Russia is interfering AGAIN in 2020 election to help Donald Trump get a second term, intelligence officials secretly told Congress

gfejunkie's Avatar
Bernie Sanders briefed by U.S. officials that Russia is trying to help his presidential campaign

U.S. officials have told Sen. Bernie Sanders that Russia is attempting to help his presidential campaign as part of an effort to interfere with the Democratic contest, according to people familiar with the matter.

President Trump and lawmakers on Capitol Hill have also been informed about the Russian assistance to the Vermont senator, according to people familiar with the matter, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive intelligence.

Those fucking Russians helped Sanders and Jill Stein in 2016. Robert Mueller’s team reported that in Volume l of the report. No Suprise.
Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Now, hold on there Mr. major spin machine. Let's not try to gloss over this too quickly. I thought the premise of this whole thread was that Putin and the Russians wanted Trump to win 2020. Now they want Bernie to win? Which is it? That actually does come as somewhat of a surprise. What's not a surprise is that these so-called "US officials" told Bernie about it a month ago, yet decided to go straight to Adam Schitt and the New York Times a week ago with their made up bullshit about the Russians aiding Trump. "Anonymous" means they probably don't even exist anyway.

It actually makes more sense that the Russians want Bernie since he's a Communist who spent a Hell of a lot more time in Russia than Trump ever did.

I know the demoncRATS are having a tough time, but this "Russia Russia Russia"
garbage is getting old and nobody pays any attention to it anymore. Nobody with any sense.

You can only cry wolf so many times.
  • oeb11
  • 02-21-2020, 05:44 PM
Originally Posted by oeb11
And - Still believes there is an actual tape of putin urinating on Trump.

The deluded mind cannot be educated.

You’re a god damn liar. I’ve always doubted the validity of the so called tape when it was reported, and the last time you posted your lie. Originally Posted by Jaxson66

J666 - You have posted the "Piss trump" false propaganda as factual many times.

Get called on it- and you label the poster calling out your fake propaganda as a "Liar" - might as well add "racist" , "homosexual", "Billionaire", anti-term abortion", anti-socialist", and "Pro-constitution" to the propaganda labels you foist on conservatives - all buzz-words of Hate for the Fascist DPST's!
Jaxson66's Avatar
Originally Posted by oeb11
And - Still believes there is an actual tape of putin urinating on Trump.

The deluded mind cannot be educated.

J666 - You have posted the "Piss trump" false propaganda as factual many times.

Get called on it- and you label the poster calling out your fake propaganda as a "Liar" - might as well add "racist" , "homosexual", "Billionaire", anti-term abortion", anti-socialist", and "Pro-constitution" to the propaganda labels you foist on conservatives - all buzz-words of Hate for the Fascist DPST's! Originally Posted by oeb11
You’re a god damn liar, find one fucking post where I did so. Until then stop your fucking lies.
  • oeb11
  • 02-21-2020, 06:04 PM
J666 - Please - do you have any other response to an argument in debate other than "LIAR"?????
How 3rd grade level.

All you present is NYT and WAPo socialist fake news, then scream curses and "LIAR" when contradicted.

Not even entertaining any more.

No - won't stop reasonable discourse and commentary.

Thank you - j666
Jaxson66's Avatar
Now, hold on there Mr. major spin machine. Let's not try to gloss over this too quickly. I thought the premise of this whole thread was that Putin and the Russians wanted Trump to win 2020. Now they want Bernie to win? Which is it? That actually does come as somewhat of a surprise. What's not a surprise is that these so-called "US officials" told Bernie about it a month ago, yet decided to go straight to Adam Schitt and the New York Times a week ago with their made up bullshit about the Russians aiding Trump. "Anonymous" means they probably don't even exist anyway.

It actually makes more sense that the Russians want Bernie since he's a Communist who spent a Hell of a lot more time in Russia than Trump ever did.

I know the demoncRATS are having a tough time, but this "Russia Russia Russia"
garbage is getting old and nobody pays any attention to it anymore. Nobody with any sense.

