Here we go again...gun control.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Of course it's for another time.
A few questions.
1. What are the repub ideas to address the shootings?

2. When will they discuss this problem? They never seem to get around to it.

3. Why do you think talking about the issue is the same as passing more gun laws? According to you, that's all that the dems do.
So what would you propose?

4. What gun control laws were passed after each of the incidents you mentioned?

This is a trick question for barley boy. He can only repeat his bullshit comparisons and talking points.
Other than new laws (which are generally pointless), who, on the right, has an idea other than turning schools into fortresses? Turn grocery stores and Walmarts into fortresses too?

Funny how a lying moron like you would ban someone for exercising their freedom of speech but you insist a 18 yo should be able to buy any type of firearm he wants? Seems if that one little factor, being 21, would have been in place, there would have been 3 more years for a bad actor to keep from revealing himself. Would he have made it?
We'll never know.
If you won't put 21 age to buy guns, what will you put on the table?
You whine current laws aren't enforced, that age thing is easy to enforce. If that 18 year old is in the military, he can buy a gun. The idea that someone like you could buy a gun at 18 is a scary thought.

Originally Posted by VerySkeptical

what are the Democrat's answers, munchy?
If you would read the post, you wouldn't ask a question covered in my post. Like I asked barley, why did you bother to post at all?
According to you and yours, gun control is all dems suggest.

Where the fuck have you been? You've been saying the same thing. You claim laws aren't the answer.
So what is? You have the floor. Other than putting the discussion off till later, what ideas do the repubs offer, Mr. Wacky cunt?
PS Why would you post your military id card? For what possible reason? That act doesn't prove anything except you're a moron. So you blew a guy on liberty and stole his card. It only proves you're more of an asshole than barley.
We're going to have to look at your post history too.
Let's see what other bullshit you've been lying about.
what are the Democrat's answers, munchy? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
If you would read the post, you wouldn't ask a question covered in my post. Like I asked barley, why did you bother to post at all?
According to you and yours, gun control is all dems suggest.

Where the fuck have you been? You've been saying the same thing. You claim laws aren't the answer.
So what is? You have the floor. Other than putting the discussion off till later, what ideas do the repubs offer, Mr. Wacky cunt?
PS Why would you post your military id card? For what possible reason? That act doesn't prove anything except you're a moron. So you blew a guy on liberty and stole his card. It only proves you're more of an asshole than barley.
We're going to have to look at your post history too.
Let's see what other bullshit you've been lying about. Originally Posted by VerySkeptical

because the only thing you say is raise the age of gun ownership to 21. is that all u got, munchy? i'd actually support that.

just so you know i've said many times one of the problems is a lack of reporting on the local level to the FBI for background checks. that would have prevent several people from obtaining guns who then used them for mass murder.

existing laws that aren't enforced are a large part of the problem.

are you sober today munchy?
VitaMan's Avatar
No. are you? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Looks like he is. What is the point of your post....other than harassing and trolling.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Looks like he is. Originally Posted by VitaMan

if you say so Dinky Winky
VitaMan's Avatar
4th grade posting...but he enjoys himself
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
A lie detector test.

I like the way you try to prop up your bullshit. In the real world, if you had scored a 96%, the recruiter would have done everything in his power to talk you into carrying your score over since the chances for improving your score is pretty slim. Moot point though. Sappster is correct. A 99% is the highest score. Plus the test isn't accepted as a valid test for determining IQ (obviously and unlike the pre-1980 GCT test administered by the military).
Just a typical stollen glory story. Why would you even mention it? Besides the fact being this is an anonymous hooker board?
Just keep lying about the normal shit you usually lie about.

Stop lying about your service record. You disgrace yourself and put any "service" you may or may not have performed in doubt.
It would be best if you removed your avatar since it's unlikely anything you have claimed is true. It is all tainted by your lying piehole.
Because if you lie about your service record, you'll lie about anything (and you have).
Originally Posted by VerySkeptical
I don't lie. I would be a democrat then. I took the test the first time when I was 15 years old. Yes, the recruiters were very interested in me. I like taking tests. I scored a 99% and went to nuclear power school. Try taking that test. They told me, as a 17 year old recruit, that I had aced the test which is why they wanted me to take it again. To me, as a 17 year old, aced means 100%. Never thought about it after that.

