Tucker Carlson or the CDC: Who Do You Trust More for Advice About Masks?

Looks like a Pittsburgh provider. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Hunter Biden is a dumb ass. What's that old saying "Like Father Like Son" Joe is a dummy and his son is a dummy. We have no leadership in this Country right now. They are all idiots. Everyone is on their own as far as I am concerned. It's really that simple.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Tonight Tucker was doing a piece on Stacey Abrams and said Stacy Abrams, who thinks she is the Governor of Georgia and "we believe her", I guess can expect a headline tomorrow on MSNBC that Tucker Carlson says he believes Stacey Abrams is the real governor of Georgia.

More people who don't understand his sarcasm.

"Misinterpretation". A lot of that going around these days. Prime example would be the Washington Post giving the Biden administration Four Pinocchio's for "misinterpreting" ( lying ) about what the new Georgia voter law said.

Hard to tell sometimes if people are misinterpreting what they hear, read or just decide for what ever reason, to lie about it.
matchingmole's Avatar
Tonight Tucker was doing a piece on Stacey Abrams and said Stacy Abrams, who thinks she is the Governor of Georgia and "we believe her", I guess can expect a headline tomorrow on MSNBC that Tucker Carlson says he believes Stacey Abrams is the real governor of Georgia.

More people who don't understand his sarcasm.

"Misinterpretation". A lot of that going around these days. Prime example would be the Washington Post giving the Biden administration Four Pinocchio's for "misinterpreting" ( lying ) about what the new Georgia voter law said.

Hard to tell sometimes if people are misinterpreting what they hear, read or just decide for what ever reason, to lie about it. Originally Posted by HedonistForever

Glad I missed that
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Glad I missed that Originally Posted by matchingmole

there's always the Madcow on MSDNC. you might find her views more palatable ..

HedonistForever's Avatar
She's looking more like Woody Allen everyday.
  • Tiny
  • 05-08-2021, 11:42 AM
there's always the Madcow on MSDNC. you might find her views more palatable ..

Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
She's an expert at pulling on heartstrings. People on the left are particularly vulnerable to this, because they think with their hearts, not their heads.

Last night she starts out with an interview with an old black woman who went to vote in a Texas primary in 1918, and was turned back. Then she moves onto a black man who sued to force the state of Texas to allow blacks to vote in primaries. And highlights that Thurgood Marshall, the first black Supreme Court Justice was his lawyer. And Marshall said this was the most important case he ever handled. Then she fast forwards to 2021 and shows a Texas Democratic legislator browbeating a poor young Republican who had the misfortune to put the phrase "purity of the ballot box" into the proposed Texas election bill. The phrase "purity of the ballot box" also happened to be in a very old Texas election law during the Jim Crow era.

So what does all this have to do with the current proposed election bill in Texas? Jack, zip, nada. It's irrelevant. But somehow left leaning journalists and politicians have made these proposed laws in Georgia, Florida, Texas etc. all about race, when they have nothing to do with it. What's hilarious is that more than once on CNN and MSNBC I've seen segments when they highlight that something like 45 evil state governments are looking at passing new election laws. Do these yahoos realize close to half of those states are run by Democrats? They're trying to blame Republicans for Democratic Party legislation.

This is an effective strategy of the left. Stacy Abrams used it to good effect in Georgia, to help elect Biden, and Warnock and Ossoff as Senators. She got black voters mad as hell because they thought the Republicans were trying to steal the election, and this greatly increased Democratic turnout.

Then you had Trump out there telling people not to trust mail in voting and later before the Georgia runoffs telling people the election was rigged, implying their votes didn't matter. Further evidence of my theory, confirmed by LexusLover, that Trump is a Democrat.
She's looking more like Woody Allen everyday. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Hahahaha......I was thinking the same dam thing. It's not surprising she looks like a man, she's a Tranny.
  • Tiny
  • 05-08-2021, 11:48 AM
More people who don't understand his sarcasm.

"Misinterpretation". A lot of that going around these days. Prime example would be the Washington Post giving the Biden administration Four Pinocchio's for "misinterpreting" ( lying ) about what the new Georgia voter law said.

Hard to tell sometimes if people are misinterpreting what they hear, read or just decide for what ever reason, to lie about it. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
All I know is that I have several friends who watch Tucker Carlson religiously and who aren't going to get vaccinated come hell or high water. And they're old and have underlying conditions. As to his sarcasm and talking in riddles or whatever it is that he does, is this a strategy to avoid getting sued? Fox is being hit with 4.3 billion in lawsuits from Dominion and Smartmatic in part because of Carlson, so maybe he's slippery with his wording on purpose. Maybe he doesn't want people suing him or Fox because their grandparents, who thought Tucker hung the moon, died of COVID.

I don't think he should be censored or pulled from the air. But then I don't think recipes for bombs and drugs should be censored or removed from the internet either.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Anti-vaxxers existed before COVID-19. I'm a little hesitant to take the vaccine, because of the stories of people getting ill for weeks afterwards, and I work from home and don't really go out. So, I don't see the urgency for me to take this experimental vaccine.

I remember the CDC saying that wearing a mask is more protection than getting the vaccine. I wonder if they are now retracting that statement. I don't care. Fuck them.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Anti-vaxxers existed before COVID-19. I'm a little hesitant to take the vaccine, because of the stories of people getting ill for weeks afterwards, and I work from home and don't really go out. So, I don't see the urgency for me to take this experimental vaccine.

I remember the CDC saying that wearing a mask is more protection than getting the vaccine. I wonder if they are now retracting that statement. I don't care. Fuck them. Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong
wearing a mask doesn't guarantee 100% protection. wearing a face shield are better as it protects all the entry points.
Anti-vaxxers existed before COVID-19. I'm a little hesitant to take the vaccine, because of the stories of people getting ill for weeks afterwards, and I work from home and don't really go out. So, I don't see the urgency for me to take this experimental vaccine.

I remember the CDC saying that wearing a mask is more protection than getting the vaccine. I wonder if they are now retracting that statement. I don't care. Fuck them. Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong
The best Flu Vaccine ever to come out was only 40% effective that's on a good day and it took about seven years to develop. So this Covid vaccine that has been pushed out in less than a year with very little research is nothing but trash and isn't effective at all in preventing Covid-19, I don't give a fuck what anyone says.
"wearing a mask doesn't guarantee 100% protection. wearing a face shield are better as it protects all the entry points"

Probably the dumbest statement on this board from a scientific standpoint...and no, I won't explain why because I've addressed multiple times. Bottom line, only an N95 mask or positive pressure helmet protect your "entry points". Masks and face shields are only intended to minimize transmission to "entry points" of others. Don't know why this so hard to comprehend.
"don't give a fuck what anyone says"

That's fairly obvious. I suppose you determine flu vaccine effectiveness and the "trashiness" of the covid vaccine through your own independent research.
bambino's Avatar
She's looking more like Woody Allen everyday. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
That was truly funny and spot on. They’re both lunatics.
matchingmole's Avatar
wearing a mask doesn't guarantee 100% protection. wearing a face shield are better as it protects all the entry points. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
