It’s called “Shut the F**K up” and leave dumb shit.

And you know this how? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Same way you know all the shit you claim to know, pulled it out of his ass.
You've already demonstrated you are an ignoramus, hillbilly. The above is another nail in that coffin. It's too bad you don't have a bulb upstairs, even a dim one. Particularly when you start on of your lameass, JV attacks ... ala BigTits, Shammy, and Little Timmie. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Hey shit for brains, heard the name Tracey Albritton yet? A bank of america worker who started the fight and has been fired from her job. Stick your petty name calling up your ass try to stick to facts. It is why you are lexie(bitch) lacking.
Did you and BigTits "study" at the same high school?

You are so busy being a race baiter your excitement overrides your brain.

That's why you are a Stupid, hillbilly ignoramus.

Two white females fighting .... ?

Were the "two white females" residents of the neighborhood that owned the pool, or were they guests of a resident of the neighborhood that owned the pool? What's lost in most of this racially motivated name-calling is that the ones who were being asked to leave, and refused, which necessitated the calling of the police, were trespassing on private property that was owned by the residents of the neighborhood through their homeowner's association, for which the residents are charged annually.

As trespassers they are subject to being arrested. When they resist arrest they are subject to being arrested for trespassing AND resisting arrest. Originally Posted by LexusLover
BULLSHIT. Hillbilly? You're the one from texas, shitkicker. Only steers and queers from texas, you got any horns?
Hey shit for brains, heard the name Tracey Albritton yet? A bank of america worker who started the fight and has been fired from her job. Stick your petty name calling up your ass try to stick to facts. It is why you are lexie(bitch) lacking. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Here's the article
LexusLover's Avatar
I've been saying that. Cops are going stop patrolling the higher crime areas. Response times are going to drop significantly. They are going to do the bare minimum. I wonder how long it will be before people will squawk about that.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
People have been squawking about that since the beginning of law enforcement.

A modest amount of research would probably reveal some of the anti-LE posters on Eccie (and in here) have at one time or another themselves, particularly when they are struggling to curry favor for a discount from the "victim" provider. The only thing more laughable (and hypocritical" is the sour ass comments about "pigs' in forums and then at some point (often before the post) it is revealed that the poster has a "good friend" in LE who shares information with them (so they can appear knowledgeable).

The real "tale of the tape" is how many of these Monday Morning Quarterbacks were ever in the midst of a free-for-all with punches being thrown, being kicked and resisted, with thugs charging from the rear and engaging threatening gestures and body language (not to mention what was being said that we cannot hear)...and had to make a one second decision on how to dispel the threat of violence and possible death, if not serious bodily injury.
LexusLover's Avatar
BULLSHIT. Hillbilly? Originally Posted by WombRaider
Down here you're not even elevated to the level of BULLSHIT .... you are a simple cow patty roasting in the pasture .... and have proven repeatedly you are a "hillbilly" ... (no CAPITAL for you).
LexusLover's Avatar
A bank of america worker who started the fight and has been fired from her job. Stick your petty name calling up your ass try to stick to facts. It is why you are lexie(bitch) lacking. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
So a Bank of America (names of banks have CAPITALS) ... hillbilly.... started a fight at an ILLEGAL POOL PARTY at the pool OWNED BY THE NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION .... started the whole fucking incident?

Let me guess ... she was "White" according to you?

In other words in YOUR HILLBILLY WORLD ... the entire incident could have been avoided had a WHITE BANK EMPLOYEE not started a fight? Does that just about sum up your fantasy? And you call me "shit for brains"??? You've got nothing but hot stinky air between your ears! HILLBILLY!!!! That's all you got.
So a Bank of America (names of banks have CAPITALS) ... Originally Posted by LexusLover
Well lookee here, the IDIOTville ISD Grammar Cop strikes once again!

While on the subject:

Who (on a hooker board) gives a FLYING FUCK if the names of a bank or banks are capitalized ... or not?

This is a friggin' hooker board ... and LL ... you are a friggin' IDIOT.

You may now "Carry On" Private Frickin' LLIDIOT!

While you're at it, stick this (uncapitalized) bank of America up your goat smellin' Private Frickin' LLIDIOT ass.

It should be noted that in America we sometimes Capitalize IDIOT, as a special tribute to LL and his fellow IDIOT Klan, errr Clan members!
cptjohnstone's Avatar
Hey shit for brains, heard the name Tracey Albritton yet? A bank of america worker who started the fight and has been fired from her job. Stick your petty name calling up your ass try to stick to facts. It is why you are lexie(bitch) lacking. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
People have been squawking about that since the beginning of law enforcement.

A modest amount of research would probably reveal some of the anti-LE posters on Eccie (and in here) have at one time or another themselves, particularly when they are struggling to curry favor for a discount from the "victim" provider. The only thing more laughable (and hypocritical" is the sour ass comments about "pigs' in forums and then at some point (often before the post) it is revealed that the poster has a "good friend" in LE who shares information with them (so they can appear knowledgeable).

