Terror Attack in Las Vegas

Did anybody check his pants pocket to see if he was carrying a copy of the Koran? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Isn't what YOU really want to know is , did anyone check his pants to see if he was transitioning to transgendered and was wearing YOUR favorite brand of rainbow thong !
Proud of CBS they fired one of their own for saying she has no sympathy as most country music fans are Republicans.

https://www.mediaite.com/online/cbs-...oting-victims/ Originally Posted by Cherie
Mebbe she can get a job with shrilLIARy promoting shrilLIARy's book and book tour !
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 10-03-2017, 01:09 AM
Shooting trumpers in a barrel.
Trump won't call this a terrorist attack. Just good people on both sides expressing their opinions. Maybe he will finally get off the taking a knee topic. Originally Posted by ilikefun
IMO it wasn't a terrorist attack. Just an gambler who lost all his money with a bunch of guns and a grudge.

In all likelihood, it won't meet the definition of "terrorism" and will be attributed to the workings of a deranged mind. It's already being called a case of "domestic terrorism" by some news sources with evidence to back it up. The problem is "DT" has been so broadly defined it could mean anything.

FOX's Stuart Varney just reported "ten rifles" and hundreds of rounds of ammunition were found.

Here's a less flattering image.

If he were genuinely conservative and Republican, Shit-stained Chapped-ass, he'd have been at the Country Western concert, you dithering dip-shit.

BTW, it appears Antifa is already claiming credit, Shit-stained Chapped-ass.

Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I wondered what happened to Arnold Schwarzenegger's maid.

In all likelihood, it won't meet the definition of "terrorism" and will be attributed to the workings of a deranged mind.

If he were Muslim you guys would be all over this as a terrorist attack, sharia law, blah blah blah.

If it were a black guy you would be calling him a thug this thug that, hoodlum, bum, ni****, go back to Africa blah, blah, blah

But since it is one of your people: deranged mind. Originally Posted by ilikefun
You sound sad a black man didn't shoot all those white people. Pathetic.

Yes....We're already in WW3 and you're an idiot. Sometimes the obvious needs to stated.

No one has been shot for taking a knee. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
He could have brain damage like Whitman at UT in the 60's. Originally Posted by WTF
You would know. Do you get those urges WTF? The guy made his money in real estate.

Originally Posted by WTF
They want to castigate a black man for taking a knee but this man will be defended as a good man who snapped for no reason.

there's always a reason. like .. losing all your money gambling. didn't say it was a good one.

this guy appears to have had several millions in real estate according to his brother who had investments with him. he also gambled. is this starting to add up yet?

the guns he easily could have gotten into that hotel. this guy rolled the dice once last time, was all but broke, waited till the gf was away and went to Vegas to either win it all back or just end himself in infamy by doing this.

this guy was sane until recently, once he blew it all he couldn't be sane at the time. too pre-planned. at that point he'd snapped, no longer rational. the asshole shoulda just stuck a glock in his mouth. instead he does this shit.

Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I very much agree with this scenario.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
The numbers keep changing as more info is released.

There's a bogus claim associating him with Antifa, and ISIS has made that claim twice now, but so far, there's nothing in Paddock's history that would indicate he was working for ISIS or Antifa.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
ISIS claim can still work. Stephen Paddock would be a victim rather than an accomplice.

stephen paddock could have had the unfortunate luck to run into a team of ISIS supporters. they kill him and take over his room for 4 days. they do the deed and leave quickly after the shooting.

wild speculation here.

I wouldn't entertain this idea when the police said that they believe he claimed his own life.

its a strange thing for the police to say, "believe". Its either he killed himself or not.
LexusLover's Avatar
Just an gambler who lost all his money .... Originally Posted by gnadfly
He was reportedly a "millionaire" and is said to have "gambled" about $30,000 in the past few months.

The arsenal ... last night reported to be 23 weapons at the hotel and 19 at his residence, plus "1,000's" of rounds alone was probably worth more than $30,000, particularly if difficult for someone to purchase legally either because of the person or the weapon being sold. He had at least 3 houses, perhaps 4, if I recall. 2 in the Vegas area, 1 in Reno, and another in Mesquite, Texas (not to be confused with Mesquite near Vegas). His family is reporting he did "well" and was "well off"!

Normally I would recommend waiting until the "results" of the investigation are released by the Feds and/or the locals, but based upon the "quality" of work being done by the Feds we may still not know the truth of facts to support various motives. What we'll get, which is typically the case, are the "FACTS" to support the conclusion reached by the agency releasing the "findings"!

BTW: With respect to Whitman @ UT-Austin there was no forensic "conclusion" that any alleged brain damage or "tumor" was the "motivation" or "reason" for his actions. That was mere speculation as a cause. The history for looking for a "reason" in the Whitman case was prior knowledge by a shrink from talking to him that he was having "dreams" of engaging in the activity making him "famous," and the shrink didn't report it. The on campus medical facility at UT-Austin was named after that "shrink" later on, so his "good name" was kept intact. If one reads critically the literature regarding killing/violence and "brain damage" most of it is speculation and the rest is factless conjecture based on the speculation. It becomes relevant currently as the NFL "head injury" gate opens wide, giving sports personalities another "excuse" for their violent behavior, whether against strangers or their family.

