Hypathetical Question but not so much;)

Fancyinheels's Avatar
Been there, done that, accompanyed various gents as a playmate several times to different destinations (including Hawaii 3 times) for anywhere from 5 days to 2 weeks. Each arrangement was unique. The gentlemen ALWAYS paid my expenses, bought me things, and gave me spending cash. Some gave me enough money to meet my responsibilities at home while absent, some were extraordinarily generous. I NEVER expected to be compensated for every moment of time. Ladies have to be flexible, and negotiations have to be handled on a case-by-case basis.

I am one of the companions in this not just for the money, but for the opportunity to have adventures and travel. I used to go on at least one, often 2 or more major trips annually up until last year, when the economy tanked. I also lost my two closest gentleman friends, one to a fatal heart attack, the other to unforeseen circumstances. We made a lot of vacation memories that I will always cherish.

However, +1 to a lot of what Tiffani said. And b
ear in mind that it is difficult for a provider to time take off and go on a trip just for the expenses if she can't pay her bills while gone.
pyramider's Avatar
Sounds like Fancy killed the tard.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Sounds like Fancy killed the tard. Originally Posted by pyramider
He died with a smile and a pair of my panties in his lap.