The real "tale of the tape" is how many of these Monday Morning Quarterbacks were ever in the midst of a free-for-all with punches being thrown, being kicked and resisted, with thugs charging from the rear and engaging threatening gestures and body language (not to mention what was being said that we cannot hear)...and had to make a one second decision on how to dispel the threat of violence and possible death, if not serious bodily injury. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Eva just refuses to accept the fact he is mentally retarded where he could get some help. I have tried

On top of all his shit

But BofA conducted an investigation and found Allbritton actually works for CoreLogic, a Bank of America vendor that provides financial profiles to the banking giant that are key in making mortgage lending decisions, the Daily Kos reports.

“CoreLogic does not condone violence, discrimination or harassment and takes conduct that is inconsistent with our values and expectations very seriously,” the firm wrote in a statement reported by Dallas News. “As a result of these pending allegations, we have placed the employee in question on administrative leave while further investigations take place.”

the 3rd grader miss this
So a Bank of America (names of banks have CAPITALS) ... hillbilly.... started a fight at an ILLEGAL POOL PARTY at the pool OWNED BY THE NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION .... started the whole fucking incident?

Let me guess ... she was "White" according to you?

In other words in YOUR HILLBILLY WORLD ... the entire incident could have been avoided had a WHITE BANK EMPLOYEE not started a fight? Does that just about sum up your fantasy? And you call me "shit for brains"??? You've got nothing but hot stinky air between your ears! HILLBILLY!!!! That's all you got. Originally Posted by LexusLover
No, you simple minded fucktard it was I asked a simple question and a simpleton showed up ...You. All you are good for is accusing me of race baiting you confederate fuckers are all the same. Bet you use to live in Greenville Texas. If you apply yourself and work really hard then you may get off the third squad and get to the JV squad.
Eva just refuses to accept the fact he is mentally retarded where he could get some help. I have tried

On top of all his shit

But BofA conducted an investigation and found Allbritton actually works for CoreLogic, a Bank of America vendor that provides financial profiles to the banking giant that are key in making mortgage lending decisions, the Daily Kos reports.

“CoreLogic does not condone violence, discrimination or harassment and takes conduct that is inconsistent with our values and expectations very seriously,” the firm wrote in a statement reported by Dallas News. “As a result of these pending allegations, we have placed the employee in question on administrative leave while further investigations take place.”

the 3rd grader miss this Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
No stones, as fucking dumb as your hillbilly ass is you should stay on the porch. You were always the last child picked right?
So a Bank of America (names of banks have CAPITALS) ... hillbilly.... started a fight at an ILLEGAL POOL PARTY at the pool OWNED BY THE NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION .... started the whole fucking incident?

Let me guess ... she was "White" according to you?

In other words in YOUR HILLBILLY WORLD ... the entire incident could have been avoided had a WHITE BANK EMPLOYEE not started a fight? Does that just about sum up your fantasy? And you call me "shit for brains"??? You've got nothing but hot stinky air between your ears! HILLBILLY!!!! That's all you got. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Did you even read the fucking article, you dumbshit? She was white according to anyone who's got fucking working eyes.

Here it is again, it's not a fantasy.
LexusLover's Avatar
Police Officers are issued firearms specifically for deadly force encounters.

For instance if an assailant has brandished a firearm, knife or any other implement that could be used to cause death or great bodily harm to the officer deadly force by the officer is warranted. Officers also carry expandable batons, Tasers, and chemical sprays for unarmed combative subjects. Officers today follow what is called a force continuum.

The basics of the force continuum

actually starts with the officer's presence,

verbal commands,

empty hand control techniques (soft, hard empty hand control)

secondary weapons and

of course deadly force use of firearm.

Of course the force continuum will not always go in this order. An officer may encounter an armed suspect and immediately draw his weapon and use deadly force or the situation may escalate or even deescalate an officer must act accordingly.

I think for the most part the officer in this case did well but he should have refrained from drawing his weapon, but he did holster it soon after which I think was good and could minimize any disciplinary actions against him.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
With all due respect ...

few, if any (I've not heard of one lately), agencies in Texas "ISSUE" firearms to their officers .... they will have mandatory minimum and maximum requirements and/or load standards for patrol officers, which was in question in the McKinney incident. I feel comfortable that Mckinney PD did not "issue" any firearm to the officer involved in the incident.

By standards and training patrol officers carry a firearm for defensive responses to threats (as perceived by the officer and not a bunch of Monday morning quarterbacks pouring over video footage for days and weeks) with the officer having less than a second to make the decision to draw his weapon or not ....

