Dorthy_Monroe's last points issued: an objective assessment.

So much for objectivity. Dallas Co-Ed is being Co-Opted by H-Tards. LOL!

I guess half of the H-Tards in H-Tard Town have been banned so their looking for new modtards, hooktards and fucktards to fuck with. Reminds me of the Walking Dead.

SMH Originally Posted by ithyphallicus
I live in frisco....a nice suburb of Dallas...without the politically corrupt politicians and police of Dallas......but hey nice try!!
RandB fan's Avatar
Dorthy's click count was just offset by Still Looking returning from Vacation.

I won't miss Dorthy but unlike YM, I don't make money off of her. I call conflict of interest. She doesn't care about the morals of the board, it's just that Dorthy isn't here anymore.

on point with everything you posted three sides...been here since 2009 and have never read a modtards posts taking credit for banning someone, (with the exception of wakeup who is an imaginary modtard)I was under the impression they weren't supposed to discuss that......and all you PC dorthy haters it sounds like you may have a little sand in your vaginas, its the internet if her threads or posts offend you ignore her...I get just as offended with the same "whos the sweetest provider over 35? and which provider has the cutest puppy?threads"
most of dorthy's threads generated tons of clicks which is how this site makes money, and believe it or not that's why its here......not as some of y'all think, just to hook up whores and fucktards.....damn son. Originally Posted by Tony Gambino
Dorthy's click count was just offset by Still Looking returning from Vacation.

SL can form proper sentences, spell words that the spell checker couldn't is a lot more fun, and can post pictures of hot pitite girls that always make Dorthy look look like a MAWWLLAMILFWIWWTF (middle aged woman who looks like a MILF who I would not want to fuck)

I won't miss Dorthy but unlike YM, I don't make money off of her. I call conflict of interest. She doesn't care about the board just that Dorthy isn't here anymore. Originally Posted by RandB fan
you may need to recount her threads......SL never had counts like some searching....starting with her peter cottontail thread...the dude with a fistful of charmin in his ass....and I cant wait to vote for RAND in November......ha ha.......Trump 2016
I live in frisco....a nice suburb of Dallas...without the politically corrupt politicians and police of Dallas......but hey nice try!! Originally Posted by Tony Gambino
I wasn't talking about you necessarily, but you obviously hang out on the Htown boards enough to qualify as an H-Tard. What's your drink count for this evening so far btw? lol.
Agree ! Very true Jolie

Dallas MOD

You are probably right that the only people that can tell you would be admin and mods as we don't see her profile warnings..
So i guess it would have been more appropriate to contact admin and mod privately to ask an explanation on her behalf than this tread..But it's only my opinion Originally Posted by VictoriaJolie
His/she is another Dorthy . check out all the posting he/she does .

I wasn't talking about you necessarily, but you obviously hang out on the Htown boards enough to qualify as an H-Tard. What's your drink count for this evening so far btw? lol.
Originally Posted by ithyphallicus
The Banners make the money,,,this is not per click similar to Adwords. Adwords/google is not for escort related websites.
Case in point, a person would never get banned... Getting rid of people would be taking away Eccie profit. They ban people because of FCC regulations of the laws.
affiliate programs allow clicks or some form of compensation for their services/product advertised on another website.
150x60 banner (advertiser's column) $100 per month (2 month minimum)
468x60 banner (top right header) $300 per month
150x60/468x60 combo pkg $350 per month
premium block 150x150 $300 per month
premium block 150x300 $400 per month
premium block 150x450 $500 per month
premium block 150x600 $600 per month
site-wide navigational tabs $1250 per month
main menu text link $200 per month
site-wide forum banner 150x60 $200 per month
site-wide forum banner 468x60 $500 per month
footer text ads $800 per month
728x90 footer banner $800 per month
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I did not know that the forums were limited to only the people in that area to be able to post.
I did not know that Cuban was a race or a racial slur.
I did not know that if you warn several people in a threAD that the others that violate the waning get to skate.

I do know that a lot of so called men on this board are intimidated by women and become keyboard strongmen as long as they can remain behind one of their handles.
Whoa I missed a lot since Tuesday. Lol.

NYr likes to rub in the face of providers what he can do even if he shouldn't. He thinks he doesn't have to follow the rules of other staff. He's a title whore with his own brand of GPS. And the points for saying that will taste delicious. Mmmmmmmmm.

Now here's my legitimate argument about this:

Regardless of whether or not you think Dorthy is mouthy, there's no way her last two posts were off topic, rude or racial. Seems to me she did take a step back, even said, "I'm not gonna be mean...", followed by a legit observation related to the OP's original gripe about representing herself correctly. Dothy was clearly trying to adjust her tone without leaving the discussion. I think that's what the goal of moderating is: to direct the members toward more civil expression of their opinion. Yet she still got banned even after she obeyed the request.

That's how NYr moderates. He does what he wants based on his subjective opinion without seeing what's really happening. He a terrible moderator. I'm glad YM started an open discussion highlighting his latest arbitrary show of force. One that he brought up, btw, not her.

If that's what pushed her points over the edge (as NYr boasted in public about) then he should man up to his public bragging rights and explain his actions. After all, he's the one who brought it up. Not Yummy. NYr brought it up. Don't lose site of that glaring fact.

NYr brought this up, not Marie.

Even so, those of you bashing YM for starting this thread need to consider what if a mod went ahead and banned you anyway for trying to follow their instructions. Kind of goes against the whole point of moderating and even encourages members to disregard staff instructions after all is said and done.

