Client's Who Paid But Didn't Leave A Review Listed On...

I feel that if you are a reviewer and don't write a review, don't expect a reference. Originally Posted by Alli
So you only give references if the reviewer reviews you. So I imagine that would also have to be contingent on a yes review obviously.

dtymh55's Avatar
To bad she took her showcase down Originally Posted by Dorthy_Monroe
She did us all a favor by removing her show case. If she can't tell the a client from a provider. She is just a hooktard with a crappy attitude.
Wicket's Avatar
(Review specials are a horrible idea, IMHO, and impossible to enforce. Providers should, perhaps, consider another type of incentive, perhaps a commensurate discount on the next visit AFTER the review?) Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
Ding, Ding, we have a winner here!
If all the providers listed everyone that did not write a review their adds (showcase) would be several pages long or more.
But would give insight on who they allow to see them and would likely cost them
dtymh55's Avatar
^^^ Hoe right you are sir.
^^^ Hoe right you are sir. Originally Posted by dtymh55
Truth, I'm not taking sloppy 48,784ths after that guy! I want to be the first and one and only!