
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
Maybe me making out with Jules might help me a little. Originally Posted by Tara Evans
I'm sure we could charge a good admission fee to see that lol
suiram77's Avatar
I'm sure we could charge a good admission fee to see that lol Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar
How much you think you guys will charge Jules??

I'm going to go count my pennies I have to have a front row seat to that shit lol
hotrix1's Avatar
Maybe me making out with Jules might help me a little. Originally Posted by Tara Evans
PUHLEEEEEASE DON'T. She might catch whatever strain of psychosis you've got. Horse face notwithstanding. Leave it to you to think only of yourself.

The one and only time I PM'd you to try to schedule a visit went off like a lead balloon filled with noxious farts. Why should the poor girl risk her sanity doing you? That would just be downright uncivilized, if not riskily insane.

At least Jules was polite and sweet to me when she turned me down during one of her tours. She's a hell of a long ways from becoming a bitch in my book. You, on the other hand, passed with flying colors. That, might also be contagious.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 06-04-2017, 10:23 PM
I'm sure we could charge a good admission fee to see that lol Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar
Don't ruin you reputation and get ready for 24/7 drama
berkleigh's Avatar
Keep on Keepin' on Jules!
suiram77's Avatar
Keep on Keepin' on Jules! Originally Posted by berkleigh
Awe isn't that sweet I'm sure she can use your support Berkie since you are such and amazing friend of hers.
Reverseheadstock's Avatar
Is this where I go to eat pussy and spend money? Oh sorry, I thought this was a different kind of info exchange. Maybe I should go back to my hole until the low t crowd finishes swinging their imaginations around.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Can you guys take you little fight back to the other thread and not this dumb one pleaseeeeee I'm just an average bitch that's not that hot anyway lol Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar
But nice tits is your avatar is to be believed!!
scsholar's Avatar
In the Words of Richard Pryor:

There's to much hostility going on because there isn't enough fucking.
PUHLEEEEEASE DON'T. She might catch whatever strain of psychosis you've got. Horse face notwithstanding. Leave it to you to think only of yourself.

The one and only time I PM'd you to try to schedule a visit went off like a lead balloon filled with noxious farts. Why should the poor girl risk her sanity doing you? That would just be downright uncivilized, if not riskily insane.

At least Jules was polite and sweet to me when she turned me down during one of her tours. She's a hell of a long ways from becoming a bitch in my book. You, on the other hand, passed with flying colors. That, might also be contagious. Originally Posted by hotrix1
Lmaof. Your still mad because I turned you down. Get over shit it's been a year dude
chicagoboy's Avatar
Lmaof. Your still mad because I turned you down. Originally Posted by Tara Evans
Tara chose wisely.
TheEccie214's Avatar
Oh the topic that I'm a fugly bitch who screens her clients? Sure! Lol Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar
Candidate for Post of the that humor.
Tara chose wisely. Originally Posted by chicagoboy
Thanks Mr hottie
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 06-05-2017, 11:20 AM
Thanks for the support everyone... let's get back to the fun stuff Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar
Good luck getting the BSC whore out of this thread, you will need to call a exterminator for that one or maybe a horse shrink to assist. That Bee is FUGLY btw
Good luck getting the BSC whore out of this thread, you will need to call a exterminator for that one or maybe a horse shrink to assist. That Bee is FUGLY btw Originally Posted by BLM69
Awwww so sweet