"Are prostitutes basically sociopathic?"

No. I think I've learned that giving someone money does not make them like or appreciate you... I think some people might think girls are sociopathic because some of them lie to and scam people for money. But then again, the guys are trying to screw them for money. So I wouldn't expect a high level of respect from the escort to the john. I don't know.
You think any of this is exclusive to this business or some hobby thing? LOL. There are sociopaths, rapists, etc around every corner...

Just like many men and women whore themselves out... at least us hooks just call it what it is while the rest are in denial or are oblivious they are acting just like a whore. Originally Posted by ElleW
Good point
How did you jump from "men who frequent prostitutes" to "prostitutes?"

And another thought: your misogyny is, well, monumental. If your opinion of sex workers is so negative, what are you doing here? Originally Posted by James1588
+1. There are two types of hobbyists: those who hobby because they want to and those who hobby because they have to. It obvious which group the OP belongs to.