Reppublican Crowd Boos U.S. Soldier

wellendowed1911's Avatar
"Did I ever hear him make remarks that could be considered controversial while I sat in church? Yes," Obama said. [March 18, 2008]

In his book Dreams from My Father, Obama quotes Reverend Wright as sermonizing, "White folks' greed runs a world in need." Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Hmmm and what of McCain's pastor stance on Hitler and jews:
Also, if I attend a church and the Pastor was known to have an affair- does that mean I support adultery??? I go to church to listen to the "word" I could care less to an extent of a Pastor's personal political views- by the way you don't understand Rev Wright's message as the media took it out of context- Rev Wright was basically saying that America has done some Ungoldly things- you would be a fool to say that America hasn't done some unfavorable things- slavery, abortion, homosexuality, wars, corruption- Rev Wright was saying that God does not bless those things etc.
Also, what about Palin's witch doctor? Also, Romney and Huntsman are Mormons a lot of Americans view mormons as a cult. Because Obama heard those things doesn't mean he agreed with those views- are you telling me when Pastor Hagee talked Hurricane Katrina being God's method of getting back at those people that everyone in attendance agreed with his view? Keep in mind Hagee church holds over 10,000 people plus the millions who watch him on tv
I B Hankering's Avatar
Hmmm and what of McCain's pastor stance on Hitler and jews: Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Seriously? You really wanna go there? The Honorable Reverend Wright can hardly sneeze without making an antisemitic remark.

Face it dude, you’re grasping at straws. You are the one who sanctimoniously held Obama up as a pillar of virtue to make an ad hominem attack against Santorum. And it bit you in the butt.

Then you petulantly demanded proof – and it bit you in the ass again.

Now you want to argue that Hagee is a more despicable Anti-Semite than Wright? You can crawl down that rabbit hole into darkness by yourself.

Fundamentally, it’s your fault you showed up unarmed for a battle of wits.

And to paraphrase you, “There's no way in hell Obama didn't hear some of Wright’s most incendiary sermons.” Hell, Wright sold videos of his sermons in the lobby of the church so Obama, and the rest of the congregation, could watch them on TV at home!
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Seriously? You really wanna go there? The Honorable Reverend Wright can hardly sneeze without making an antisemitic remark.

Face it dude, you’re grasping at straws. You are the one who sanctimoniously held Obama up as a pillar of virtue to make an ad hominem attack against Santorum. And it bit you in the butt.

Then you petulantly demanded proof – and it bit you in the ass again.

Now you want to argue that Hagee is a more despicable Anti-Semite than Wright? You can crawl down that rabbit hole into darkness by yourself.

Fundamentally, it’s your fault you showed up unarmed for a battle of wits.

And to paraphrase you, “There's no way in hell Obama didn't hear some of Wright’s most incendiary sermons.” Hell, Wright sold videos of his sermons in the lobby of the church so Obama, and the rest of the congregation, could watch them on TV at home!
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
ou are comparing apples and oranges and trying to be deceptive- you keep thinking Santorum didn't hear those remarks- I guess none of the GOP candidates heard the applause to let him die right? I guess none of the GOP heard the huge applause when Perry was asked about his execution record.
Hypothetically let's say Obama was at the sermon- was he supposed to run up to the pulpit and gran the mic and say.."Re Wright you shouldn't say those things...?" how does Rev Wrights comments even compared to a soldier who is putting his life on the line??? Santorum had the "mic" and had the chance to correct the situation- totally two different scenarios.
Show me proof where Obama cheered and purchased one of those videos? So again I ask you- for the 10,000 people in audience at Hagees church are all of them wrong for not running to the pulpit grabbing a mic and telling Hagee that he was wrong? Sorry, but your deceptive tactics won't work!
I B Hankering's Avatar
ou are comparing apples and oranges and trying to be deceptive- you keep thinking Santorum didn't hear those remarks- I guess none of the GOP candidates heard the applause to let him die right? I guess none of the GOP heard the huge applause when Perry was asked about his execution record. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
You are the one who chose to use Obama as a yard stick of virtue - it bit you in the ass.
Hypothetically let's say Obama was at the sermon- was he supposed to run up to the pulpit and gran the mic and say.."Re Wright you shouldn't say those things...?" Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Rough estimate: 600 such sermons - not a single incident.
how does Rev Wrights comments even compared to a soldier who is putting his life on the line??? Santorum had the "mic" and had the chance to correct the situation- totally two different scenarios. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
You're right. On the one hand there are some off-hand remarks from some unruly unknowns from the back of a noisy auditorium; while on the other hand, there is someone who week after week chooses to associate with and listen to some 600 or 700 hours of microphone and speaker enhanced sermons from a racist pastor. Yeah, there's no comparison.
Show me proof where Obama cheered and purchased one of those videos? Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
It's enough that Obama admitted that he actually heard such sermons in person and quotes one in his book. Take him at his word, unless you think he lies?
So again I ask you- for the 10,000 people in audience at Hagees church are all of them wrong for not running to the pulpit grabbing a mic and telling Hagee that he was wrong? Sorry, but your deceptive tactics won't work! Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
You're the one trying to deceive as you attempt to squirm out of a cesspool of your own making.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
You are the one who chose to use Obama as a yard stick of virtue - it bit you in the ass.
Rough estimate: 600 such sermons - not a single incident.
You're right. On the one hand there are some off-hand remarks from some unruly unknowns from the back of a noisy auditorium; while on the other hand, there is someone who week after week chooses to associate with and listen to some 600 or 700 hours of microphone and speaker enhanced sermons from a racist pastor. Yeah, there's no comparison.
It's enough that Obama admitted that he actually heard such sermons in person and quotes one in his book. Take him at his word, unless you think he lies?
You're the one trying to deceive as you attempt to squirm out of a cesspool of your own making. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
First off all how is Rev Wright right racist? Do you actually know the true definition of racist? Could he be prejudice? Tell me how Rev Wright can be racist based on this definition:
a person who believes in racism, the doctrine that a certain human race is superior to any or all others.
Show me one sermon where Rev Wright said the black race is the superior race?
Also, quote me where Obama admitted he attended church service week after week?
You do know that Rev Wright did preach sermons from the Bible and some people or should I say many go for his sermon from the Bible- what he says on his own is a different story. Again are you telling me all 10,000 people who attend Haggee's are guilty when he(Haggee) injects his political beliefs in his sermon?
IB with all due respect you do realize that Blacks are going to look at things quite different from Whites- Jews will look at things quite different from Palestinans - Pakistanians will look at things different from Indians.
Surely you wouldn't think that Isreali parents are telling their children- "yeah we stole this land from the palestinians and we treat them like shit..." Or you don't think Palestenians are telling their children: " You know what Jews are God's chosen people- it's truly their land and they are treating us with such great respect.."
With that said Rev Wright was giving many of his Sermons from a Black perspectie in America and let's be honest if you are writing a history of Blacks in America- all the history wasn't good- there's been some bad that the Government has allowed to happen to Blacks and when someone like Rev Wright speaks on it- the truth hurts. If you think America has been a good country over all these ears and never caused any harm to anyone or just did Godly things all these years you are fooling yourself.
That is why Ron Paul got booed when he talked about our own actions have caused muslims to hate us- we(USA) have killed a thousand times many innocent muslims than americans that were killed in 8-11 that's a fact. However, Americans have this idea that only our lives are important- well guess what those innocent muslims who were killed by our actions have children, parents and they hurt, mourn and feel pain as well. You IB are looking at Rev Wrights sermon from a white man's perspective - which is why you can't relate.
You are lying and you damn well know it............................ ..Hopefully you are wearing a bib. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
IB, you either take the back and forth bs wayyyyyyyy to seriously or you let me strike a nerve!

