Dr. Ben Carson throws his hat in the ring.

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  • 11-12-2014, 09:40 AM

IMHO, he can bring people together, he is not so egotistical, that he won't speak/listen to the people who know more than he does on any given issue, he wants "the people" all people of America to have the same rights, and get up and rebuild America, with our own power, not taking the power/money from someone else who worked hard for it, that being said, he is not opposed to a "bridge" for the down trodden.

. Originally Posted by Cherie

With all due respect, Originally Posted by Cherie
With all due respect Missy, you are full of shit if you think anybody can bring both the so called left/right together. You sound like an Obama supporter in reverse.

On the bright side, I have supplied you with a study backing up my statement.

The implication is clear. We may all be racist and sexist and ageist at heart, but this is not our doing—we have merely internalized what we have been hearing and reading and seeing our whole life, that is, we are thirsty sponges, and we pick up the patterns that culture happily spoonfeeds us, and we haplessly store it all in our thirsty memory banks, gladly retrieving the connection and filling in the blanks.
One conclusion from this study is clear. For most of us, the racist/sexist/ageist inside us may not be a monster of our own making; s/he is not a reflection of who we are, but a reflection of where we've been. Being faster to associate ‘black' with ‘violence' doesn't imply that you are a hardcore racist, it sadly just means you're American.
LOL, Simply put, we are our thoughts and they are always correct, for instance, If you think life sucks, your right, but, if you think, life is great, your also right, we all have that chose, for myself, I choose the latter.
Have a most beautiful, Sir
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  • 11-12-2014, 10:17 AM
LOL, Simply put, we are our thoughts and they are always correct, for instance, If you think life sucks, your right, but, if you think, life is great, your also right, we all have that chose, for myself, I choose the latter.
Have a most beautiful, Sir Originally Posted by Cherie
So if you think you're a Turkey , then you're a Turkey.

If you think you are a God....then you are?

Explains JD, JL and COG, one thinks he is a Teacher the other a enlightened Jew and the third a Libertarian. Nothing could be further from reality.

Thank you for your contributions to this thread.

Nothing like a little mysticism injected into the thread.

My observation has been that the leaders of this type of thinking in short time have their followers forking over money for more feel good phrases that have no basis in reality.

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Beautiful Cherie, if you think you will have an intelligent and respectful discussion with WPF, you will be disappointed. He frequently reads books and articles he can't understand then pretends he's an expert. It's pretty funny, but he gets more annoying and disrespectful as he is exposed for the ignorant fraud that he is.
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  • 11-12-2014, 11:46 AM
He frequently reads books and articles s. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Something you obviously have not done!

Quick question. ..do you think this Doctor can unite America? That is wtf she said. Do you believe that hogwash.

Are you and a few other posters in this forum the only muther fuckers in the whole world not effected by your surroundings?
gfejunkie's Avatar
if you think you will have an intelligent and respectful discussion with WPF, you will be disappointed. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
No shit, COG!

Maybe if I said it like Dr. Seuss (which is about his comprehension level) he'd get it...

Yes, I would support Ben Carson by voting for him in a primary election.

Yes, I would support Ben Carson by voting for him in a general election.

I would support Ben Carson by voting for him anywhere, any time, any place.

LexusLover's Avatar
Something you obviously have not done! Originally Posted by WTF
Does Barnes & Nobles get lonely, since you are the only one who reads?
With all due respect Missy, you are WRONG if you think anybody can bring both the so called left/right together.

. Originally Posted by WTF

I finally sort of agree with you

for this very reason most democrats should be shot for treason, or utter stupidity or for being covetous while slothful...or in many cases for undertaking all three at the same time

but Ronald Reagan was able to awaken the Reagan democrats..those not totally without any redeeming qualities, so carson may be able to salvage some people
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  • WTF
  • 11-12-2014, 01:08 PM
No shit, COG!

Maybe if I said it like Dr. Seuss (which is about his comprehension level) he'd get it...

