Uncle Han bites the dust

Well, then I suppose I just have quite a different notion from you regarding what is "fun!"

Despite Whirlaway's claims to the contrary, the guy offered nothing in the way of analysis. All he did was copy-and-paste a bunch of articles and blogs every day, starting a new thread for each one, and accompanying them with a lot of name-calling and cap-locked giggling. Presumably, most of us can figure out what we ought to be reading without a couple of attention-seeking trolls posting it for us on an SHMB.

How about this? What if some guy on the far left came in here every day and started a bunch of threads with stuff copied and pasted from, for instance, The Nation, and yelled and screamed constantly that conservatives are "immoral scum" and stupid, knuckle-dragging Neanderthals. I doubt that you would be happy with that, yet it's just the other side of the same coin. Whether from the left or right, assholes are just assholes! (And for the record, I think I'm probably a bit to the right of center on the ideological spectrum.)

Not exactly sure what you're referring to here. I do recall a couple of threads in which some of us lamented the poor choices we had in the last presidential election. It seemed clear to many of us that neither one of those guys was likely to fix much of anything. I voted for neither Obama nor Romney, but then I'm a Texas resident, so it really didn't matter. Carter-Ford (1976) was the last time the presidential tally was even remotely close in Texas. Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
I know you are not a Marshall fan. I happen to like the guy. I was hoping he could hang around awhile. You got to admit he breaks the monotony.

I just don't understand what the problem is. You wanted a political forum and you got it. Whirly is posting just like he always done. So is everyone else.

I was more toward the middle before Odespicable. Liberals seeing a chance for a utopia have gone farther than far left. I've gone as far right as I can. I am not coming back. This is why this forum is what it is.

Got to go now. Mark Levin is on.
If it could be done, then Uncle Han would have......... Originally Posted by Whirlaway
This special rendition of the 'Banaway Bump' is especially for you, Trendy!

Unc' Han is still "Trending" Banned!