OR BOTH!!!!!

Whatever the case might be, I think it is funny as hell!
I B Hankering's Avatar
IB, you either take the back and forth bs wayyyyyyyy to seriously or you let me strike a nerve!

OR BOTH!!!!!

Whatever the case might be, I think it is funny as hell! Originally Posted by bigtex
You still didn't answer the questions bigtex; and yeah, you're just as easily amused as you are easily mislead. Keep regurgitating the Kool-Aid dude.
Rev. Wright may/may not be a racist; he certainly admires Farakan who is a bigot and anti-semite.

And we know Obama hangs with the New Black Panther Party which is definelty a racist organization and uses intimidation, terror tactics and preaches violence against whitey!

Here are pictures and related story on Obama's links to the NBPP !

And here is Mark Levine's analysis of Obama's passion for the NBPP...

What is interesting is that Shabazz (NBPP headmaster) repotedly visited the Obama WH just days after Holder dismissed criminal charges against the Pennyslvania chapter of the NBPP - Payolla to a racist group.

NBBP memebers praise the success of the 9/11 attacks; urge killing of whitey and other nonesense. Why did Obama appear with them ?

More Obama antics of dividing America !

Obama's social justice community organizer roots are what drives him; he doesn't believe in America as an exceptional country ! He thinks it is unjust and needs socialists reforms. He doesn't act like he loves America.
Af-Freakin's Avatar
Obama's social justice community organizer roots are what drives him; he doesn't believe in America as an exceptional country ! He thinks it is unjust and needs socialists reforms. He doesn't act like he loves America. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
So? America doesnt like black folk. slavery is a stain on america. you gotta right a wrong. just look at what slavery has done 2 the black community, even 150 yrs later. your salvation is dependent upon our collective salvation.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Slavery - is now the unofficial law. by definition, minorities cant be racist. Originally Posted by Af-Freakin
Quite simply, you are seriously wrong.
First off all how is Rev Wright right racist? Do you actually know the true definition of racist? Could he be prejudice? Tell me how Rev Wright can be racist based on this definition: a person who believes in racism, the doctrine that a certain human race is superior to any or all others. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Quite simply, you are seriously wrong.

Definition of rac·ism

1. a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.


3.hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.

Definition of rac·ist

[one who practices] racial prejudice or discrimination.
Show me one sermon where Rev Wright said the black race is the superior race? Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Pick almost any of Wright’s sermons available on YouTube, and, unless you are blind, you’ll see Wright – posing as the representative of an intellectually and morally superior race – habitually and repeatedly denigrate whites and Jews. This is but one example:

“White Folks Lie!”
Also, quote me where Obama admitted he attended church service week after week? Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Obama admitted he attended church about twice a month in an interview with O’Reilly.
You do know that Rev Wright did preach sermons from the Bible and some people or should I say many go for his sermon from the Bible- what he says on his own is a different story. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Perhaps you can show the rest of this board where in the Bible it says that Thomas Jefferson was a rapist and a pedophile?
You IB are looking at Rev Wrights sermon from a white man's perspective - which is why you can't relate. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Because someone is not the right skin color they cannot understand an issue? Your statement is very similar to those ad hominem attacks made by Wright; your statement is a denigrating and racist statement of belief and not founded on quantifiable facts.