Hillary leads all republicans by at least 10 points in new poll by CNN

I do not particularly care for Hillary, as I believe she is also bought and paid for by the special interest groups, not the American public. The system is really unfair in this way, as the public truly has no idea who to vote for. I will still vote democractic because it's better than the far right wing. Not the best, but better.
flghtr65's Avatar
I will still vote democractic because it's better than the far right wing. Originally Posted by SeekingTruth
+ 1000

Certainly better than what is on this list.

1. Chis ( "I closed that bridge") Christy

2. Sarah (" I am an Airhead") Palin

3. Mitt ( "My 59 point plan to get the unemployment rate to 6 per cent in 4 years, won't work") Romney

4. Jeb ( " My brother George W. left office with a 69% disapproval rating") Bush

5. Michelle ( " I am a triple Airhead") Bachman

6. Dr. Ben ( " Prison makes you gay") Carson

7. Ted (" I will shut down the government if I don't get my way") Cruz

8. Herman (" I am at peace with my wife and she is at peace with me") Cain

9. Rick (" If I am elected president I will get rid of the Dept of Energy, Education and, and, and OOPS") Perry

10. Rand ( I think like my father Ron) Paul

11. Rick ( " Don't have intercourse before you are married") Santorum

Hillary will have no problem beating this group.
+ 1000

Certainly better than what is on this list.

1. Chis ( "I closed that bridge") Christy

2. Sarah (" I am an Airhead") Palin

3. Mitt ( "My 59 point plan to get the unemployment rate to 6 per cent in 4 years, won't work") Romney

4. Jeb ( " My brother George W. left office with a 69% disapproval rating") Bush

5. Michelle ( " I am a triple Airhead") Bachman

6. Dr. Ben ( " Prison makes you gay") Carson

7. Ted (" I will shut down the government if I don't get my way") Cruz

8. Herman (" I am at peace with my wife and she is at peace with me") Cain

9. Rick (" If I am elected president I will get rid of the Dept of Energy, Education and, and, and OOPS") Perry

10. Rand ( I think like my father Ron) Paul

11. Rick ( " Don't have intercourse before you are married") Santorum

Hillary will have no problem beating this group. Originally Posted by flghtr65
Of course Hillary ("At this point what difference does it make, that I am a closet lesbian, criminal minded, Lying skank.") Clinton, lol.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
+ 1000

Certainly better than what is on this list.

1. Chis ( "I closed that bridge") Christy

2. Sarah (" I am an Airhead") Palin

3. Mitt ( "My 59 point plan to get the unemployment rate to 6 per cent in 4 years, won't work") Romney

4. Jeb ( " My brother George W. left office with a 69% disapproval rating") Bush

5. Michelle ( " I am a triple Airhead") Bachman

6. Dr. Ben ( " Prison makes you gay") Carson

7. Ted (" I will shut down the government if I don't get my way") Cruz

8. Herman (" I am at peace with my wife and she is at peace with me") Cain

9. Rick (" If I am elected president I will get rid of the Dept of Energy, Education and, and, and OOPS") Perry

10. Rand ( I think like my father Ron) Paul

11. Rick ( " Don't have intercourse before you are married") Santorum

Hillary will have no problem beating this group. Originally Posted by flghtr65
No wonder people don't like you. You lie all the time. Ted Cruz wanted to delay the individual mandate two years ago (which is why the government almost shut down). Of course Obama, by executive order, delayed a lot of Obamacare until after the election. Now the democrats want Obama to delay the individual mandate until after 2016. I guess Cruz was right.

You forgot to make up something about Scott Walker, Huckabee, and Carly Fiorina. Sarah Palin, Mitt Romney, and Hermann Cain are not running. Saying that prison makes you gay is problematic but they sure have a lot of gay sex while in prison. However, saying that you believe in global warming is just as ridiculous as most of the people in this country either don't believe it or don't believe it is important.

Just go back to the numbers and don't waste our time.

Read the headline: democrats souring on Hillary http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/arti...psos-poll.html
flghtr65's Avatar

You forgot to make up something about Scott Walker, Huckabee, and Carly Fiorina.

Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Walker, Huckabee and Fiorina aren't going anywhere. They don't have the Koch brothers support. I will add them for you.

