The Mueller report

eccieuser9500's Avatar
Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

When you're reduced to a cheesey meme as a comeback, I'll take that as a win.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
When you're reduced to a cheesey meme as a comeback, I'll take that as a win. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

thank you valued poster! i'm sorry but you must provide a link to your "meme of the day" poll to prove your "win"

we cannot credit you with a meme poll award without validation.

eccieuser9500's Avatar

The main contention of MacCracken is that the so-called power to punish for contempt may never be exerted, in the case of a private citizen, solely qua punishment. The argument is that the power may by used by the legislative body merely as a means of removing an existing obstruction to the performance of its duties; . . . .

The judgment of the Court of Appeals should be reversed; and that of the Supreme Court of the District should be affirmed.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Then you must agree the Legislative branch has every right to check and balance the Executive branch. Right? Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
Yes and vice versa. In fact there should be a large scale arrest incident within our Government going as far back to the George W. Bush administration. Most members of Congress are criminals. In fact the ones that keep squawking about Trump and now Barr should be in prison for their crimes.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Just more deflection , away from the ""Overwhelmed "' Border issues
The same idiots that started the nothing investigation are not happy with the NOTHING of its outcome

As for the "checks and Balance " investigation Zero " The end ,
Jaxson66's Avatar
Yes and vice versa. In fact there should be a large scale arrest incident within our Government going as far back to the George W. Bush administration. Most members of Congress are criminals. In fact the ones that keep squawking about Trump and now Barr should be in prison for their crimes. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Damn, that reads a lot like a political coup, unless you’re referring to arresting both sides of the aisle. That’s banana republic bullshit.
  • oeb11
  • 05-09-2019, 08:36 AM
Precedent - Chavez and Maduro - Venezuela
Castro - Cuba
Ceaucescu- Romania
And the beat goes on.

AOC and Bernie release a manifesto against banks and credit cards today at Noon- be sure to be part of the Show!!!
lustylad's Avatar

It's basic civics man. C'mon! Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
How about a little "basic history", man? One of the articles of impeachment against Nixon was for abusing the IRS. Nixon tried to weaponize the agency by pressuring it to audit the tax returns of his political enemies.

Now explain why Jerry Nadler and the fucking dim-retards shouldn't be impeached for the same thing. It's a crime for the IRS to leak or publish or release anyone's private tax returns.

You obviously flunked civics, man!
  • grean
  • 05-09-2019, 09:03 AM
A bipartisan effort with nunes & schiff is underway to get full report.

The Republican lead senate subcommittee has subpoenaed Trump Jr.
I B Hankering's Avatar
no precedent

Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
It's remarkable that you can spell it, but it's manifestly evident you haven't grasped either the concept or the meaning.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Sure. Just keep lying to yourself. Keep those blinders on. Maybe stick your head in the sand.

  • grean
  • 05-09-2019, 11:01 AM
How about a little "basic history", man? One of the articles of impeachment against Nixon was for abusing the IRS. Nixon tried to weaponize the agency by pressuring it to audit the tax returns of his political enemies.

Now explain why Jerry Nadler and the fucking dim-retards shouldn't be impeached for the same thing. It's a crime for the IRS to leak or publish or release anyone's private tax returns.

You obviously flunked civics, man! Originally Posted by lustylad

Congress will likely see Trump's returns.
Damn, that reads a lot like a political coup, unless you’re referring to arresting both sides of the aisle. That’s banana republic bullshit. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
The Political Coup is whats taking place now. Why do you think Democrats are trying so desperately to bring Trump down? It doesn't have anything to do with any Collusion or Obstruction by Trump. It has more to do with exposure of Criminality with in our Government. Arrests will lead to indictments, but first the truth must be exposed. Thats why there is so much controversy and confusion. It's done on purpose to distract from the truth.
A bipartisan effort with nunes & schiff is underway to get full report.
. Originally Posted by grean
Really? Link where Nunes is involved? If they want the full report they can go to a secured room. That's part of the issue. Nobody wants to read to full report. They want the full report so they can get a lackey to read it so they have ammo (real or fake) to load up on and prolong it.

I read where the Senate wants Don Jr to testify so he can describe the differences between what he said and what Michael Cohen said. Michael Cohen just went to jail. If they needed to level accounts, why did the Senate wait until Cohen was in jail? The Senate already said no conspiracy before Mueller did.