Yes, I would support Ben Carson by voting for him in a primary election.

Yes, I would support Ben Carson by voting for him in a general election.

I would support Ben Carson by voting for him anywhere, any time, any place.

Sheesh! Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Let's wait and see if you put your vote where you say you will. Talk is cheap. My bet is this House ******* will not get the nomination and you and I both know that.
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  • 11-12-2014, 01:11 PM
Does Barnes & Nobles get lonely, since you are the only one who reads? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Just because you and COG only parrot GOP talking point....do not assume the rest of humanity not reading and learning.
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  • 11-12-2014, 01:15 PM

but Ronald Reagan was able to awaken the Reagan democrats..those not totally without any redeeming qualities, so carson may be able to salvage some people Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Reagan with his State Rights bs was able to harvest you hillbillies from the South still loyal to the Democratic brand but not happy with the negro/jew/women invasion of their party!

boardman's Avatar
LOL, Simply put, we are our thoughts and they are always correct, for instance, If you think life sucks, your right, but, if you think, life is great, your also right, we all have that chose, for myself, I choose the latter.
Have a most beautiful, Sir Originally Posted by Cherie
Seriously, All those, fucking commas, make my, head hurt,!

There may be a point in your posts but I can't decipher it.
Quick answer, I believe, the amalgamation of Dr Carson and Mitt Romney, would be a most exemplary representation for the Republican Party, with Romney's business acumen, (not much of a public speaker though) not being ego driven (when you know who you are, your ego doesn't control you) love of our Nation, which should be the fundamental principle of anyone who we hire to influence the course of events in this great Nation.

I believe he and Dr Carson would make one hell of a team, as one of his peers, Dr Goodman so succinctly states, “His peers view him as a caring and compassionate individual who is capable of making tough decisions, communicating with patients and colleagues,” he said. “Most importantly, he is a man of his word, who thinks clearly and acts decisively – important qualities for any physician or any president.” http://humanevents.com/2014/09/28/go...use-residency/

Being the person that he is and not driven by ego, (he will listen to people who have the expertise and the knowledge on any given subject, and make an "informed decision") also, being a man who speaks from the heart and not a teleprompter, he can certainly answer "off the cuff" with a great deal of diplomacy, which needs to be brought back by our leaders, if we wish to bring Unity to our people and to our country.

Somewhere in this "pot of gold" I believe that Herman Cain fits, due to the fact that he has numerous degrees in mathematics and, of course very few people are aware that he is a mathematician of ballistics.

With this trifecta, IMHO, The United States of America could very well be on a "healing course" that "we the people" could once again be proud of. Originally Posted by Cherie
Mitt Romney already lost an election (and lost bad). No way Republicans are gonna nominate him a second time. Republicans will probably nominate another governor. As for Ben Carson, you folk may admire him but you won't vote for him once you are in that booth. Hell if Fox News turned on his ass today yall would hate him.
Seriously, All those, fucking commas, make my, head hurt,!
There may be a point in your posts but I can't decipher it.

LOL, sorry Boardman, don't mean to hurt your head, but grammar, the English language
and words are very important in getting a message across, but in order to convey that message, instead of having a run on sentence, one must separate, and in the world of words, commas have many usages.

"Commas are used to divide or separate parts of a sentence in order to make the meaning clear and the sentence easier to read. They mark a brief pause in the sentence, usually at a point where you would naturally pause if you were speaking rather than writing. They may be used to separate individual words or phrases within the sentence. Some examples of the main types of usage are given below" (This paragraph was an APA citation, but can't find where it came from right now)

This site also explains reasons for comma usage:
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  • 11-12-2014, 08:36 PM

"Commas are used to divide or separate parts of a sentence in order to make the meaning clear and the sentence easier to read.
http://www.grammarbook.com/punctuation/commas.asp Originally Posted by Cherie
Maybe Dr. Carson can do away with comma's when he is elected President and brings both parties together