You can only cry wolf so many times. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
U.S. officials have told Sen. Bernie Sanders that Russia is attempting to help his presidential campaign as part of an effort to interfere with the Democratic contest,

You have comprehension issues, the article claims the Russians are helping Sanders in the Democrat contest against other democrats not in the general election. The Putin help for the fat lying bastard squatting in the Oval Office is to keep his fat lying ass there.

Not to worry I’m sure the fox conspiracy news will have your opinion ready soon.
Hotrod511's Avatar
Jaxson66's Avatar
J666 - Please - do you have any other response to an argument in debate other than "LIAR"?????
How 3rd grade level.

All you present is NYT and WAPo socialist fake news, then scream curses and "LIAR" when contradicted.

Not even entertaining any more.

No - won't stop reasonable discourse and commentary.

Thank you - j666 Originally Posted by oeb11
That’s easy to resolve for you, keep your lying ass off the thread. You don’t see me posting on your cartoon thread do you? That’s because I choose not to read your ignorant shit. See how simple that is?
Jaxson66's Avatar

Originally Posted by Hotrod511
Hey limp rod, you got the stones to take that bet yet? I can easily put you on the list with Budman. Lots of room left for anyone who wants to support the fat lying bastard.
  • oeb11
  • 02-21-2020, 06:26 PM
I would cheerfully bet that j666 will read my posts.

However, no way to prove that one way or another.

And j666 would never pay up.

All j666 has is "Liar" and narrative. What a waste.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Hey limp rod, you got the stones to take that bet yet? I can easily put you on the list with Budman. Lots of room left for anyone who wants to support the fat lying bastard. Originally Posted by Jaxson66

well i'll take yous bet. and if Trump loses i'll just ignore it and post anyway. if Trump wins you'll refuse to drop your account and we'll all just continue to make fun of you. the more things change the more they stay the same .. in the political forum.

gfejunkie's Avatar
Not to worry I’m sure the fox conspiracy news will have your opinion ready soon. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Just like the Washington Post and the New York Times has yours ready for you daily. I don't know why you trust them anymore anyway. They've done nothing but lie to you for 3+ years about "Russia Russia Russia" and then they lied to you about Mueller and then they lied to you about impeachment and now they're back to "Russia Russia Russia" again. Like they didn't make a fool of you enough the first time around. So far I have yet to see them print an apology to you for any of it.

They just keep feeding you shit and you gobble it up and vomit it up in these bullshit threads.
Jaxson66's Avatar
William McRaven: If good men like Joe Maguire can’t speak the truth, we should be deeply afraid

William H. McRaven, a retired Navy admiral, was commander of the U.S. Special Operations Command from 2011 to 2014. He oversaw the 2011 Navy SEAL raid in Pakistan that killed Osama bin Laden.

Edmund Burke, the Irish statesman and philosopher, once said: “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” Over the course of the past three years, I have watched good men and women, friends of mine, come and go in the Trump administration — all trying to do something — all trying to do their best. Jim Mattis, John Kelly, H.R. McMaster, Sue Gordon, Dan Coats and, now, Joe Maguire, who until this week was the acting director of national intelligence.

I have known Joe for more than 40 years. There is no better officer, no better man and no greater patriot. He served for 36 years as a Navy SEAL. In 2004, he was promoted to the rank of rear admiral and was chosen to command all of Naval Special Warfare, including the SEALs. Those were dark days for the SEALs. Our combat losses from wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were the highest in our history, and Joe and his wife, Kathy, attended every SEAL funeral, providing comfort and solace to the families of the fallen.

But it didn’t stop there. Not a day went by that the Maguires didn’t reach out to some Gold Star family, some wounded SEAL, some struggling warrior. Every loss was personal, every family precious. When Joe retired in 2010, he tried the corporate world. But his passion for the Special Operations soldiers was so deep that he left a lucrative job and took the position as the president of the Special Operations Warrior Foundation, a charity that pays for educating the children of fallen warriors.

In 2018, Joe was asked to be the director of the National Counterterrorism Center, a job he knew well from his last assignment as a vice admiral. He accepted, but within months of his arrival came the announcement of Coats’s departure as director of national intelligence. Maguire didn’t seek to fill the job; he was asked to do it by the president. At first he declined, suggesting that Sue Gordon, Coats’s deputy, would be better suited for the job.