As for my avatar, that is me in my uniform about four years before I left the service for service related disabilities. Every ribbon is real as is the ESWS and AWS.

Show us your DD 214 or you can suck my navy cock.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Of course it's for another time.
A few questions.
1. What are the repub ideas to address the shootings?
Armed security in schools. Armed teachers with training. Hardened schools. Locked doors.

2. When will they discuss this problem? They never seem to get around to it.
The democrats who control the House, the Senate, and the White House have done nothing and said nothing until there was a shooting and then they advance the same idea every time.
An idea that would not pass constitutional muster and would not prevent another shooting.

3. Why do you think talking about the issue is the same as passing more gun laws? According to you, that's all that the dems do.
So what would you propose? See my previous posts going back a few years. I do talk about this between shootings unlike the democrats.

4. What gun control laws were passed after each of the incidents you mentioned?
Mail order guns prohibited, background checks initiated, minimum 21 years of age for handguns, ban on full automatic weapons, the assault weapon ban, bans in some states for high capacity magazines, more strigent local background checks in place like New York, Chicago, Boston, and Los Angeles.

This is a trick question for barley boy. He can only repeat his bullshit comparisons and talking points.
Other than new laws (which are generally pointless), who, on the right, has an idea other than turning schools into fortresses? Turn grocery stores and Walmarts into fortresses too? Your lie is showing again. Nothing is 100% but we don't need fortresses and I have never proposed such a thing.
Just give our schools the same level of security that they have during a NFL game or going into the House in Washington DC.

Funny how a lying moron like you would ban someone for exercising their freedom of speech but you insist a 18 yo should be able to buy any type of firearm he wants? Seems if that one little factor, being 21, would have been in place, there would have been 3 more years for a bad actor to keep from revealing himself. Would he have made it?
We'll never know.
If you won't put 21 age to buy guns, what will you put on the table?
You whine current laws aren't enforced, that age thing is easy to enforce. If that 18 year old is in the military, he can buy a gun. The idea that someone like you could buy a gun at 18 is a scary thought.Actually I bought my first rifle at 16 years of age. It was a Marlin 336C at K-mart.

Originally Posted by VerySkeptical
Overall, you don't make any points by lying. You sound like a fool and you dispel any doubt that you may not be one.
VitaMan's Avatar
It looks like veryskeptical owes Barley an apology. An apology, Senator.

Unless you consider the machinations led him to the wrong conclusion.

May be more counter intuitive than the Monty Hall 3 door puzzle.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Looks like he is. What is the point of your post....other than harassing and trolling. Originally Posted by VitaMan
TWK just likes to be a goofball and argue. You're just playing his game by acknowledging his silliness and responding like he wants.

I don't even bother reading his stupid ass nonsensical posts anymore. Old clown is just a weirdo to me and craves a reaction for attention so he can post more dumb shit as a rebuttal. Don't give him that reaction so he will STFU.

That silly old Bozo will argue about whether it is night or day even if it is 9 PM CST and you say it is night. He would argue that it is morning time in Chennai, India and try to argue with you that you are wrong. Haha
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Thought I would do a little search on the "definition" of "common sense gun control". Turns out, there isn't one. Must be an ekky issue, because I can't imagine that the people that espouse that refrain ad nauseam would not want to clearly articulate what it actually means. Well... I figure there is a far greater chance that it must be a ekky DB issue than a lack of integrity issue for the ones that spew that clap-trap routinely.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Thought I would do a little search on the "definition" of "common sense gun control". Turns out, there isn't one. Must be an ekky issue, because I can't imagine that the people that espouse that refrain ad nauseam would not want to clearly articulate what it actually means. Well... I figure there is a far greater chance that it must be a ekky DB issue than a lack of integrity issue for the ones that spew that clap-trap routinely. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Read the lines, bubba,

Not between them.
bambino's Avatar
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Read the lines, bubba,

Not between them. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I tried searching for the line(s). Ain't none to be found. Pay attention. I know some of these whiz right on by ya at times
texassapper's Avatar
The Democrat anti-gun platform...