Juror says Zimmerman got away with murder

LexusLover's Avatar
These Black Panthers were indeed intimidating anyone that was "melanin deficient" shall we say. In the 4 minute video I saw they let fly with numerous racial epithets and aggressive actions.

Although, I might be confusing the 2012 incident with the 2008 incident. Originally Posted by cuda1179
Doesn't matter which election it happened it happened.

I've seen U.S. Marshals show up, threaten to haul everyone and the boxes down to the Federal courthouse to see the Judge, and standby until the "situation" dissipates for a Hell of a Lot Less than carrying a club around at the entrance of voting poll.

My point is, and was, they got a pass with no investigation and no comment from Obaminable. And all these whining, whimpering, drippy nosed liberals wringing their hand about Martin were NO WHERE to be HEARD.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 07-29-2013, 03:55 PM
How about you just go to the video. Originally Posted by cuda1179
Provide a link and i'll watch it.
LexusLover's Avatar
Provide a link and i'll watch it. Originally Posted by Doove
Try to listen as well. This is the LE response to their intimidation ..

Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 07-29-2013, 06:12 PM
That's it? That's your video evidence?
LexusLover's Avatar
That's it? That's your video evidence? Originally Posted by Doove
Better evidence than you had for Zimmerman's conviction in your "mind"!

To get back on thread topic.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Good thing they didn't call him names...
LexusLover's Avatar
Good thing they didn't call him names... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
It was reported the poll watches were addressing some voters in ... "shall we say"... a

... socially/politically inappropriate manner that would distinguish their race from the Panthers.... while they were explaining they were tired of the #*&%# winning elections.

As far as I am concerned the "issue" is disparate response to racism ... it doesn't matter what "race" or "ethnicity" it is on either side.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 07-30-2013, 04:02 AM
Better evidence than you had for Zimmerman's conviction in your "mind"!

To get back on thread topic. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Yup, a black guy holding a nightstick. All the evidence you need when it comes to, you know, black guys.

And if it had been a white guy holding a gun?
LexusLover's Avatar
And if it had been a (insert any color) guy holding a gun? Originally Posted by Doove

*I am "assuming" without researching it that Pennsylvania would prohibit carrying firearms within so many feet of a polling place unless LE. If there was an exception for CHL ... then to Jail also ... for "holding" the "gun" in plain sight like the nightstick.

Even if it were a "gal" ... to jail!

Doove, you should probably quit trying to make something out of nothing right about now. It really is not "pretty" you know?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Doove, you're kind of a stupid shit aren't you. You asked for the link to a video and, as expected, that wasn't enough for you. Then you make a dumb ass comment about a white guy with a gun completely forgetting that the entire south has different set of voting laws where guys, and gals, with gun have gone to prison for doing so. Why don't you just admit it, NOTHING will cause you say that you are wrong. Call you new boss and report this website. Take that Obama money you collaborator.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 07-30-2013, 04:17 PM
You asked for the link to a video and, as expected, that wasn't enough for you. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Did you watch it? It showed nothing that wasn't already in the picture. Two black guys in front of a polling place with one carrying a nightstick. Only in the video, they moved. How about a video of the guys actually intimidating people? Clearly there was a camera there, so if that's what they were doing...

I read that it was a mostly black district where they were at. Not a very good application of resources if their intent was to intimidate white voters.

Then you make a dumb ass comment about a white guy with a gun completely forgetting that the entire south has different set of voting laws where guys, and gals, with gun have gone to prison for doing so.
I wasn't commenting on any laws. I was commenting on the irony of you "guns for everyone" clowns getting your panties in a bunch over a black guy with a night-stick.