Fort Worth Police Officer shoots and kills unarmed African American woman who was in the bedroom of her own home. The Officer fired his weapon while standing outside in the backyard and shot her from outside through her own bedroom window.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
TWK, I don't play the stupid fucking games that you guys get off arguing about all day in the political forum. I realize that you guys find it to be entertaining for whatever reason, but I do not. I am not wasting my time with that childish shit and I am not going to play those silly games in this forum about this topic.

If you don't realize a cop is a dipshit because he is too fucking stupid to knock on the front door, that's called a "you problem" and I don't know what to tell you if you are unable to comprehend that simple fact. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

the political forum has nothing to do with the fact that you seem to claim anyone who disagrees with you is "arguing" with you. but i guess you are right, if you can't accept the fact that the FWPD made a statement that there was a miscommunication which altered how the cops handled the situation then there is no point "arguing" with you.

thank you valued poster!
Lucas McCain's Avatar
thank you valued poster! Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
You're very welcome MAGA girl and you should be proud! LOL

I told you already I wasn't playing those stupid ass political forum games you silly childish clowns like to play with each other in there. Sorry, I'm an adult. That stupid shit won't work with me

What you don't seem to understand is that this is neither an argument nor a debate to me. There is no back and forth to me to be had with a random dude who obviously loves conflict about political shit on a whore board. That's not me.
Chung Tran's Avatar
TWK, I don't play the stupid fucking games that you guys get off arguing about all day in the political forum. I realize that you guys find it to be entertaining for whatever reason, but I do not. I am not wasting my time with that childish shit and I am not going to play those silly games in this forum about this topic.
Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

TWK is so used to made up "conflict", hanging in the political forum all day. I guess he thinks of this thread as more opportunity to pick and prod, without understanding that the vast majority here see it as childish shit.

there are 8-9 guys on the Political Forum who live and breath insults and memes, 24-7. those guys need to stay there, and wallow in their self-made filth.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
there are 8-9 guys on the Political Forum who live and breath insults and memes, 24-7. those guys need to stay there, and wallow in their self-made filth. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
I don't even understand the stupidity in that forum. They are mostly a bunch of right wing lunatics who attack anyone who has something remotely negative to say about Trump. It's like an online cult of extreme right wing idiots in there who came together on a whore board to make friends with each other because they have none in RL... there are definitely some weird fuckers in there who should stay in there.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I'm an adult. That stupid shit won't work with me

if you say so.

What you don't seem to understand is that this is neither an argument nor a debate to me. There is no back and forth to me to be had with a random dude who obviously loves conflict about political shit on a whore board. That's not me. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
if you say so.

i find your replies to be prejudiced, biased and bigoted. but you are an adult, right?

TWK is so used to made up "conflict", hanging in the political forum all day. I guess he thinks of this thread as more opportunity to pick and prod, without understanding that the vast majority here see it as childish shit.

there are 8-9 guys on the Political Forum who live and breath insults and memes, 24-7. those guys need to stay there, and wallow in their self-made filth. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

if you say so.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
if you say so. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
LOL. Take your old clown ass back to the political forum and stay there. Give me a break, dude. You're like a child with your posts. Is something wrong with you?

Bahahahahahah or whatever the fuck you always do when you finish your posts in that forum. Are you Benjamin Buttons?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
LOL. Take your old clown ass back to the political forum and stay there. Give me a break, dude. You're like a child with your posts. Is something wrong with you?

Bahahahahahah or whatever the fuck you always do when you finish your posts in that forum. Are you Benjamin Buttons? Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

exactly the response i expected.

thank you angry poster!
Lucas McCain's Avatar
thank you angry poster! Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
No anger at all, but you're welcome MAGA girl if you want to waste your time trying to make me angry and best of luck to you. It's the internet MAGA girl so that ain't happening.

You're not in the political forum Benjamin Buttons
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
No anger at all, but you're welcome MAGA girl if you want to waste your time trying to make me angry, best of luck to you. It's the internet MAGA girl so that ain't happening Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

exactly the response i expected.

you continue to show extreme bias, prejudice and bigotry in your views. all cops BAD! Trump BAD! "the rifleman" SMART!

if you say so.

thank you "smart" poster!
Lucas McCain's Avatar
you continue to show extreme bias, prejudice and bigotry in your views. all cops BAD! Trump BAD! "the rifleman" SMART! Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Nice try. You're definitely losing it, Benjamin. You really just don't know how to post outside of the political forum. You're adorable though LOL. Not sure about what part of I am not one of your fellow idiots in the political forum that you don't understand
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Nice try. You're definitely losing it, Benjamin. You really just don't know how to post outside of the political forum. You're adorable though LOL. Not sure about what part of I am not one of your fellow idiots in the political forum that you don't understand Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

and yet i keep pulling your string and you keep falling for it. aren't you "smart" enough to see you are being played?

oh snap! i've given away my strategy! will you fall for it .. again?

thank you "smart" poster!

here kitty kitty ..
Lucas McCain's Avatar
You got me old MAGA girl. I am definitely looking like the fool in this thread
winn dixie's Avatar
Everyone remembers that chuck conners was a pole smoker right?

Yeah , he loved to wear those chaps!

Uh oh, i posted so chung will head tail and run now.

The Political forum is not for weak or snowflakes
winn dixie's Avatar
You got me old MAGA girl. I am definitely looking like the fool in this thread Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
And thats MAGA Gurl to you!
Lucas McCain's Avatar
The Political forum is not for weak or snowflakes Originally Posted by winn dixie
You political forum clowns are funny. You guys are so tough in there talking shit about people that you have not accomplished 1% of what they have done in their life. Hate to break it to you but you are both the weak and the snowflakes because you clowns haven't accomplished shit in your lives and you spend all day on a whore board political forum insulting those who have.

Or maybe one of you losers will be elected as a senator one day

Anyway, enough with you political forum losers. I'll post again when more facts come out about this case. I have wasted enough of my time addressing you fools.

And my Lakers lost to the Clippers so I'm in a bad mood because I was spoiled as a kid by them. The Lakers used to always win the 1st game of the season. I'm working from home tomorrow and I can't even watch ESPN because I know what those fuckers will be talking about all day. Oh well, at least the Cowboys won on Sunday.