But the president chose Maguire. And, like most of these good men and women, he came in with the intent to do his very best, to follow the rules, to follow the law and to follow what was morally right. Within a few weeks of taking the assignment, he found himself embroiled in the Ukraine whistleblower case. Joe told the White House that, if asked, he would testify, and he would tell the truth. He did. In short order, he earned the respect of the entire intelligence community. They knew a good man was at the helm. A man they could count on, a man who would back them, a man whose integrity was more important than his future employment.

But, of course, in this administration, good men and women don’t last long. Joe was dismissed for doing his job: overseeing the dissemination of intelligence to elected officials who needed that information to do their jobs.

As Americans, we should be frightened — deeply afraid for the future of the nation. When good men and women can’t speak the truth, when facts are inconvenient, when integrity and character no longer matter, when presidential ego and self-preservation are more important than national security — then there is nothing left to stop the triumph of evil.
BlisswithKriss's Avatar
Intelligence officials told Democrats and Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee that Russia is interfering in 2020 election and favors Donald Trump

Top election security officials gave the bombshell warning at secret briefing held a week ago

The aide - Shelby Pierson - was briefing the committee chaired by Adam Schiff, who led Donald Trump's impeachment

Trump was furious and believed that only Schiff had been told about the warning and feared the Democrat would use the information against him
He 'dressed down' Pierson's boss - then the acting director of national intelligence Joseph Maguire - in the Oval Office for allowing the briefing
Maguire was replaced Wednesday by Trump ultra-loyalist Rick Grenell, who incidentally will be the first ever openly gay cabinet secretary

The fat lying bastard squatting in the Oval Office knows he needs Putin’s help to win after he got caught with his shakedown in Ukraine. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Don’t try and convince these Trump infested minnows that Trump is a traitor even though we both know he is. He’s just fired the director of national security because he warned that the Russian interference is real. Trump, the traitor is desperate to protect his own interests, and get re-elected. These dumbass folks here only tune into Faux Fox News aka Trump TV so they’re lemmings to what is really going on. It’s only going to get worse. Trump is unhinged and out of control. I wouldn’t be surprised if he cancels the 2020 election and declares that he’s found evidence of fraud out of his own imagination and has introduced martial law. And to think senile Sen Susan Collins voted to “acquit” Trump because naughty boy has learned his lesson and he wont do it again. Well this is the result.
Crazy Trump is on the war path and the country is on the slippery slope to oblivion. We haven’t hit rock bottom yet, not even close. His criminal activities have only begun. It’s one extreme scandal after another every few days. Talk about nuts. BTW I don’t even bother reading the shit this lot spew. They’re uneducated and plain stupid living in some rat infested ghetto, for sure.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Don’t try and convince these Trump infested minnows that Trump is a traitor even though we both know he is. He’s just fired the director of national security because he warned that the Russian interference is real. Trump, the traitor is desperate to protect his own interests, and get re-elected. These dumbass folks here only tune into Faux Fox News aka Trump TV so they’re lemmings to what is really going on. It’s only going to get worse. Trump is unhinged and out of control. I wouldn’t be surprised if he cancels the 2020 election and declares that he’s found evidence of fraud out of his own imagination and has introduced martial law. And to think senile Sen Susan Collins voted to “acquit” Trump because naughty boy has learned his lesson and he wont do it again. Well this is the result.
Crazy Trump is on the war path and the country is on the slippery slope to oblivion. We haven’t hit rock bottom yet, not even close. His criminal activities have only begun. It’s one extreme scandal after another every few days. Talk about nuts. BTW I don’t even bother reading the shit this lot spew. They’re uneducated and plain stupid living in some rat infested ghetto, for sure. Originally Posted by BlisswithKriss

tell us again why you were tossed out of the UK? if it has to do with {forbidden topics} just say you decline to comment.
Clay Media's Avatar
Russia is trying to help Bernie? The media will print anything.....and the idiots still believe every word without question.