1. Chis ( "I closed that bridge") Christy

2. Sarah (" I am an Airhead") Palin

3. Mitt ( "My 59 point plan to get the unemployment rate to 6 per cent in 4 years, won't work") Romney

4. Jeb ( " My brother George W. left office with a 69% disapproval rating") Bush

5. Michelle ( " I am a triple Airhead") Bachman

6. Dr. Ben ( " Prison makes you gay") Carson

7. Ted (" I will shut down the government if I don't get my way") Cruz

8. Herman (" I am at peace with my wife and she is at peace with me") Cain

9. Rick (" If I am elected president I will get rid of the Dept of Energy, Education and, and, and OOPS") Perry

10. Rand ( I think like my father Ron) Paul

11. Rick ( " Don't have intercourse before you are married") Santorum

12. Mike ('" I am just a part time preacher") Hucklebee

13. Carly (" I ran Hewlitt Packard into the ground") Fiornia

14. Scott (" I don't have a college degree") Walker
Hillary will have no problem beating this group.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I do not particularly care for Hillary, as I believe she is also bought and paid for by the special interest groups, not the American public. The system is really unfair in this way, as the public truly has no idea who to vote for. I will still vote democractic because it's better than the far right wing. Not the best, but better. Originally Posted by SeekingTruth
Deb, I would urge you to look below the surface of the main parties. The differences are simply cosmetic. When you strip away the public façade, both parties are fully owned and controlled by the same corporate and banking interests. Keep Seeking, beautiful! I love your style and courage.
Deb, I would urge you to look below the surface of the main parties. The differences are simply cosmetic. When you strip away the public façade, both parties are fully owned and controlled by the same corporate and banking interests. Keep Seeking, beautiful! I love your style and courage. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
That being true, shouldn't we at least support the one whose party line more aligns with out personal views? I just can't get with republitards and their religious ways. If someone like Cruz were to get elected, holy shit. I agree, their both awful, but if I have to choose one, I'll take the one that isn't going to make me go to church by federal decree.
  • shanm
  • 03-28-2015, 10:20 AM
Deb, I would urge you to look below the surface of the main parties. The differences are simply cosmetic. When you strip away the public façade, both parties are fully owned and controlled by the same corporate and banking interests. Keep Seeking, beautiful! I love your style and courage. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
That's not entirely true. It's not as black and white as you make it seem.
For example, if dems were always lobbying for corporate interests then they wouldn't be so adamant about passing "climate change" reform. It mostly hurts corporate interests by placing additional requirements and fines for damaging the environment.
Dems also wouldn't be so keen on increasing taxes on the wealthy and corporations if they were being backed by said corporations.

Add to that the subjugation of gays, the hatred of people practicing different religions (other than christianity), the absolute doltishness that runs through the entire party like a plague, you've got yourself a clear winner. In this case, it's about picking the much lesser evil. Evil nonetheless.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
That being true, shouldn't we at least support the one whose party line more aligns with out personal views? I just can't get with republitards and their religious ways. If someone like Cruz were to get elected, holy shit. I agree, their both awful, but if I have to choose one, I'll take the one that isn't going to make me go to church by federal decree. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Sure. Support whatever party you want. Just know that the Democrats and Republicans are lying to you, and are going to work the system to concentrate power in the hands of their crony owners. If you're good with that, by all means vote for the party that will give lip service to your pet issues while screwing the shit out you behind the the scenes.
  • DSK
  • 03-28-2015, 10:41 AM
That's not entirely true. It's not as black and white as you make it seem.
For example, if dems were always lobbying for corporate interests then they wouldn't be so adamant about passing "climate change" reform. It mostly hurts corporate interests by placing additional requirements and fines for damaging the environment.
Dems also wouldn't be so keen on increasing taxes on the wealthy and corporations if they were being backed by said corporations.

Add to that the subjugation of gays, the hatred of people practicing different religions (other than christianity), the absolute doltishness that runs through the entire party like a plague, you've got yourself a clear winner. In this case, it's about picking the much lesser evil. Evil nonetheless. Originally Posted by shanm
Where are gays subjugated in this country?

Corporate interests are well served by global warming remedies, such as Solyndra.
It just depends on which corporation benefits - the green or not so green. GE, which once polluted the Hudson so badly people died, now promotes itself as very green minded - especially for subsidized projects.
Where are gays subjugated in this country?

Corporate interests are well served by global warming remedies, such as Solyndra.
It just depends on which corporation benefits - the green or not so green. GE, which once polluted the Hudson so badly people died, now promotes itself as very green minded - especially for subsidized projects. Originally Posted by DSK
where are gays subjugated? Indiana just passed a law saying they could be discriminated against by business owners without repercussion.
  • shanm
  • 03-28-2015, 11:01 AM
Where are gays subjugated in this country?
Get real

Corporate interests are well served by global warming remedies, such as Solyndra.
It just depends on which corporation benefits - the green or not so green. GE, which once polluted the Hudson so badly people died, now promotes itself as very green minded - especially for subsidized projects.
Yes, while it is true that companies do get subsidies for green initiatives, it is more often just an offsetting of the costs that are imposed by having increased restrictions on environment pollution. No company actually benefits from going green, except from an advertising stand point. Oil companies back Republicans, which is why they are almost unanimously against the idea of having alternative energy initiatives. Originally Posted by DSK
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
ShamWow, I'd suggest that you and your husband, UnderAverage not visit Indiana. Try San Francisco. It's a beautiful city, and much more tolerant of folks like you.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
. Originally Posted by shanm

Do I have to point out (I guess I do) that politicans like Mary Landrieu supported oil companies, that oil companies provide not only jobs, but tax money (a lot of tax money), and energy. It is kind of amazing that our oil companies can find oil, extract it, transport it, refine it, transport it again and all without destroying the environment like they did in Nigeria, East Germany, or so many other shitholes in the world.
  • DSK
  • 03-28-2015, 01:09 PM
where are gays subjugated? Indiana just passed a law saying they could be discriminated against by business owners without repercussion. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
More on the order of conflicting freedoms. If I don't want someone's business in my cake shop, I can tell them to hit the road. Do you really have a problem with that?

It is pretty awkward to say not forcing someone to bake a cake for a gay person is subjugating gays. Gay people can buy their own cake shop, and tell straight people they don't want their business, and that would be kosher.
Fact is, most businesses want the gay dollar because they typically have good income and assets.