
bambino's Avatar
The oldest and largest employer in Charleroi is shutting down. So did another plant

But the illegal immigration’s are great!!!!
HDGristle's Avatar
We already covered that. Thanks for catching up
bambino's Avatar
We already covered that. Thanks for catching up Originally Posted by HDGristle
I bumped it because it bears repeating. You should go to the town square and defend the illegals. Good luck.
HDGristle's Avatar
Legal migrants, Bam. There's unity already as folks focus on the villains in that story. Anchor Hocking.

But that's off topic
Why are you opposed to legal immigrants, bam? It sure sounds like you are. The immigrants in Charleroi (and elsewhere in the news) are here legally. So why are you opposed to them being here, legally?
bambino's Avatar
Charleroi is on life support. Doubt it can be saved.
HDGristle's Avatar
Welcome to the Rust Belt. We have to refresh and renew or waste away.

Immigration is part of building back up that tax base. Bringing in folks hungry for that American dream. New ideas. Fresh perspectives. New businesses. People with mettle.

Clinging to the past is great and all. Nostalgia, ok. But, we live in the now. Pretending we know what tomorrow brings is folly. But hope... immigrants can bring hope in with them.

Let them build a life and become part of the community. Weave new patches in that dusty old quilt.

There's a Ship of Theseus metaphor in here, too, Culture Warrior. stop and think about it.
bambino's Avatar
Well, if business is leaving Charleroi because of the illegal immigrant problem, where are the illegal immigrants going to work and pay taxes?

Tim’s Antique shop?

HDGristle's Avatar
Owner of Fourth Street Foods has already said he'll take 300 more folks if they want to work.

There are at least 5 now Haitian-owned businesses. Room for more.

Pa Careerlink is available to assist with other roles.

There's jobs to be found, Bam. You wouldn't do most of them.
lustylad's Avatar
Hey Gristle, are you an immigration lawyer? Do you work with or for any governmental or Non-governmental groups involved with immigrants?
HDGristle's Avatar
No. I work at Burger King, mate.
Why are you opposed to legal immigrants, bam? It sure sounds like you are. The immigrants in Charleroi (and elsewhere in the news) are here legally. So why are you opposed to them being here, legally? Originally Posted by onawbtngr546
We all know why, but I'll get pointed for spelling it out.

Anyway, America wouldn't be America without immigrants. Anyone who knows history can tell you. Immigrants are who made America great in the first place.
No. I work at Burger King, mate. Originally Posted by HDGristle
Not the bootleg southside BK, right? Right???
We all know why, but I'll get pointed for spelling it out.

Anyway, America wouldn't be America without immigrants. Anyone who knows history can tell you. Immigrants are who made America great in the first place. Originally Posted by tommy156
This. 100% this. I'm sure many of us are second, third, or fourth generation immigrants. Legal immigrants.

Without immigrants, America is nothing. America was literally built on immigrants coming over here to partake in the American Dream... so are these people.

If you are fine with your great-great grandparents coming over on the boat during the potato famine, or after the great war, you should be fine with people coming over in 2024.
When your great-great grandparents came over, they were ridiculed. All for example, but.. Oh look at that greasy Italian. Oh some thieving gypsies. Oh he's from ching chong China! That kind of crap was everywhere, and it was primarily coming from Americans, and secondly coming from other immigrants. The enemy of my enemy is my friend or something..

Oh but who's making the great food during the Lil Italy days (before it went downhill)? The Italian immigrants. Oh who's making the perogies? A bunch of Romani (not Gypsies). Who is going on to found be a doctor or something? The immigrants from Asia.

Stop ridiculing immigrants. Because if you aren't a born Native American, you are a descendant from immigrants. There's always, always been anti immigrant hate in America. And it's one of the worst things about Americans. Come to America, the American Dream is for everyone! But expect ridicule, hardships, and hate for you and your children... grandkids are fine, they are Americanized enough. But you and your kids? Dirty foreigners go back to your own country! Right?
No. Not right. It makes you a rather shitty person for feeling like that.

You are literally making up shit about people of color (surprise surprise, most Haitian immigrants aren't white!) because they are coming from a country you don't like, or don't know anything about.

There's nothing wrong with Charleroi. As said before, it is suffering because it's a rust belt town. You can thank your Big American Profit Business for that. There was no Profit there, so they left. Now everyone in Charleroi is left to suffer. So the government tries to revitalize the town with immigrant incentives, but some people (who don't even live in the town!!!) are complaining about the immigrants.

So... yea. You've been debunked here countless times. You are wrong.