The Hottest 5 latinas in Houston - who are they?

DM, your Jelousy of over 3 years now looks so Childish. You are the only one who doesn't see it. Grow Up Already and get your Facts straight. The Other Whore gets the prize for outing Clients and Providers all over the web. You are silly enough to show your face, you bring your own misery upon yourself and it has nothing to do with me.Truly Insecure people constantly bash others to feel better about themselves. I feel sorry for you. Originally Posted by Alyssa XOXO
What does showing my face have anything to do with what I said? I bet you know all about misery..

So you never got banned for outing peoples information on this board?
To the op the search button and providers list is your friend but I will start you off though. A few have already been mentioned then you have in no particular order Kylie Nicole, Raquel Ryder Brandy White ms. Gio Camille fox"visitor" and a host of agency girls and former agency girls Originally Posted by rmrstyle23
Stop feeding the troll
Max Madison
Mia Santos
Ruby de Marco
Natalia mori
Crystal bravy
I would say top 10
In no particular order
Stop feeding the troll Originally Posted by Dorthy_Monroe
I agree.
rmrstyle23's Avatar
But i guess i had a heart for once and I thought maybe just maybe since he had 2 more already done countless times thread ideas in the works I would be like a big bro and guide him but Heh
Stop feeding the troll Originally Posted by Dorthy_Monroe
But i guess i had a heart for once and I thought maybe just maybe since he had 2 more already done countless times thread ideas in the works I would be like a big bro and guide him but Heh Originally Posted by rmrstyle23
This isn't Big Brother Big Sister This is Houston Coed ijs
I would strike NM from my list ASAP. She may have a new fake rack, but her personality is shit and full of drama.
I would strike NM from my list ASAP. She may have a new fake rack, but her personality is shit and full of drama. Originally Posted by gtoman
You just don't understand her personality thats a personal problem... She isn't drama she has alot of haters with multiple handles theres a difference...

Maybe one day when your nutts ripen you will understand but till then you will be a whining tard in houston coed...
Meh. She still won't make MY list.
Meh. She still won't make MY list. Originally Posted by gtoman
Like she really cares
Don't care if she cares or not.

I wouldn't vote for her on the city list either.
Oralist's Avatar
Back on topic.

In no particular order.

Natalia Mori
Max Madison
Zafiro (if she returns)
Sensual Frida

I know that's 7, not 5. I couldn't leave out any of these ladies. I love the Latinas! Beautiful and so hot blooded and sexy. Originally Posted by Oralist
Dang. Almost left out the hottest one of all!

N.M.'s Avatar
  • N.M.
  • 07-25-2016, 10:11 AM
DoMo, you should know by now that messy butthurt fucktards are always trying to project what they ARE on people who makes them insecure.

Girlieman my personality is Great and fucking awesome as I am.
But YOUR personality is shit. If it wasn't for that fact the you're a daddy's boy with money, your below average little dick would die from pussy starvation. And you fucking know it.

You don't like me because I didn't let your lying ass bash me and speak untruthfully on my name and on how things went down when we met. (Damn those 2 fucking days)
You said you kept my texts right? Go back and read them and tell me where I was "shitty" to you....
(Really. I will wait)
But you will never be able to come up with anything because you know damn well that, I was respectful, professional and nice to you, as the person the person and provider that I am.

Sorry shit didn't go as you thought it would, as how you're used to when you bash and antagonize other providers. Which seems to be a habit of yours.
The drama trick who providers should watch out for here is YOU.

You should really ask your goofy self if you really want this, when you decide to come for me.
I don't run out of material and neither do I have any hesitations to set the record straight, with little lying ass clowns like yourself.

N.M.'s Avatar
  • N.M.
  • 07-25-2016, 10:19 AM
Like she really cares Originally Posted by Dorthy_Monroe
Damn right I don't.


Don't care if she cares or not.

I wouldn't vote for her on the city list either. Originally Posted by gtoman

Like if a fucking "vote" from your goofy ass means anything to anybody. Pfffftttt...

2MinsMan didn't get the memo??
The only Fucks Natalita The Great gives are on bed.
If you didn't know now you know.

Keeping trying tho...

DoMo, you should know by now that messy butthurt fucktards are always trying to project what they ARE on people who makes them insecure.

I don't run out of material and neither do I have any hesitations to set the record straight, with little lying ass clowns like yourself.

Originally Posted by Natalia Mori
Oh I know just as well as you do comes with the tard territory...

That last statement right there holy tebow that shit is Gloriously Awesome...