Threats to defame me eveonastick

eccieuser9500's Avatar
You two need to get a room. :-)
Originally Posted by bbkid

Apparently that was the problem.

jaa's Avatar
  • jaa
  • 03-03-2018, 02:59 AM
I told him 104 and I'm keeping the parking space across from the window of 104 open so he can watch his car. He had an issue with meeting at a Notel with a nice car. So I catered to him. Originally Posted by eveonastick
soooo, what kind of car was it? people with actual nice cars always have more than one, including something to beat around town in.. he probably has a douchey BMW 7 series lease that he thinks is nice.. LOL
hourik's Avatar
(probability is if he says yes we're gonna have some Bangin sex) Originally Posted by eveonastick
This made for some nice reading.
Can't believe he said no to this beautiful lady.
eveonastick's Avatar
A Lexus apparently, I drive a Kia so same thing.
CuSoon's Avatar
Eve darling how are you. You should have fun tonight...ignore the guy....have a bourbon and coke on me and have fun..till we meet....
NMEufdaST8's Avatar
I gave this thread 5 stars. A self alert from the OP. The subject lady turned it into a nice threAD. But this...

It is kind of jacked up that he turned me down. I just got Acupuncture too, I'd bounce on that dick like little bunny Foo foo on riddelan (sp?) Originally Posted by eveonastick
...this is killer.

Eve - I saw you in 2016. You were having notel troubles that was all fucked up, Patel wasn't very helpful, you had to switch rooms like twice and we ended up starting like an hour late.

But you communicated like a champ and I had a good time. I'm sure OP would have too...but, alas. Publicly turning down a gratis make up session is just too much for me to take him seriously.
eveonastick's Avatar
Far too kind young man
DocHolyday's Avatar
It would be best that the two of you work this out in private. If you can’t, move on in private.
Regulus69's Avatar
It would be best that the two of you work this out in private... Originally Posted by DocHolyday
Well Doc, it appears this misunderstanding has been worked out. The beautiful Eve has offered a makeup session that the OP had declined. Due to work or just the complete awkwardness of the situation, it doesn't make him a fool, it's just his choice. He's probably the only one here that would turn that offer down. But I reckon he has his reasons. No one here has seen the texts, but it's clear hearing from both sides it was just a misunderstanding. OP was concerned about getting blacklisted so he posted this thread in hopes of derailing any backlash that may have occurred. I think that was accomplished to a degree. The lovely provider replied with a graceful composure and probably got a lot of potential business from it. My hats off to you Eve, I've noticed your profile in the past and have always been interested, even more so now.
All in All, it has been an interesting read and it came to a happy conclusion.
Hobby On Y'all
TryWeakly's Avatar
It isn't the first time a "shaming thread" has gone foooking siiiiiideways on a fucktard. Won't be the last either.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
I'm glad the OP and the provider cleared this up...she handled the situation very well....but come on guys in this thread? man is just sad....I feel sorry for all you desperate guys that have to essentially beg for attention from the provider to stay on her radar. Maybe it's ok I get it this is your only means of getting laid so you have to do this "song and dance" to curry favor. It does sadden me to see it though because I don't think it's necessary...Even if you have to pay to get it she will still see you as long as you're would be nice if yall acted like you were somebody instead of the shameless shilling.

A guy writes a bad or NO review and you same guys are singing his praises..however, he writes a NCNS and yall do a hocus pocus complete 180 and bash him while kissing ass like there's no tomorrow. Yall are a weird lot.