Trump to gain billions!!!!

Lucas McCain's Avatar
How is that stock doing? Soaring like and eagle or like another log or two dropped tweeting? Originally Posted by Precious_b
It is actually doing quite well. I'm sure all he has to do is flap his gums a bit and it will skyrocket even more now that he has given actual launch dates and he has Apple involved. I won't lie, he does have a great execution strategy in place for his latest bullshit con. I have to give him that.

All he has to do is feed more bullshit to his cult and now he has the platform to do so without any chance of being silenced. He'll talk about running in 2024 and hype up his obsessed followers about all of the changes he plans on making once he is back in office and they'll go crazy from joy because they are not smart enough to know that it is all a load of horse shit because there is no chance that fat orange clown will ever ever ever ever ever be reelected as president again. Sorry Trumpsters but just being honest.
Precious_b's Avatar
Well, that's good.

Gotta have a mouthpiece for him somewhere.

And ima sure all those good little trumpsters will keep their ears on the horn.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Another scam targeting the unsuspecting thralls of the Trump cult.

That worthless grifter has t sent a dime to support the GOP yet they quench they thirst for leadership on the sweat of his empty nutsack.

They get what they deserve.
bambino's Avatar
Happy Presidents’ Day!!!!
The ignorant just keep on believing. What's that old saying about not all money is good money. Some money is just really really stupid lol n omg n wtf

of the idiots dah
Precious_b's Avatar
It is actually doing quite well. I'm sure all he has to do is flap his gums a bit and it will skyrocket even more now that he has given actual launch dates and he has Apple involved. I won't lie, he does have a great execution strategy in place for his latest bullshit con. I have to give him that.

All he has to do is feed more bullshit to his cult and now he has the platform to do so without any chance of being silenced. He'll talk about running in 2024 and hype up his obsessed followers about all of the changes he plans on making once he is back in office and they'll go crazy from joy because they are not smart enough to know that it is all a load of horse shit because there is no chance that fat orange clown will ever ever ever ever ever be reelected as president again. Sorry Trumpsters but just being honest. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
I don't do the market stuff. Frankly speaking, I don't make my $$$ work for me.

So, if you don't mind, could you tell me if/when this stock is suppose to be looked at and figures shown in public and post it here? I don't mean the day to day stuff. Just those reports you mention.

Appreciate it.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
P_b, just sent a PM to answer your questions. Feel free to let me know if you have any further questions.

I would post it out in the open but with it being President's day and all, I know the Trumpsters are still grieving and feeling extra grumpy so they're just going to shit on whatever I post about the market anyway.

Oh, and the symbol for Trump's con stock is DWAC. I think it should be WACK but that's just my opinion. Haha
LexusLover's Avatar
Enron changed the way the game is played. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
What does the "Enron Matter" have in the way of similarities to Trump cranking up a free-press enterprise for exchanging ideas and sharing information?

Since you're an expert on Enron ... you KNOW that there was a substantial number of employees who came out okay with respect to their retirement funds. Because .... THEY DIVERSIFIED.

But you knew that already about Enron ... which means ....

Again, you're trashing Trump with a baseless accusation. Y'all need to grow up!

Then Lucas chimes in the trashing after Trump made him rich with the pharma stocks in which he invested based on the vaccines .... taxpayer DOLLARS ... EO's and Congressional bailouts & security. If Lucas is being truthful ... he got rich BECAUSE OF TRUMP!
LexusLover's Avatar
The ignorant just keep on believing. Originally Posted by Tsmokies
Yes, I've noticed you "keep on believing" IN BITTEN!

#### Salty
You're full of shit.
When have you ever heard someone say "if you say so" in a real debate? If you disagree with someone in a debate, you say what you disagree with, why you disagree, and provide information/ facts/links that back up your position.
"If you say so" is an asshole way of running your mouth when you have nothing else to say.
It looks like you say it most when someone provides a link or other information that you know is true or you are too lazy to look up the information or truly "debate (something you know little to nothing about. Debates have moderators to keep the assholes honest. You know, like social media kicking Trump and others off for constantly lying. Something this site obviously doesn't do.)" the subject.
"If you say so" is exactly what I would expect someone who can't debate to say.
But you already know that. What else would a Trumpy say?

my less blunt response is "disagree" but close enough mate!

who's cryin' .. ? not me or salty.

i'm surprised an "Ivy Guy" like yourself even as a finance CPA geek doesn't know the art of debate and rhetoric .. didn't they give that precious "well rounded education" everyone thinks is so important?

i get you didn't major in political science or go to law school but surely you've heard of refuting your debate opponent's comments in flat terms then put them on the defensive to reply.Effective? You think "if you say so" refutes someone's comment and puts them on the defensive?
Sounds like your "well rounded education" ended in the 5th grade.

it's rather effective isn't it? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
... If you say so... ...

#### Salty
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-21-2022, 04:21 PM
You're full of shit.
When have you ever heard someone say "if you say so" in a real debate? If you disagree with someone in a debate, you say what you disagree with, why you disagree, and provide information/ facts/links that back up your position.
"If you say so" is an asshole way of running your mouth when you have nothing else to say.
It looks like you say it most when someone provides a link or other information that you know is true or you are too lazy to look up the information or truly "debate (something you know little to nothing about. Debates have moderators to keep the assholes honest. You know, like social media kicking Trump and others off for constantly lying. Something this site obviously doesn't do.)" the subject.
"If you say so" is exactly what I would expect someone who can't debate to say.
But you already know that. What else would a Trumpy say?

Originally Posted by VerySkeptical
You're giving these Trump ass lickers way too much credit.

They haven't a clue that saying "if you say so... " is the universal sign of ignorance. I mean come on....these muther fuckers do not believe in science!
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