I QUIT to make sure I Quit I’m going to commit Hobby suicide

bslither10's Avatar
Rough translation: "I know you are, but what am I?" with a dash of "I'm rubber and you're glue" etc etc. You're welcome.

On a side note, just how good can an attorney be without being fluent in asshole? Lol, I kid, I kid. Originally Posted by tracibrooks
wow smart and hot.
Call me crazy, but... why would you try and reschedule with someone who NCNS you, or who didn't answer when you called to confirm? That just seems silly.
SweetAterPie's Avatar
From this point forward there will be a two drink minimum for admittance to any of Shackleton's post.
LazurusLong's Avatar
When, if ever, will Tiggold quit?
One did not bring the cover
So he won't be her lover
Two was there with Aunt Flo
But for Tiggold, that's no go
Three saw guys way too many
Now she won't see one penny
Four told lies about her dump
Tiggold is no one's chump!
Five smelled bad and was dirty
If she bathed she would be purtee
Six just laid, did not her job
More attention to Tiggold's knob!
Seven had an S D T
Tiggold said, "don't give to me!"
Eight asked Tiggold for a tip
A tip is earned so she got zip
Will Tiggold quit from all this trauma?
No, no, no, he likes the drama Originally Posted by Shackleton
Genius. Absolute fucking genius sir.
  • Rebel
  • 08-25-2010, 07:10 PM
Sometimes , It's best just to just walk away. This isn't a dig at Tigg, but WTF, everyone has shitty times, man up post your issues in MLR if you need to. A long rambling rant is worthless. The ladies will still be here , life will go on.
Traci.... You Rocking Fuck... Wait, You fucking Rock!

214JULES - Sarcasm becomes you... And is sexy as hell...

Lisa... Lisa... LISA - Just wanted to sCream your name... I <3 you

Brookie - Bring it, Yes, I said BRING it!

Shackleton - Just when I was staring to hate you, you post a funny... Kidding, that was TFF...

Now... Lay off Tig.. He is entitled to his desires and needs. We all make choices here, on who, how, How Much. I think that was a movie line.

Seriously, A lot of good points made here. Drama is an epidemic so let's all wish Tig well on his next stage of life.

Bon Voyage - Fair Winds and following seas... My suggestion, Close your account and never log in again... Only way to get away.

Fort Worth Punk's Avatar

Good points but, I want to add something. If people REALLY want the drama of "retirement" threads to end, then freeze the accounts when they post. Maybe give them 24 hours to say goodbye and lock their account.

This is becoming a bit of an epidemic and it's not like the threads are adding anything other than morbid entertainment.
But I think we secretly (and maybe not so secretly) enjoy this "morbid entertainment." So let's not do any of that. Maybe pin this one at the top of the page to give fair notice about what is likely to happen if yet another poster wishes to make a dramatic retirement announcement. Then it's open season.
ShysterJon's Avatar
If people REALLY want the drama of "retirement" threads to end, then freeze the accounts when they post. Maybe give them 24 hours to say goodbye and lock their account. Originally Posted by sharktrager
Good idea, but I don't think it goes far enough. I think if a hobbyist retires, we should send him to a hobbyist retirement home.

All this drama is tempting me to retire -- in fact, I hereby announce ... oh, never mind.
broes's Avatar
  • broes
  • 08-25-2010, 11:08 PM
I don't think its a big secret around here that people feed on drama. Page views and comments dont lie. People can complain all they want about wanting a drama free zone, but we all seem to eat that shit up. I gotta admit, it's a hell of a lot more interesting to read a drama thread than it is to see another guy post "wow, Im finally under provider x". And give me the Shyster/Brooke Thrilla in Vanilla any day over another dick size or NBA thread.

I always thought the easiest way to retire would be to just stop logging on. Fade into the mist like a mustard fart.
If you go with the young under 30 Trophy girls that is the way it is.
The Drama, Lack of schedule and money management.
They are nice to look at but not worth the $$$ to TRY to see.
Yes another grumpy post from one who has beeennn in the hobby. 3K

ItalianaPrincess said it the best from another thread "Fresh Meat".


Trophy wives = too much $$$ not enuff honey!

If you go with one the of girlies from the "new era" of business...aka provider18 (from what I hear) you might as well go throw the $$ at her, finish yourself off & go.

What are these "new" girlees thinkin? This is not your allowance from daddy sweetie - Where you get to bat your eyes, pout your lips & hope he'll feel sorry for you & throw $$ at you for gawd's sakes!

LOL, I keep thinking that some of us ladies should offer a PROVIDER BOOTCAMP before these "new era" girls are allowed to swim in the deep end of the pool....

ItalianaPrincess Originally Posted by ItalianaPrincess
Right on.I always treat providers with respect but a lot of the time dont get it back,and it really sucks when you see a guy leave right before your turn.It makes you think what number am I.
"I QUIT to make sure I Quit I’m going to commit Hobby suicide"

Hmm..did I not see a review from you today?
I too like the like the 18-22 when i can find them.The only problem with that age is a lot of them has attitude.why do i like 18-22 is they usually have nice preaty pussys.You take a girl that has been in the hobby for ten years her pussy looks like it has been through the ringer.Ok ladies you can let me have it.
"I QUIT to make sure I Quit I’m going to commit Hobby suicide"

Hmm..did I not see a review from you today? Originally Posted by Sophie
I think it's already been established that this dude is a drama Queen. And he's here to stay and is not going anywhere.

I look forward to his next bogus retirement announcement thread.

You fucking drama retirement Queens are really annoying. Shit, get a hug and then a fuck, and stop the silly fake retirement threads!

Just simply leave if that's what you really want, or please just quit acting like a silly and emotional bitch and stop starting these threads about bullshit retirements.

Obviously, if you really were really serious about retirement, you would disable your account, and not post a damn review.