NYr: "Hey do what I say"

Dorthy: "Yessir"

NYr: "Fuck you anyway. You're banned"

Somebody needs a vacation and it's not Dorthy.
dearhunter's Avatar
I am amused.......ijs
dearhunter's Avatar
This is incorrect on multiple levels.
The fact is that nobody owes you or anyone else on this board an explanation. Quite frankly, it is none of your fucking business. Just like if someone at work got fired it would be none of my business why they got fired, even if my boss announced it at our staff meeting.

The fact that you are only focused on her last two post shows us that you are oblivious. She has violated just about every rule below and deserved to be banned. Nobody owed her a warning just because she has gotten away with her shtick for so long.

And for the record, I have seen other Mods announce that someone has been banned so it is not that unusual.

#1 - Avoid cases of unprovoked rudeness to others. No place for it here. Yes, with the dynamic nature of the threads and topics, tempers will flare and things will become heated from time to time. You may often encounter individuals who become passionate or emotional when expressing one's opinion or point of view. That's all understood and perfectly acceptable within reason…….but, start slamming or bashing another member and be met with consequences.
#2 - Derogatory racial remarks are simply unacceptable, period. Disrespect another's ethnic background and you will most certainly regret it.
#3 - Disrespect to others, IN GENERAL, will be considered an item of low tolerance, especially when posting in our coed forums. Follow the Golden Rule and treat others as you wish to be treated yourself. This applies to fellow members as well as staff. We do not require that you have respect for us, but we do require that you treat us respectfully in the public forums. If you feel the need to vent, gripe, or blow off some steam regarding a staff member's action or decision, we ask that you keep it private. Email, RTM, or the PM system would be the appropriate avenue to take in such cases. In cases where you would like to request additional clarity about a staff decision, you are free to pursue an answer in either a public forum or private means of communication. If handled publicly, post your inquiry in a respectful manner.
#4 - Blatant insults or hostility toward another member will be met with staff intervention. This applies to using our coed forums for name calling, personal attacks, or vulgar slang terms to describe fellow members. If you have legitimate concerns about another member here, share them tactfully in the appropriate private forums or with staff.
#5 - Outing or threats of outing are taken seriously. Membership here is anonymous and for the privacy of our members it will remain that way. That means any effort or attempt to connect a person's real world information to their username on this board will be dealt with swiftly and harshly. This includes real names, employment, medical info, addresses past or present, images, criminal or driving record, etc. We expect everyone who participates here to respect and go to great lengths to protect the anonymity and privacy of one another. Reckless disregard or accidental outing will also be taken very seriously. Originally Posted by Tapper69
The Banners make the money,,,this is not per click similar to Adwords. Adwords/google is not for escort related websites.
Case in point, a person would never get banned... Getting rid of people would be taking away Eccie profit. They ban people because of FCC regulations of the laws.
affiliate programs allow clicks or some form of compensation for their services/product advertised on another website.
150x60 banner (advertiser's column) $100 per month (2 month minimum)
468x60 banner (top right header) $300 per month
150x60/468x60 combo pkg $350 per month
premium block 150x150 $300 per month
premium block 150x300 $400 per month
premium block 150x450 $500 per month
premium block 150x600 $600 per month
site-wide navigational tabs $1250 per month
main menu text link $200 per month
site-wide forum banner 150x60 $200 per month
site-wide forum banner 468x60 $500 per month
footer text ads $800 per month
728x90 footer banner $800 per month Originally Posted by Lorde
yeah this entire website runs on a few hundred bucks a I see why you didn't make money when you were whoring....poor Siberia......
Boltfan's Avatar
And for the record, I have seen other Mods announce that someone has been banned so it is not that unusual. Originally Posted by Tapper69
Cite one? You won't find many, if any, that state why someone was banned.

Show me one that said "x person was banned for y reason".

I can show you ten posts in 2016 alone that state the exact opposite, that mods and admins do not discuss reasons for bans.

Some of you are really missing the point.

I see an Ambassador position is badly needed here.
Regardless of whether or not you think Dorthy is mouthy, there's no way her last two posts were off topic, rude or racial. Seems to me she did take a step back, even said, "I'm not gonna be mean...", followed by a legit observation related to the OP's original gripe about representing herself correctly. Dothy was clearly trying to adjust her tone without leaving the discussion. I think that's what the goal of moderating is: to direct the members toward more civil expression of their opinion. Yet she still got banned even after she obeyed the request.

Originally Posted by THN

This is not accurate at all. I pointed out to Dothy that she was just simply ignorant on what the term Hispanic actually means. She was just factually wrong - you can't argue facts but her ignorant ass wanted to argue facts.

So she tried to argue Kitty lied because she is white was also being hispanic - but she wasn't hispanic enough, i.e. tan enough, in Dothy's eyes to claim to be hispanic. Which is stupid to the nth degree.

Then I pointed out that Dothy alleges she is athletic - but clearly from her photos - she was chubby or thick... not athletic. So I pointed out that she was the one misrepresenting on her showcase.

So rather than apologize and face the fact that she was factually wrong on all accounts - she bitches about me being asian - then claiming asians have tiny dicks.

So you can spin it any way you want - It wasn't because she was mouthy - people are entitled to have opinions here- but she was just factually wrong and when people called her out on it - she would insult them.

Don't know if that contributed to her ban - but I think it was totally justified.