In Texas, and most, if not all, "Model Penal Code" states "deadly" force is NOT defined as "killing" ... the definition includes serious bodily injury that could end in death. .... but doesn't "have" to end in death. In Texas a deadly weapon is defined broadly in the case law ... and includes more than guns and knives .... it is SOP for an officer to draw his weapon if the officer perceives a threat of bodily injury or serious bodily injury from a citizen because of the citizen's bodily movements and hand movements ... like reaching for a wasteband, pocket, or inside a shirt a coat during a confrontation with an officer ..... and can point it at a suspect if the threat is close and/or the suspect/citizen is noncompliant by failing to move away from the officer or show his hands .... causing bodily injury (and serious bodily injury) to a police officer is a felony. Threatening by gesture or words is sufficient probable cause that the person may be about to assault the officer, in which case the officer has the right of self-defense ... the same as the officer would have the right to stop an in progress assault on a citizen in his presence.

A clear component in the force continuum .. which is a continuum ... with portions as you correctly point out being skipped depending on the immediate situation (as perceived by the officer) ....... is using the officer's firearm as a threat of deadly force to neutralize the immediate threat which you left out... with the expectation that the threatening citizen will retreat, discontinue the threatening behavior, or run like hell .. which is what those guys did ....AFTER HE DREW THE WEAPON.

What will be seen more frequently now with the upswing in officers being seriously hurt or killed in confrontations with citizens is an increase in the number of incidents in which officers draw their weapons in an attempt to discourage any further escalation of the confrontation for the officer's safety.

Unfortunately the losers will be the law abiding citizens who will now be victimized by the lawless assholes running rough shod over their RIGHT TO A PEACEFUL EXISTENCE ... because the cops are reluctant to respond in a way that will immediately stop the threats to the law abiding citizens.

Example: The pool is closed for the law abiding citizens because of the lawless assholes who had no right to be there in the first place.

BTW: Like the Rodney King "tape" ... there was a beginning of the tape that is not regularly shown on the anti-police media with the officer in the video ... that everyone says was going ballistic ... and he was alone with no other "11" officers at the scene. The female he was trying to arrest was just in a fight. Those who he had told to leave were leaving, but they returned to surround him when he started to arrest the fighting female .. that's when it got ugly.
With all due respect ...

few, if any (I've not heard of one lately), agencies in Texas "ISSUE" firearms to their officers .... they will have mandatory minimum and maximum requirements and/or load standards for patrol officers, which was in question in the McKinney incident. I feel comfortable that Mckinney PD did not "issue" any firearm to the officer involved in the incident.

By standards and training patrol officers carry a firearm for defensive responses to threats (as perceived by the officer and not a bunch of Monday morning quarterbacks pouring over video footage for days and weeks) with the officer having less than a second to make the decision to draw his weapon or not ....

In Texas, and most, if not all, "Model Penal Code" states "deadly" force is NOT defined as "killing" ... the definition includes serious bodily injury that could end in death. .... but doesn't "have" to end in death. In Texas a deadly weapon is defined broadly in the case law ... and includes more than guns and knives .... it is SOP for an officer to draw his weapon if the officer perceives a threat of bodily injury or serious bodily injury from a citizen because of the citizen's bodily movements and hand movements ... like reaching for a wasteband, pocket, or inside a shirt a coat during a confrontation with an officer ..... and can point it at a suspect if the threat is close and/or the suspect/citizen is noncompliant by failing to move away from the officer or show his hands .... causing bodily injury (and serious bodily injury) to a police officer is a felony. Threatening by gesture or words is sufficient probable cause that the person may be about to assault the officer, in which case the officer has the right of self-defense ... the same as the officer would have the right to stop an in progress assault on a citizen in his presence.

A clear component in the force continuum .. which is a continuum ... with portions as you correctly point out being skipped depending on the immediate situation (as perceived by the officer) ....... is using the officer's firearm as a threat of deadly force to neutralize the immediate threat which you left out... with the expectation that the threatening citizen will retreat, discontinue the threatening behavior, or run like hell .. which is what those guys did ....AFTER HE DREW THE WEAPON.

What will be seen more frequently now with the upswing in officers being seriously hurt or killed in confrontations with citizens is an increase in the number of incidents in which officers draw their weapons in an attempt to discourage any further escalation of the confrontation for the officer's safety.

Unfortunately the losers will be the law abiding citizens who will now be victimized by the lawless assholes running rough shod over their RIGHT TO A PEACEFUL EXISTENCE ... because the cops are reluctant to respond in a way that will immediately stop the threats to the law abiding citizens.

Example: The pool is closed for the law abiding citizens because of the lawless assholes who had no right to be there in the first place.

BTW: Like the Rodney King "tape" ... there was a beginning of the tape that is not regularly shown on the anti-police media with the officer in the video ... that everyone says was going ballistic ... and he was alone with no other "11" officers at the scene. The female he was trying to arrest was just in a fight. Those who he had told to leave were leaving, but they returned to surround him when he started to arrest the fighting female .. that's when it got ugly. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Well, most departments all over the country issue a firearm to officers. Dallas PD issues a Sig P-226 in 9mm. I guess if you wanted to buy your own you could. The sidearm is used primarily for deadly force encounters. Yes Officers draw their weapons for reasons other than the use of deadly force, but deadly force is primarily what they are trained to use it for.