So far the only similarity in Whitman and the current POS is they selected a high place to do their horrific deeds.
Mr. Discreet & Respectful's Avatar
The local Nazis here will blame it on country music. Three days of it drove him over the edge. Originally Posted by bamscram
LexusLover's Avatar
The local Nazis here will blame it on country music. Three days of it drove him over the edge. Originally Posted by bamscram
So you believe it was music and not "gambling debts"!

You and the other 3 Liberal-Nazis-AntiFreeSpeech-AntiDueProcess Groupies should get your "conclusions" together and get on the same page.

What's silly about your "over the edge" theory you've dreamed up, is why he brought 23 firearms with 1,000's of rounds of ammo to this room .... in the first place.

You should probably not offer your explanations any more. It shows how stupid you are. Country Western music?
Yssup Rider's Avatar

I wasn’t aware that ANTIFA opposed the right to keep and bear fully automatic weapons. Maybe you’re confusing them with sane, normal Americans like you.

Maybe if the country music fans had had more high powered rifles with long range scopes, some of those little girls coulda popped the bad guy while they were standing in line for the toilet.

You stupid fucking idiots still don’t get it. The only group this is about is the NRA and their mission to preserve, protect and defend the gun manufacturers’ right to peddle death for profits.

Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you.

You piss on the memory of every one of those poor victims and their family.

And you’ve turned yourselves into hypocrites (like you weren’t already...)

On behalf of your own dull confusion, I apologize the shooter wasn’t an African American Muslim whose parents were immigrants.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
ISIS claim can still work. Stephen Paddock would be a victim rather than an accomplice.

stephen paddock could have had the unfortunate luck to run into a team of ISIS supporters. they kill him and take over his room for 4 days. they do the deed and leave quickly after the shooting.

wild speculation here.

I wouldn't entertain this idea when the police said that they believe he claimed his own life.

its a strange thing for the police to say, "believe". Its either he killed himself or not. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
You are a fucking idiot. So desperate to blame this on ANYTHING but a society that enables people,like this to commit crimes of this horror.

Yeah, the cops generally don’t know for sure about a dead person’s motive until they’ve gotten a satisfactory interview,

Meanwhile, “Abdul” and his fellow ISIS fighters slipped away and were hanging out at Planet Hollywood.

Fucking idiot.
LexusLover's Avatar
AssUp has something of substance to post?

There are sharks in the water off Galveston Beach, AssUp.

And there are Liberal-Nazis-AntiTrumpers who want to kill Conservatives!

Wonder where the Liberal-Nazis-AntiFreeSpeech-AntiC&WMusic animal got the idea?
bamscram's Avatar
So you believe it was music and not "gambling debts"!

You and the other 3 Liberal-Nazis-AntiFreeSpeech-AntiDueProcess Groupies should get your "conclusions" together and get on the same page.

What's silly about your "over the edge" theory you've dreamed up, is why he brought 23 firearms with 1,000's of rounds of ammo to this room .... in the first place.

You should probably not offer your explanations any more. It shows how stupid you are. Country Western music? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Humor escaped you clown?
It was your Nazi inspired posts that did it.
He had sent a quantity of money to someone in the Philippians, maybe when his girlfriend gets back in the states she can reveal some info on his state of mind.
Brother has stated he belonged to no group.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-03-2017, 07:50 AM
IMO it wasn't a terrorist attack. Just an gambler who lost all his money with a bunch of guns and a grudge. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Still to early to say...

You would know. Do you get those urges WTF?
. Originally Posted by gnadfly
You and a few others would be one of the first to know if I did...your on the list.

Humor escaped you clown?
It was your Nazi inspired posts that did it.
He had sent a quantity of money to someone in the Philippians, maybe when his girlfriend gets back in the states she can reveal some info on his state of mind.
Brother has stated he belonged to no group. Originally Posted by bamscram
Sarcasm escapes many of these twits, LL being one.

Keep your friends addresses close and your enemies closer.

Wonder where the Liberal-Nazis-AntiFreeSpeech-AntiC&WMusic animal got the idea? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Are you saying the shooter was Liberal, a Nazi, Anti Free speech , Anti C&W Music?

Is that a prediction like I did with Zimmerman or are you saying these are facts?

Nothing has been reported that I know of stating he was Nazi or Liberal or Anti Free Speech or Anti C&W Music.


LexusLover's Avatar
Humor escaped you clown? Originally Posted by bamscram
Liberal-Nazis-AntiFreeSpeech-AntiDueProcess thugs like you would think it was "humorous" what happened in Las Vegas. Keep joking about it fool!

And you call me a "clown"? You're the BOZO!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Yeah, LLiarman’s Latest mantra (Liberal-Nazi, etc.) makes no sense.

Then again, all he cares about is deflecting any and all conversation from his outrageous lies,

Like Twitler, the world revolves around him.

I wonder if Twitler also lives in a closet?