Who's your Favorite Showcase On Eccie

YohannG's Avatar
OMG... I found this showcase god she's hot what a (((body)))

http://www.eccie.net/providers.php?do=view&id=51026 Originally Posted by Sonya Playmate
Damnit, why did you have to post that? Now I have a boner and no relief. Looks like I'm gonna have to sneak out to Kansas, or can we lure her here?
Bobbie Bardot STEAMING HOT!

With all due respect to you VLB...you are a very beautiful young lady...no question about that. However, as much as you claim yourself to be unique, and the TOP provider in SA, and even with all your ATF clients coming to your rescue...and devoting themselves to you...does not necessarily MAKE you the #1 provider here. There are way too many different tastes and too many men...for anyone to claim to be the most UNIQUE or BEST. IMO...it's just silly to make such claims!

Regardless of what you may think...there are MANY naturally beautiful, intelligent, humble, drama-free, professional providers here...we each bring something unique to the hobby. I respect you for attending college...but, a college education is not a requirement to be an escort.

My good friend Sonya...is by far...one of the most RESPECTED and HIGHLY ADMIRED providers, in SA, by both hobbyists and providers. She exemplifies a very RARE trait...in the hobby...and as gorgeous and young as she is...and that is...HUMILITY. That is what makes her SHINE.
I nominate my own showcase. I love my body. I love my curves. I love my boobs. My own body turns me on. So there..I said it. I think I'm perfect. I have a small waist with wide hips and a banging booty. My breasts are amazingly soft and if I was a dude...I'd totally fuck me...LOL!
+1 in that babe.....
  • Laz
  • 08-20-2012, 07:41 PM

With all due respect, me and the lovely Sonya are very, very different. She's someone who I enjoyed due to her sweet passionate personality. I don't see much comparison, Laz. I'm sorry. I've only seen you once. My repeats tend to have a continuous desire to see me for other reasons and they compensate me well.


VLB Originally Posted by VIP Latina Barbie

I am sorry if you took my comment the wrong way. I was merely trying to tell Sonya that she is second to none. You are correct in that I have only seen you once. However, I have on several occasions made the observation publicly that your customer service is amazing. You could give classes it is so good. I have also stated that you refuse to let a customer go away unsatisfied. I know you went way above and beyond for me. I have a lot of respect for that. Nothing I said was meant to demean you in any way. Latina Lover is a mutual friend and can verify that I have said these things about you in the past.

For whatever reason something about Sonya appeals to me and she also has been very generous and kind to me. That does not make her better than you nor did I say that. I simply said she was every bit your equal. You are both different people and not the same in the way you operate but you are both class acts. I have been honored to spend time with both of you.

Again, sorry if I gave you the wrong impression.
  • Laz
  • 08-20-2012, 07:48 PM
I nominate my own showcase. I love my body. I love my curves. I love my boobs. My own body turns me on. So there..I said it. I think I'm perfect. I have a small waist with wide hips and a banging booty. My breasts are amazingly soft and if I was a dude...I'd totally fuck me...LOL! Originally Posted by Malaya

I am a dude and I would totally fuck you. Sexiness is attitude as much as anything else and you have that in spades as well as a cute body with sexy boobs.
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 08-20-2012, 08:54 PM
So, are some of you ignoring Post 77 and Post 88?

Any further posts that are off topic will be pointed!
Well I just found SG showcase very sexxxy
Mokoa, I am going to add to my showcase that I'm getting PhDs everyday! AKA Pretty Hard Dick. BAHAHAHAHAHAHA See I'm edumicated! Snort. Sorry...I mentioned to my ex that I would never compare to the awesome girls on the board and he's the one who told me I'm getting PhDs everyday. I'm still dying of laughter. *tear* I'm so easily amused. All San Antonio girls are beautiful and I'd love to get them all in a room to touch some naked titties!! Much love to ALL San Antonio showcases!
Jed Clampett's Avatar
I love ALL the showcases! They keep me up too late at night looking at them! I am thankful that I am not required to have my own showcase!
Sonya Playmate's Avatar
  • texcc
  • 08-21-2012, 05:58 AM
Here is one of my favorites Angelforu
ammonite's Avatar
I like everybodies showcase.

[Staff edit. M]
tctx13's Avatar
Hey all I certainly did not mean to get off topic, to offend anyone, or to create any issues here. I just made a statement and didn't realize it might not be taken in the spirit in which it was intended. So sorry about that. I apologize to VLB as well she was only trying to stand up for me, I did not mean to draw her into anything negative. She was just taking up for me because I think she does care about her clients and sometimes may get a little overly defensive because of her big heart and the love she does have for certain clients. She is very sweet to care that much.

So lets let it go and move on.

My apologies also to Slave Guinevere for not listing her showcase, it really is sexy as hell