OH2 Whores.....

BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 04-18-2022, 07:53 AM
I can't imagine how much rejection and getting turned down it must have taken for people to create online personas to talk in ways they wouldn't even think of talking in public.

Claiming to 'run the show' only proves how little you run in your own house.

I knew it had been pretty chill at OH2 lately, and I just realized it was because Vanilla Cinderella and Ball Licking Man were gone. The only two people I've ever seen in my life that scream about other people not having game while the only pussy they get is paid for. Originally Posted by DTexas
Here comes another mandle LMAO, why does or how do my post affect you? Why is it a problems when I say that tricks run the show? Do whores run the show? Does a consumer run the show? Do you allow a seller tell you what to do and how you're gonna get it? It shows a lot who's the bitch in your household

About having game, you know nothing about me trick, I'll nut in your wife that doesn't fuck you anymore, someone has to be filling that whore up since you're over here paying for pussy, tell me about your game playboy
Precious_b's Avatar
As per Mr. Precious ..."TT, you either have direct knowledge or second hand information".
(Well, read on PB, the dude you admire so much is doing the same. Go figure.)
.... Originally Posted by Torre Tames
I was gonna say let's keep it simple and respond to the first quote.

Seeing how this thread is going, forget about it.
And it isn't only about the person you are posting about.
pmdelites's Avatar
so, which OH2 whores or users were we discussing??
LadyAnastasia's Avatar
I know sweetness (yea I said it)
You're super sweet when you talk to me, and I love it. We believe in real communication, but I don't like this version of you, I get it, it's a persona but I don't like it.

This place was way more fun when we could ALL have fun convos instead of defending our individual thoughts/ideas. The women were more active when we didn't feel like we were being attacked every post. The men used to post more but now they are accused of being this, that, or the other.
There are zero reasons to act like drunken Irishmen when we're here to have a safe community. Everyone has to put on their big-kid clothes (not me) and STFU, in case you didn't know, that's bad when the little one has to tell you that.

Ease up. Insert *Big doe eyes* Remember, I'm a snowflake, and I will cry.

This is as honest as I can get
Brandofan's Avatar
Toodles? I don't hate you, glad you had enough and tapped out. Maybe the old whore will log in now 😂 Originally Posted by BLM69
He definitely has an effeminate beta-sub enjoys the taste of pillow linen way about him.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 04-25-2022, 08:35 PM
At least Tricks are still running the show, I hear OH2 is a ghost town with the exception of the whores that are in there with the lights off LMAO

CK still being cheap and doesn't want to pay anyone to fix the site.....
Precious_b's Avatar
The amount of traffic there has dropped like a lead ballon.
Why their internet issues haven't been solved, idk.
GayleMeyers's Avatar
I like your style ... ;-)
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 05-02-2022, 10:06 AM
I like your style ... ;-) Originally Posted by GayleMeyers
Thanks babe, All my whores love my style