Roll Call

Scorpio69's Avatar
Quietly present
FlyboyNY's Avatar
RonCk is here! I changed my screen name. Long story behind that but I hope it will not cause any confusion. Kept my avatar the same and will keep my old screen name at the end of my post for a little while.
Hello everybody. Great to be here!!!!
another lurker from aspd with a new screen name
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 01-02-2010, 11:05 PM
WOW, Lets keep the roll call going guys. I am a little surprised. Didn't realize we had this many, but there are still a few I have not seen.

Hopefully some of you lurkers out there will see fit to join us in our discussions. How many more are laying in the weeds?

And for those who are timid about writing reviews, I think I can speak for almost everyone that I don't think this will be like aspd where you got overly criticized. I think everyone will accept your review and perhaps even offer some help with how to make it more informative.

Welcome all!
Colonel_Mustard's Avatar
Also here from ASPD with new screen name
Irishscott's Avatar
I'm here. Just made the move over.
pillman's Avatar
Another convert from aspd and happy to be here
lovejenna's Avatar
Hola Honey Bunnies!
  • newd
  • 01-03-2010, 11:44 AM
Holy Cow...this place is really shaking the lurkers out of the bushes...if you will!
So, here I am, an ASPD lurker (under different name) and hobby-wanna-be when the time is right. Thanks to all for the warm invite.
lou21's Avatar
  • lou21
  • 01-03-2010, 01:18 PM
I moved it on over.
cnym's Avatar
  • cnym
  • 01-03-2010, 01:20 PM
I had no idea there are this many from Upstate NY, 99 posts so far !!!. Where are you guys when it is time to review, or do you just read the reviews and them make appointments. Hopefully we will see some more contribution here. I always had a good feeling that the ladies and especially my ATF have a lot more appointments than the reviews, which is ok with me since it is not necessary to keep writing reviews about the same lady so close in time to each other. Lurkers, please post a review when appropriate.
Good night....Welcome Everyone!

7 pages and counting! here!
faith28's Avatar
Good Evening... I am Present!!!