Obama has added 10 trillion to the national debt.
Fact 2 Unemployment is at 9%
Fact 3 Gas is at almost 4 bucks a gallon and he has only allowed 1 new oil lease permit.
Originally Posted by Wyldeman30
all the ghetto krap and birth certificate and accusations of racism etc. will all go away when the polls open and its time to vote. BTW, even though Yssup's house is blue and mine is red his historical ghetto terminology lesson is 100% correct. Very educated and factual reply. The above three issues will be the main deciders, the killing of Osama will be just another news event of the past. It alone won't erase the other three. B. Hussein ( most popular middle name given to children born in Hawaii in the 60's ) Obama will have to also have to prove himself a formidable foreign leader and Quadaffi is still there while billions are pissed away each day, China kicking out butts, uprisings in the the middle east especially in the ' countries of the axis of terror' still go unsupported by us and the protesters get gunned down. North Korea is pushing buttons, African nations are growing with populations that hate us and terror camps built daily; he really has turned a blind eye to foreign policy. Nor has he fixed our issues..

The Republican candidates will rightfully take a line from Reagan's playbook and ask Americans to think and reflect and ask themselves ' "Are you better off than you were four years ago?"

That answer will determine who sits in the oval office from 12-16. The real problem the Red Team has is they don't have a challenger. We suck. We're worse off than the Washington Redskins are at QB, we have nobody!! All of the candidates suck!! The independent vote will have to sway one way or the other to determine the winner and historically independents have rarely booted an incumbent from office with even poll numbers like Obama has now unless the opposing party brings someone to the table worth a vote. And right now, the Red Team simply has no potential QB's to get the ball down the field, none, nada, zilch. It worries me..

We can't afford four more years of Obama, but we have no one to replace him with either.

WyldemanATX's Avatar
I guess he had to edit out some emotion....
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Not emotion, response to blatant racist imagery and language. But your response is consistent with your"contribution" to this and other political threads and typically low-wattage. We get it, you hate government, taxes, the president, the government, yadda yadda yadda, ditto.

KC and I are on the same page in that the Red team is in shambles amd will not be capable of challenging Obama next year, especially with added economic growth and a plan to pull out of the middle east.

Unless the GOP gets its story straight soon, thbe Dems will retake the House, just as they did after the Gingrich Revolution failed.
WyldemanATX's Avatar
You guys are delusional if you think there has been any economic growth...

What I believe is as our founders believed. The power is supposed to start local then state then the least amount of power is to the Federal Government. As it stands now the federal government has too much power and they never were supposed to have it.

I seriously doubt that the Dems will retake the house in 2012.
conservative44's Avatar
You honestly believe blacks and hispanics would put political party before voting for someone of their own race?
You must not come into contact with a lot of blacks or hispanics. Get a job working somewhere where you do. You'll be singing a different tune. Don't feel bad, I was once like you before I was exposed to blacks and hispanics in real life. Before that, I only knew what I knew of them from TV, movies, and white guilt(i mean history) classes.

I know what ghetto and hood mean, son. I am asking when did they become racial SLURS. You know, insults. Originally Posted by Banned 35 times
Slow your roll, across the internet tough guy. Obviously you are speaking of the few that you work with at the job that gives you the awesome lifestyle of rawdogging streetwalkers for $20 or the streetwalkers themselves. Hate to break it to you, but that is nowhere near even half of us. Every race has its bottomfeeders who make uneducated decisions on such factors as identifying with someone just because of their color. My whole adult life I have been a straight ticket republican as a hispanic.
Obama would not have been nominated if it were not for the "urban strategy" of David Axelrod.*

Axelrod made a career out of operating a racially-derived election strategy which has worked well for electing Mayors in major cities for over thirty years, but for which Obama was the first candidate suitable to use this strategy on a national level.

The strategy is simple:

Find an African-American candidate who is acceptable enough to white voters so the white vote is split around 50/50.

Then the African-American vote will come in at over 90% for that candidate because he's African-American.

That will be the margin of victory.

In terms of Obama's chances for winning re-election, the Republicans have to show that they can field someone capable of winning, and of exploiting Obama's weaknesses. They've got to produce someone who's alternative to the crowd they've so far spawned. They're a lot of bad Republicans and few good ones....some of the good ones have to come forward, even if it might be someone like General Petraeus or New York Mayor Bloomberg....someone who's not a career politician but has shown some accomplishment in a profession or life career.

Personally I'd prefer to see one of the few good Democrats challenge Obama for the nomination and win. To me Obama and W. Bush were two total disasters.

*"Urban strategy" is the name Axelrod himself uses to refer to this. I know it's almost incredible, but look it up and you'll see he claims he invented it.